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Why Autism? An Excellent Question

"at this moment some one with autism is being born, the question is W H Y"
Kevin Fox, UK autism dad, posted on facebook
Hopefully, some day in the not too distant future, researchers and public health authorities will ask themselves the question Kevin Fox asked on facebook. WHY autism? Simply assuming that autism is 100% genetic is not science. It is long past time for the "it's gotta be genetic" mindset identified by Teresa Binstock in 1999 to be put aside and research conducted to understand all of the causes and triggers of autism - genetic, biological and environmental. If those causes or triggers include vaccines or vaccine ingredients then so be it. This parent, and most parents, want to know why their child has an autism disorder. With numbers of autism diagnoses rising society has an interest in knowing W H Y.
Why autism is a question which remains unanswered. Public health authorities and researchers who are afraid to explore all possible answers to that question for fear that the answer might point to vaccines, or to industrial products, should step aside and let real scientists and researchers, those with open minds and without conflicts of interest weighing them down, do the necessary research to answer it.
Why autism? Let's get busy and answer that excellent question.

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