So I had a bunch of apricots sitting on my counter starting to wither up a bit. When I say a bunch I mean that I cought a whole thing of them at Costco. I really thought everyone liked them. Seems they do they just won't eat them???!!!
I decided to use some of them in a tart. Remember the tart that I made a couple of weeks ago, numerous times? This time I decided to use the apricots in it. This was going to be my entry into this months Royal Foodie Joust but I just screwed it up too badly so back to the drawing board on that one!!! I had several other ideas so this is okay!
On to the tart:
I played around with the ingredients. I added some whole wheat flour to the crust and that part was good. I made the filling and had it all poured into the crust and arranged the apricots in the tart. It looked so pretty!!!
I started cleaning up and I was washing some stuff. I grabbed a bowl that had some stuff still in it. OMG - I FORGOT THE FREAKING SUGAR???!!! Where the hell is y head???? Could it be on the pizza dough I was making for dinner, or the bread that I was baking for lunch tomorrow, or possibly on the stuff I was chopping up to put on the pizza???? Maybe I do try to do too much at once???
My solution: Pop that sucker out of the oven (5 minutes in), bump the filling out, stir in the sugar, put it back in the oven and hope it turns out. No hope in that!!!
It looked terrible. Funny thing is though it tasted great. I had added ginger in with the apricots and all the flavors blended nicely. The lemon, ginger, apricots.
Now onto the apricots. How can they feel so soft when they are raw but if you are too lazy to peel them and cook them in a tart they feel as thick and nasty as peach skins??? Could I have done anything worse to this tart? Oh yah burning the crust!!!
My pizza with just olive oil, fresh tomatoes, fresh and grated mozzarella and fresh basil and oregano!
For dinner we had pizza. I've posted this before so see here. I love mine simple with just some olive oil, mozzarella (fresh and shredded) and fresh tomatoes. T. has his with anything he can find or that I have cut up, the youngest one had tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni and the oldest has just cheese. Everyone was happy!I will try this tart again but not for the joust that will be a different thing!
As Always...
Happy Entertaining!!!
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