Autism Heroines Lara Hawkings and Sally Eva

In the United Kingdom parents fighting to help their autistic children overcome the deficits of their autism disorders, fighting to help their children as all parents do, face opposition from a National Autistic Society which has drunk deep from the kool aid of the neurodiversity "movement". In Autism: What are the ethics of treating disability the Independent reports on a letter Treating Autism signed by parents, including Lara Hawkings and Sally Eva, fighting for treatment for their autistic children in the face of opposition by the National Autistic Society.

In the UK the National Autistic Society has adopted the "autism is beautiful" ideology and frowns upon parents like Lara Hawkings and Sally Eva who fight to help their own children overcome and recover from the sometimes debilitating deficits of their neurological disorder. Awareness is helpful. But saying that society should change how it views autism will not help those autistic children who need help for the more serious symptoms of autism, a neurological disorder.

Neurodiversity ideologues are not human rights advocates. They are in fact suppressing the human rights of autistic children; their right to be treated for their neurological disorders. And they are suppressing the rights of parents to help their own children. The UK NAS should be ashamed of itself for imbibing this topsy turvy ideology and for helping suppress the human rights, including the right to be treated for their neurological disorders, of autistic children in the UK.

I wish the best for Lara Hawkings and Sally Eva and all parents in the UK trying to help, to truly help, their autistic children. And for the NAS I wish that some day they will cease swallowing the neurodiversity kool aid and drink from the well of common sense.
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