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Introducing... Foodie Freebie Fridays!

My motto for the 2009 year is 'Attitude of Gratitude '... in an effort to focus and be thankful for all the blessings I have in life rather than things I don't have. One of those blessings include the readers of my blog, who inspire, motivate and encourage me to continue learning and sharing my culinary adventures. I had so much fun with the Cookie Lovers Giveaway that I wanted to continue offering food related gifts to my readers throughout this new year. So I present a new culinary adventure just for my readers... Foodie Freebie Friday!

I know not all my readers have their own blogs to participate in my blogging adventures so here's something everyone can participate in regardless if you're a blogger or reader. This is my way of thanking you for your readership and besides, I'd love to give you some goodies to have an actual culinary adventure on your own!

Starting Monday, January 5, 2009, I'll post the giveaway of the week and details on how to enter. That's 52 foodie freebies you could potentially receive! Readers will have all week to submit an entry for the giveaway up through Thursday at 12 midnight, PST (with my west coast readers in mind.) The winner will be randomly chosen by Random.Org's Interger Generator based on the number of your comment. The winner will be announced and the foodie freebie will be mailed at the end of the week on Friday.

Good luck and Stay Tuned...
I look forward to sending you
a little culinary adventure to enjoy!
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