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What Passes for Autism Research?

A new "study" informs us that persons with Asperger's Disorder and High Functioning Autism  are more likely to be atheists

How does that help us understand the biological basis for autism disorders? How does that help us understand the causes of autism disorders? How does that help us find treatments or cures for a serious neurological disorder? How does that help us understand the lives of those severely affected by autism disorders who live their lives dependent on the care of others? 

Apart from the subject matter the study also excluded low functioning persons with autistic disorder, those with intellectual disabilities and those living in institutional care. The chart above distinguishes between NT "neurotypical" and ASD "autism spectrum disorder" which were all Aspergers and High Functioning Autistic persons. Apparently it is OK to excluded the large numbers of persons with autistic disorder who are intellectually disabled and/or low functioning when reaching conclusions about persons with autism spectrum disorders. 

Apparently anything can constitute "autism research"?
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