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Make your Phone your Wallet - Google Wallet Launched

Last May Google announced Google Wallet—an app that makes your phone your wallet—with Citi, MasterCard, Sprint and First Data. With Google Wallet, you can tap, pay and save using your phone and near field communication (NFC).

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They said they had been testing it extensively, and today they are releasing the first version of the app to Sprint. That means the beginning to roll out Google Wallet to all Sprint Nexus S 4G phones through an over-the-air update—just look for the “Wallet” app. Here’s a demo of Google Wallet in action. The details here:



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Introducing Google Wallet

According to Google - This is still just the beginning and while we’re excited about this first step, we look forward to bringing Google Wallet to more phones in the future. You can learn more about Google Wallet at google.com/wallet.


Google goal is to make it possible to add all of our payment cards to Google Wallet, so you can say goodbye to even the biggest traditional wallets.

This would be cool if they can rollout this for worldwide use. But who knows, maybe it’s just a matter of time  before we can start using it here in Philippines.

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