Salads Get No Respect

This weekend was pretty full of good food, but I feel like my body needs to go into detox. I didn't splurge much at all with the dinner events I hosted over the weekend but I was craving some fresh veggies. So today for lunch, I made a salad.

Don't you hate the rep salads get? Some folks think salads are lame, boring and too healthy to taste good. I'll admit, I had that same thinking until I started being creative with salads. They are a blank canvas to capture flavors, textures, colors... only healthier!

Today my salad consisted of a baked boneless, skinless chicken breast that was marinated in southwest seasoning. I also made a quick mango salsa (fresh mangoes, chopped bell pepper, garlic, red onion, salt & pepper, green onion) to offset the spicy chicken with some sweetness. For texture, I added some slivered almonds. Lastly, all my salads involve a little bit of cheese so I added a pinch of gorgonzola for a bit of tang.

Love and embrace salads... they're good for you!
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