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Posted on 6:25 ص
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Here's the first prepaid mobile app that allows subscribers to create their own call and text. Try with this mobile internet promo.
Globe Telecom’s digital brand for the youth launches the country’s first and most innovative prepaid mobile application – GoSakto App which allows prepaid customers to create their own call, text and mobile internet promo without the need for Wi-Fi.
Ancora una deliziosa ricetta di Giovanni Rota pubblicata nel numero di febbraio della Cucina Italiana, sapori insoliti, ma decisamente gustosi!
Per realizzare queste delicate quenelle di sedano rapa al curry vi occorreranno 670g di sedano rapa già pulito, 400g di latte, 350g di patate pelate, 200g di panna fresca, 50g di grana grattugiato più un po', 1 tuorlo, 2 cucchiaini di curry mild, 1 cucchiaio di erba cipollina a rondelle, burro, sale e pepe bianco.
Cominciate con il tagliare a dadolata il sedano rapa e le patate e mettete in una casseruola con il latte e la panna, unite sale, pepe, curry e cuocete per circa 40 minuti.
Passate quindi le verdure cotte al passaverdura ed unitevi il grana, il tuorlo, l'erba cipollina e formate con il composto ottenuto delle quenelle, che andranno messe in una pirifola, condite con un po' di burro e spolverate con il grana e infornate a 200°C per 10' circa.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 5:57 ص
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Lenovo Philippines just announced the availability of Lenovo S650 and S930 in Philippine market, all-rounder S-series smartphones fresh from being unveiled at the recently held Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014.
Lenovo S650 Lenovo S930
Michael Ngan, Country General Manager of Lenovo Philippines, explains the reason behind the launch of the new S-series, saying "Smartphones have already become fully integrated into the daily lives of Filipinos.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 4:37 ص
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Preserver Series is one of the newest products from OtterBox its waterproof, dust proof and drop proof case for iPhone 5, iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.
Tenkiebox gave us a Preserver Series Case for iPhone 5 during the Press Event where the they feature the waterproof capability of the preserver. So read on to know more about the Preserver case.
Δεν είναι ξεδιάντροπα θρασύτατο το πόκερ που έχει στηθεί μεταξύ των μεγάλων δυνάμεων για το μοίρασμα των περιουσιών των κρατών και την οπισθοδρόμηση σε νεοαποικιακά καθεστώτα; Μέσα στο παγκοσμιοποιημένο καπιταλιστικό σύστημα, η απληστία για ακόμα μεγαλύτερο πλούτο που θα παρέχει η ηγεμονία σε όποιον την κατακτήσει φαίνεται πως συναρπάζει όλο και περισσότερο τις μεγάλες δυνάμεις. Οι πειρασμοί σε αυτόν τον παγκόσμιο πόλεμο με οικονομικά όπλα είναι δελεαστικοί. Οι κίνδυνοι και οι παγίδες από αυτήν την ξέφρενη κούρσα υποτιμούνται. Είναι αδύνατον πλέον να μαντέψεις το σημείο ισορροπίας της νέας παγκόσμιας τάξης. Εκτός αν επιβεβαιωθούν οι από το 1996 προφητείες Μπρζεζίνσκι για... τελικό ΗΠΑ vs Κίνας και ο θεός βοηθός.
ΑΦΟΡΜΗ για αυτήν την εισαγωγή, το επίκαιρο θέμα της Ουκρανίας. Το 2004 ο φιλοδυτικός Γιούστσενκο χάνει τις προεδρικές εκλογές, δεν αναγνωρίζει όμως το αποτέλεσμα και ξεκινάει την "πορτοκαλί επανάσταση" για την ανατροπή του φιλορώσου Γιανουκόβιτς. Με τη βοήθεια των ΗΠΑ (κυρίως) καταφέρνει να υποχρεώσει τον Γιανουκόβιτς σε νέες εκλογές, τις οποίες κερδίζει και κυβερνάει τη χώρα από το 2005 έως το 2010. Νούμερο δύο στην πορεία αυτή, ήταν η Γιούλια Τιμοσένκο. Πρωτοανέλαβε πρωθυπουργός για λίγο διάστημα το 2005 και μετά επανέρχεται στην ίδια θέση το 2007. Στις προεδρικές εκλογές του 2010 κατεβαίνει υποψήφια κόντρα στον Γιανουκόβιτς και τον απερχόμενο πρόεδρο Γιούστσενκο. Αν και είχε ανακοινώσει ότι θα αποδεχτεί το όποιο αποτέλεσμα, χάνει στον δεύτερο γύρο λαμβάνοντας 45,5% έναντι 49% του Γιανουκόβιτς. Η Τιμοσένκο αρνείται το αποτέλεσμα, αλλά δεν βρίσκει τη στήριξη που απαιτείται, για να καταλήξει στη φυλακή με ποινή 7 ετών για διαφθορά.
ΟΙ ΠΡΩΤΕΣ διαδηλώσεις ξεκινούν αρχές Δεκεμβρίου 2013, αμέσως μετά την άρνηση του προέδρου Γιανουκόβιτς να υπογράψει τη συμφωνία οικονομικής συνεργασίας με την Ε.Ε. Είναι ενδεικτικό του ενδιαφέροντος της Γερμανίας το ότι ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Γκίντο Βεστερβέλε συναντήθηκε στην κεντρική Πλατεία Ανεξαρτησίας του Κιέβου (4.12.13) με τον πρωταθλητή του μποξ και ηγέτη κόμματος της αντιπολίτευσης Βιτάλι Κλίτσκο και φωτογραφήθηκε περιτριγυρισμένος από Ουκρανούς διαδηλωτές που κρατούσαν σημαίες της Ε.Ε. και της Ουκρανίας. Παρά τις αντιδράσεις της Ρωσίας και τις παρασκηνιακές επαφές για την εξεύρεση μιας λύσης, Γερμανία και ΗΠΑ δεν υποχώρησαν και τελικά κατάφεραν με νέα "επανάσταση" να ρίξουν από την εξουσία τον Γιανουκόβιτς.
ΔΗΛΑΔΗ η πιστή στους κοινοβουλευτικούς κανόνες Δύση αποδέχεται τις λαϊκές "επαναστατικές" ενέργειες επειδή το προηγούμενο καθεστώς ήταν αντιδημοκρατικό και διεφθαρμένο; Πόσο πιο φαύλο και διεφθαρμένο ήταν από το δικό μας καθεστώς των Σαμαρά - Βενιζέλου, που κυβερνούν με προεδρικά διατάγματα κόντρα στο Σύνταγμα, τη βούληση αλλά και την προεκλογική εντολή των πολιτών; Και πόσο πιο διεφθαρμένο ήταν από το δικό μας πάρτι της κλεπτοκρατίας που συνεχίζεται; Βρήκαν -λέει- λογαριασμό καταθέσεων του Γιανουκόβιτς ύψους 16 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ! Και τι είναι 16 εκατομμύρια ευρώ; Τόσα έχει στο λογαριασμό του και ο Άγγελος Φιλιππίδης, άσε τον Κάντα, που από ό,τι υπολογίζει πρέπει να έχει 18 εκατομμύρια από τις μίζες των εξοπλιστικών. Δεν συζητάμε για τον Άκη, διότι είναι τεχνικά αδύνατο να μετρηθούν τα κλοπιμαία. Δηλαδή, αν για παράδειγμα γίνει μια μεγάλη διαδήλωση στην Αθήνα και περικυκλωθεί η Βουλή με αίτημα την παραίτηση της κυβέρνησης, οι ΗΠΑ και η Ε.Ε. θα επιδείξουν την ίδια δημοκρατική ευαισθησία;
ΜΗΠΩΣ το Αζερμπαϊτζάν και το Ουζμπεκιστάν έχουν αδιάφθορα καθεστώτα και δημοκρατία; Έχουν όμως πετρέλαιο και φυσικό αέριο τα οποία εκμεταλλεύονται οι "επτά αδελφές". Το συνονθύλευμα των ισλαμιστών μαχητών (με τη συμμετοχή και της Αλ Κάιντα) κατά του Άσαντ, το οποίο χρηματοδοτούν οι... δημοκρατικές δυνάμεις Σαουδική Αραβία και Κουβέιτ και υποστηρίζουν τεχνικά (οπλισμός, οργάνωση και πληροφορίες) Τουρκία, Ισραήλ και ΗΠΑ, γιατί ονομάζεται "Ελεύθερος Δημοκρατικός Στρατός" της Συρίας; Η εισβολή στο Ιράκ για την εξουδετέρωση των βιολογικών όπλων του Σαντάμ, που δεν υπήρχαν, αποκατέστησε καμιά δημοκρατία στη χώρα; Αποκαταστάθηκε κάποια δημοκρατία στη Λιβύη; Θα "αποκατασταθεί" η δημοκρατία στη Βενεζουέλα με εξεγέρσεις τύπου Ουκρανίας;
ΟΜΩΣ το Ουκρανικό ζήτημα κινδυνεύει να βυθίσει την Ε.Ε. σε μια πολυδιάστατη πολιτική, θεσμική και οικονομική κρίση. Η χώρα είναι χρεοκοπημένη και παραγωγικά κατεστραμμένη. Τα άμεσα αναγκαία κεφάλαια χρηματοδότησης της ουκρανικής οικονομίας υπολογίζονται σε 35 δισ. ευρώ. Η βαριά βιομηχανία είναι απολύτως εξαρτημένη από τις εξαγωγές στη Ρωσία, την οποία προμηθεύει (ακόμα) κινητήρες αεροσκαφών και πυραύλων, ενώ χωρίς την ενεργειακή βοήθεια της Μόσχας η Ουκρανία θα παγώσει. ΗΠΑ και Ε.Ε. σε καμιά περίπτωση δεν έχουν διάθεση να βάλουν το χέρι στην τσέπη όσο χρειάζεται και κανείς δεν ξέρει αν το ΔΝΤ είναι διατεθειμένο να δώσει τόσο μεγάλα κονδύλια για ουσιαστική στήριξη. Αν η ρήξη με τον Πούτιν προχωρήσει και ατύπως θεωρηθεί ως casus belli, η Ουκρανία από λάφυρο θα μεταβληθεί σε μια τεράστια μαύρη τρύπα και θα περιπλέξει όλα τα οικονομικά προγράμματα που έχουν σχεδιαστεί στο Βερολίνο για τη διαχείριση της κρίσης στον ευρωπαϊκό Νότο. Ίσως αυτό να εξηγεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό τη σύμπλευση των ΗΠΑ με την Γερμανία στην τωρινή φάση. Οι Αμερικανοί με τη βοήθεια του Μπλερ το έχουν ξανακάνει με τη μαζική ένταξη των ανέτοιμων χωρών της ανατολικής Ευρώπης (ως οικονομικά βαρίδια) στην Ε.Ε..
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Posted on 11:00 م
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Ho provato varie ricette per questa torta, tutte erano esteticamente molto belle, ma peccavano nel gusto, fino a che non ho provato quella di Veronica Perin, da non perdere, è talmente buona!!!
Per realizzare la torta zebrata vi occorreranno 300g di farina 00, 140g di fecola di patate, 150g di burro, 1 bustina di lievito per torte, 220g di zucchero, 6 uova, un pizzico di sale, 30g di cacao amaro in polvere e 120ml di latte intero.
Cominciate con il lavorare il burro con lo zucchero ed unite poi le uova, uno alla volta; aggiungete la farina setacciata con 100g di fecola, il sale ed il lievito e unite a filo il latte, continuando ad amalgamare.
Dividete il composto in due parti uguali, quindi aggiungete nell'una il cacao setacciato e nell'altra i 40g di fecola restante. Mescolate bene e verificate che i due composti abbiano uguale consistenza e densità. Versate 2-3 cucchiai di composto nello stampo - il mio è quello della Pavoni per Guglhupf - mettete sopra 2-3 cucchiai di composto scuro. Proseguite a realizzare gli strati sempre in questo modo e fino a esaurimento degli impasti. A questo punto infornate a 160 °C e fate cuocere per circa 60'. Lasciate raffreddare la torta prima di sformarla e servirla.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:45 م
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There's some beautiful noise coming from the kitchen at teh House of Blues! Celebrity chef Aaron Sanchez of Food Network has recently put his mark at the Crossroads Restaurants within all House of Blues locations nationwide with a delicious new menu. Like the diverse music that graces the House of Blues stage each night, Sanchez has used his imaginative take on classic American dishes to create something for everyone, with over 10 choices for seafood lovers, a dozen different entrees, 4 signature burgers, vegetarian options and of course classic southern favorites to make your taste buds sing!
Crossroads at House of Blues is truly the place where food, music and art intersect. Relax and enjoy great tunes while sampling new Hand-Stretched Flatbread Pizzas, or settle down with something more sumptuous, like Lobster Mac & Cheese or Jambalaya! Sanchez gives veggie lovers reason to rejoice too – you won’t find sad salads under his watch! Sample cheesy Street Tacos or Portobello sliders – just two of the delicious vegetarian options on the new menu.
My friend Melissa and I recently enjoyed a visit to Crossroads Restaurant to try out the new items on the menu. With Melissa being a vegetarian/pescatarian, it was a great opportunity to try out the restaurant's vegetarian friendly offerings. That said, she started with their Portabello Sliders. She raved about these sliders and the touch of smoked gouda cheese was a nice addition...
For me, I wanted to try out their gluten free items and started with their street tacos. These were made with a grilled skirt steak that were flavorful, thanks to the citrusy marinade and fresh pico de gallo...
For our entrees, Melissa was drawn to the lobster mac & cheese after it was highly recommended by a few staff members. She loved how rich and flavorful it was, not to mention a very healthy portion that was enough for lunch the next day too! I thought the presentation of it being served in an individual cast iron skillet was creative...
I opted for their popular shrimp & grits. This dish was so good! The grits were more of a fried grits cake that had a nice crispy texture on the outside and creamy center. It went very well with the shrimp that was tossed in a creamy, slightly spicy sauce. I can't wait to come back just for this dish again...
And to think we didn't have room for dessert, we managed to each have a dessert to end our dinner with. Melissa went for the triple chocolate mousse cheesecake which was decadent and perfect for any chocolate lover. I went for the key lime pie (sans crust) and it was fantastic. The freshly whipped cream layer was light and airy while the tart key lime filling was refreshing.
If you thought the House of Blues was only a great music venue, I'd recommend visiting for a delicious dinner perfect before a concert or even for brunch - especially their popular Sunday Gospel Brunch. A special thanks to the lovely folks at Crossroads Restaurant and House of Blues for a wonderful and memorable experience!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:36 م
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Want to Win some cool prizes from WD? then why not join "Save Your Moments on Your Personal Cloud with WD Photo Contest" now in their Facebook page.
The contest is easy, all you need to do is upload a picture of your most loved picture and answer the questions. That's it you have now a chance to win gadgets such as iPad Air. So better read on...
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Posted on 6:07 ص
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Being on a postpaid plan has its perks and privileges. There are attractive plan bundles tailor-fit for every kind of user, and the security it offers you is unbeatable.
In cases of theft or robbery, you can easily have your mobile phone replaced and number retained. With a postpaid plan, your number is not just a string of digits which people can dial to reach you, it becomes part of your identity.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 5:59 ص
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Modders and enthusiasts all over the Philippines can get a chance to show-off their rigs and win high-end ASUS components.
ASUS is calling out on all Pinoy case-modders to join and compete in the ASUS Summer Mod Contest 2014. Winners of the said contest can get a chance to win ASUS goodies, accessories, and components.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:04 م
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Did you know that February was National Pancake Month? Nothing says comfort food more than a plate of warm and fluffy pancakes and now there’s an entire month dedicated to this holiday. But if you missed out on National Pancake Month, no worries! Krusteaz can help you celebrate all year long and they have a wide selection of pancake mixes such as Buttermilk,Blueberry, Heart Healthy, Honey Wheat, Chocolate Chip, Apple Cinnamon and Original and a slew of recipes to help you put your own spin on your favorite flavors. Adding in your favorite mix ins is part of the fun and a great way to get the entire family involved.
To get into the spirit, friends and I celebrated National Pancake Month with a crepe party. We had a great time making crepes, which are a thin pancake popular in France. They were easy to make and we enjoyed them filled with a slew of sweet and savory ingredients, customized for our personal tastes. Who knew having the same dish for both dinner and dessert could be so delicious?!
In medium bowl, whisk together Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix and flour; gradually stirring in the water until smooth. Add eggs and butter and continue to stir until smooth.
Preheat a lightly greased 5 to 6-inch frying pan or crêpe pan over medium-high heat. Spoon 2-3 tablespoons batter into center of frying pan and tilt to thinly coat bottom of pan evenly. Cook crêpes until delicately browned; turn and cook lightly on other side.
Serving Ideas:
Go sweet and fill with sweet ingredients! We had our choice of sliced bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, chocolate chips, granola, Nutella, peanut butter, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, and whipped cream.
Go savory and fill crêpes with savory ingredients! We had our choice of honey baked ham, honey baked turkey, spinach pesto, bell peppers & onions, spinach, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:00 م
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Abbiamo scoperto questa piccola ed accogliente trattoria, dove il menù offerto e giornalmente variato permette di gustare la cucina più rappresentativa e tipica della pianura isontina, deliziosamente accolti ed accompagnati nelle spiegazioni dei vari piatti dalla gentilissima proprietaria, grazie ad un ottimo deal offerto daGroupon.
La trattoria Al Piron, aperta dal lunedì al venerdì sia a pranzo che a cena, il sabato solo a pranzo e cena su prenotazione, si trova a Gorizia in via Trieste, in prossimità dell'incrocio con via Duca d'Aosta, subito prima della rotonda.
Ristrutturata internamente nel 1995, oggi è gestita da Antonella ed offre una cucina tradizionale, spesso rivisitata ed ampliata, dove trovare sia il classicissimo goulash con patate in "tecia", sia il più innovativo dei cous cous.Durante la settimana sono poi serviti piatti caratteristici: il giovedì, ad esempio, si troveranno gnocchi caserecci e canederli, il venerdì baccalà con polenta o le trippe il mercoledì, oltre a intere settimane dedicate a pietanze tipiche, come ad esempio la settimana dei bolliti. Il gustoso menù friulano che abbiamo acquistato - prenotando con una telefonata direttamente al locale - ci ha consentito di gustare un assaggio della cucina di questa trattoria: abbiamo iniziato con un saporito tris di antipasti, che comprendeva un crostino di prosciutto d'oca, un burroso prosciutto DOP San Daniele e quello che in lingua friulana si chiama "fromadi", ossia formaggio, accompagnato da pere e rucola. A seguire abbiamo scelto, come da deal, degli appetitosi gnocchi al sugo di gulash, deliziosamente piccanti ed una delicata lasagna ai carciofi.
I secondi piatti erano invece diversi da quanto inizialmente proposto nel coupon e così abbiamo avuto modo di assaggiare un'ottima fetta di frico con polenta e patate - un piatto a base di formaggio montasio di diverse stagionature che si presenta come una frittata - ed un cotechino accompagnato da crauti e da una mousse di cren.
Abbiamo completato con un ottimo strudel di mele ed a seguire un buon caffè! Alla cassa abbiamo consegnato il coupon ed abbiamo ritirato, oltre alla regolare ricevuta, anche una tesserina che ci darà diritto - come clienti Groupon - ad uno sconto del dieci percento sulle prossime cene! A presto rivederci Al Piron, torneremo sicuramente per godere appieno delle porzioni abbondanti servite normalmente dalla trattoria!
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 6:33 م
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OtterBox, well known in making cases that protect smartphones like iPhone launched the Preserver Series, another class-leading pocketable smartphone casing that offers exceptional protection against water, drops, and dust.
The Preserver Series is one of the newest products from OtterBox, a global brand providing innovative and protective solutions for mobile devices.
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Posted on 8:03 ص
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Last February 16 was a post-Valentine’s Day gift for both Cherry Mobile’s and Kim Chiu’s fans as their crowd gathered at SM North EDSA to purchase discounted Cherry Mobile devices and watch Kim unveil Cherry Mobile’s newest concept store at the SM Cyberzone.
Kim, one of Cherry Mobile’s brand ambassadors along-side John Lloyd Cruz, Sarah Geronimo, Anne Curtis, and recently – Kris Aquino, attended the ribbon cutting ceremony together with Leo and Ellen Bernardino (Owners, Berlein), Poch Zenarosa (Marketing Head, Cherry Mobile) and Agnes Conopio (Brand Alliance Manager, Cherry Mobile).
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 7:14 ص
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MyPhone a local brand, and for 2014 they have a lot of smartphones line-up and MyPhone Ocean Elite is one of them. It was showcased at the 1st MyPhone YouthTech Congress.
MyPhone Ocean Elite is one super slim device and it has a premium look, it might even be compared with those international brands. Powered by 1.3GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6582 processor and equipped with 5-inch HD display.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 5:11 ص
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It's Friday and we've made it to our last doughnut before the weekend! I couldn't let the week go buy without sharing another sweet fried dough recipe and this time, it's a good one. Yeasted doughnuts are a favorite and we had a lot of fun making these in our kitchen. Aside from preparing an easy dough, the best part was glazing and decorating them with a plethora of toppings. A sweet yeast dough proofs and are cut into various shapes and sizes before frying up until golden brown. They soon meet their fate by getting crowned with glaze and adorned with sprinkles, jimmies, sugars and sweets...
Doughnuts are a great way to start the day and bloom into the daily schedule. For me, they're best with a cup of coffee! I've been open to trying out milk alternatives to heavy cream in my coffee and one brand I especially like is Silk soy and almond milks. They're delicious and add a nice touch of flavor to my coffee and because it's plant based, it makes me feel better to use a healthier milk alternative. But aside from coffee, Silk is something you can incorporate into some recipes... like doughnuts and glazes!
Slik products are proudly made without the use of GMOs. They are also a leading supporter of the Non-GMO Project and we are committed to ensuring all of their products receive the Non-GMO Project verification. Plus, the seal is displayed right on the front of most of Silk products. Read more about Silk's commitment to Non-GMO here: • All Silk products are dairy-free and gluten-free. Read more about us here: • Silk believes in the benefits of a plant-based diet. Read more about that here:
Their newest products include: - Silk Almond milk Protein + Fiber in Vanilla and - Original and Silk Almond Coconut Blend in Original and Unsweetened For a complete list of products:
Sign up for a coupon! All new registrants will receive $0.75 off any Silk half gallon! When you register, you can also look forward to: – More coupons delivered to your inbox plus a special birthday offer – News of Silk sweepstakes and promotions – Monthly chances to win a year's supply of Silk!
Making doughnuts and glazes with Silk is possible. The dough has a slight denser texture but they're delicious regardless and everyone will love them...
Or course, you can then take your dougnuts, glaze them with any of the several glazes below (which also can be made with Silk milk) and top them off with an assortment of toppings like color sugars, sprinkles, chocolate chips, mint chips, cherry chips, butterscotch chips, fresh berries, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar and/or even a vanilla pastry cream to fill them with!
2 ¼ teaspoons instant or rapid rise yeast ½ teaspoon salt 2/3 cup room temperature whole milk or Silk Soy Milk 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 6 tablespoons unsalted butter or non-dairy butter substitute, softened
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine the 3 cups flour, sugar, yeast, and salt. Add the milk and eggs, mixing on low speed for 3 to 4 minutes or until ball of dough forms. Add butter 1 tablespoon at a time. Add ¼ cup flour, 1 tablespoon at a time until dough forms a soft ball while continuing to mix for about 3 minutes. Transfer dough to a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to rise at room temperature or in a warm oven until nearly doubled in size, about 1 ½ hours. Turn out dough onto a floured counter and using a rolling pin, roll out dough to a ½ inch thickness. Cut dough using a 2 ½ or 3 inch doughnut cutter or desired cookie cutter. Place doughnut rings and holes on a floured baking sheet. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature or warm oven until slightly puffy, about 30-45 minutes. Heat 6 cups of vegetable oil in a Dutch oven or deep fryer to 375 degrees. Fry holes for 30 seconds per side and fry doughnuts for 40-60 seconds per side, turning as they rise to the surface. Remove doughnuts and drain on paper lined baking sheet or wire rack, returning oil to temperature between batches. After doughnuts have been fried, roll or glaze doughnuts.
Vanilla Glaze 1/4 cup half & half or Silk Soy Milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups powdered sugar In a bowl, whisk together half and half /soy milk and vanilla extract. Add in sugar, whisking constantly. Either dip doughnuts or frost them with a small spoon, then cover in sprinkles or desired toppings.
Whipped Cream Cheese Glaze 1/4 cup whipped cream cheese, at room temperature 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup powdered sugar 4-5 tablespoons half & half or Silk Soy Milk (or more depending on texture) In a bowl, whisk together cream cheese and vanilla extract. Add in sugar, whisking constantly until smooth. Add more or less half & half/soy milk depending on your desired consistency. Either dip doughnuts or frost them with a small spoon, then cover in sprinkles or desired toppings.
Maple Glaze 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup 1/3 cup powdered sugar In a bowl, whisk together butter and maple syrup. Add in sugar, whisking constantly until smooth. Either dip doughnuts or frost them with a small spoon, then cover in sprinkles or desired toppings.
Chocolate Glaze 1 ½ cups powdered sugar 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tablespoons half & half or Silk Soy Milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract In a bowl, whisk together powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Add in half and half/soy milk and vanilla extract, whisking constantly until smooth. Either dip doughnuts or frost them with a small spoon, then cover in sprinkles or desired toppings.
Strawberry Glaze ¼ cup frozen strawberries, thawed 1 tablespoon strawberry jam 1 tablespoon half & half or Silk Soy Milk 1 ½ cups powdered sugar In a bowl, mash thawed strawberries and jam together with a fork. Add in sugar, whisking constantly until slightly smooth. Add more or less half & half/soy milk depending on your desired consistency. Either dip doughnuts or frost them with a small spoon, then cover in sprinkles or desired toppings.
Cinnamon Sugar ½ cup sugar ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl or paper bag. Add donuts to bowl or bag, seal and shake to coat.
Cinnamon Sugar ½ cup powdered sugar Add powdered in a bowl or paper bag. Add donuts to bowl or bag, seal and shake to coat.
In a saucepan, combine the sugar, 1 ½ cups of milk and vanilla extract. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dissolved. Raise the heat to almost boiling. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, add cornstarch and whisk in the remaining 1 ½ cups milk until smooth; then whisk in egg yolks. Slowly whisk in half of the hot milk mixture into the yolk mixture. Transfer the yolk mixture back into the saucepan and boil gently for 1 minute over medium heat. Remove from heat and whisk in the butter. Pass the mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing it directly onto the surface and refrigerate until chilled.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.
Mε τον πλέον ανορθόδοξο τρόπο, προκειμένου να εξυπηρετηθούν τα συμφέροντα των μεγάλων τηλεοπτικών καναλιών, στήνεται η ψηφιακή τηλεόραση στη χώρα, μάλιστα με τρόπο που να δυσχεραίνει στον μέγιστο βαθμό την όποια προσπάθεια «επιδιόρθωσης» που μπορεί να επιχειρηθεί στο μέλλον. Κι αυτό για δύο λόγους: α) γιατί ακόμη σήμερα δεν είναι γνωστό πόσα και ποια κανάλια («πάροχοι περιεχομένου») εκπέμπουν στη χώρα, αφού δεν έχουν δοθεί νόμιμες άδειες μέσω διαγωνιστικής διαδικασίας, η οποία θέτει όρους και όρια, αλλά και β) γιατί η μεταφορά του σήματος των καναλιών αυτών -που αίρεται από τη δικαιοδοσία καθενός από αυτά- αποδίδεται σε μία μόνη εταιρεία, την Digea, η οποία θα έχει την αρμοδιότητα να μεταφέρει το ψηφιακό σήμα («πάροχος δικτύου»).
Εγκρίθηκε από την ΕΕΤΤ ως «υπερθεματιστής για το σύνολο των δικαιωμάτων χρήσης ραδιοσυχνοτήτων εθνικής και περιφερειακής κάλυψης»
Η μετάβαση από το παλαιό «αναλογικό» τηλεοπτικό σήμα στο «ψηφιακό σήμα», που δίνει πολλαπλάσια χωρητικότητα, δηλαδή περισσότερα κανάλια, πραγματοποιείται εδώ και τρία χρόνια, με κενά και παραλείψεις, αλλά κυρίως με ένα θεσμικό πλαίσιο που με φωτογραφικό τρόπο ευνοεί την εταιρεία Digea στην οποία είναι συνιδιοκτήτες με ισόποσα μερίδια οι 6 μεγάλοι τηλεοπτικοί σταθμοί: Mega, Ant-1, Alpha, Star, Σκάι, Μακεδονία TV. Έτσι, η μεταφορά του σήματος των τηλεοπτικών σταθμών, περιλαμβανομένων των περιφερειακών, θα εξαρτάται από την Digea, η οποία θα έχει για πελάτες αφενός τους... ιδιοκτήτες της (πανελλαδικά κανάλια) αφετέρου όλους τους περιφερειακούς σταθμούς, οι οποίοι είναι εν δυνάμει ανταγωνιστές της. Η Digea θα μπορεί με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού να κατεβάσει το σήμα οποιουδήποτε καναλιού -επικαλούμενη βεβαίως την παραβίαση κάποιου νόμου- ακόμα και για περιπτώσεις που αφορούν το «περιεχόμενο». Μήπως όχι; Ποιος έχει ξεχάσει την προσπάθεια του 902 TV να αναμεταδώσει το σήμα των εργαζομένων της ΕΡΤ λίγο μετά το «λουκέτο»; Η αναμετάδοση δεν κράτησε παρά λίγες ώρες, οπότε το σήμα του 902 έπεσε με παρέμβαση της Digea. Μετά το λουκέτο στην ΕΡΤ, είναι ίσως η δεύτερη πιο τρανταχτή παρέμβαση λογοκρισίας στη μεταπολιτευτική περίοδο. Από τους ιδιώτες της Digea.
Αντιδράσεις Στη δημιουργία του υπερτροφικού συστήματος τηλεοπτικής μετάδοσης που προωθεί η κυβέρνηση μέσω της Digea αντιδρούν τα περιφερειακά κανάλια. Ήδη η εταιρεία «Digital Union», πάροχος δικτύου περιφερειακών καναλιών, κατέθεσε προσφυγή στο Συμβούλιο της Επικρατείας ζητώντας την ακύρωση του διαγωνισμού. Παράλληλα, ανάλογη κίνηση αναμένεται από την Ένωση Περιφερειακών Καναλιών (ΕΠΕΚ), η οποία αποφάσισε την κατάθεση προσφυγής στα ελληνικά και ευρωπαϊκά δικαστήρια, κατά την πρόσφατη γενική συνέλευση των μελών της, με τη σύμφωνη γνώμη τουλάχιστον 30 περιφερειακών καναλιών από όλη τη χώρα. Όπως υποστηρίζουν οι σταθμοί της περιφέρειας, ο διαγωνισμός που ανέδειξε την Digea προωθεί τη λειτουργία μονοπωλίου και δυσχεραίνει τη λειτουργία των καναλιών της περιφέρειας.
Στον αέρα η δημόσια τηλεόραση
Οι αντιδράσεις των περιφερειακών σταθμών θα μπορούσαν να θεωρηθούν ήσσονος σημασίας μπροστά στον πραγματικό κίνδυνο -που διαφαίνεται ολοζώντανος- να αποκλειστεί η δημόσια τηλεόραση από «πάροχος δικτύου» εν τοις πράγμασι, παρ' ότι είναι εκ του νόμου «πάροχος δικτύου». Από τη μία πλευρά η αδυναμία της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης σήμερα να ανταποκριθεί στον ρόλο της ως δημόσια τηλεόραση, μετά το λουκέτο στην ΕΡΤ, και από την άλλη το πιεστικό χρονοδιάγραμμα ψηφιοποίησης του δικτύου, σύμφωνα με τη δέσμευση της χώρας μας στην Ε.Ε., ώς την 1η Οκτωβρίου 2014 (switch off) δημιουργούν όλες τις προϋποθέσεις για να παραμείνει η δημόσια τηλεόραση εκτός του ρόλου της ως παρόχου δικτύου. Σε αυτό να προστεθούν και τα οφέλη που θα αποκομίσει η Digea σε ενδεχόμενη περιθωριοποίηση της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης, αφού θα γίνει μονοπωλιακός και καθολικός πάροχος δικτύου σε όλη τη χώρα. Με την κατακύρωση της Digea ως παρόχου για την «ανάπτυξη δικτύου επίγειας ψηφιακής τηλεόρασης», η εταιρεία αναλαμβάνει την υπηρεσία για 15 χρόνια, έναντι τιμήματος 18,5 εκατ. ευρώ. Της παραχωρούνται 4 «πολυπλέκτες» για τα κανάλια εθνικής εμβέλειας (ο καθένας εκ των οποίων χωράει από 3 κανάλια, αν είναι high definition, έως 8 συμβατικά) συν ακόμα 2 «πολυπλέκτες» για τα περιφερειακά κανάλια σε δεκατρείς περιφέρειες της χώρας (με χωρητικότητα 2-4 κανάλια ανά περιφέρεια). Η ψηφιοποίηση του συνόλου της χώρας προϋποθέτει τοποθέτηση ψηφιακών πομπών σε 156 σημεία εκπομπής σε όλη την Ελλάδα, όπως προβλέπεται από τον Χάρτη συχνοτήτων. Ήδη, εδώ και τρία χρόνια, έχουν ψηφιοποιηθεί περίπου 20 σημεία εκπομπών από την Digea και την ΕΡΤ παλαιότερα, σε πολυπληθείς περιοχές, όπως η Αθήνα και η Θεσσαλονίκη. Απομένουν έτσι περί τα 135 σημεία εκπομπής σε όλη τη χώρα, τα οποία θα πρέπει να εκπέμψουν ψηφιακά σε διάστημα οκτώ μηνών, σύμφωνα με τους επίσημους κυβερνητικούς σχεδιασμούς. Εάν αυτό είναι αδύνατον για την Digea, για τη ΝΕΡΙΤ φαντάζει εντελώς εξωπραγματικό, καθώς, εκτός τού ότι δεν έχει το αναγκαίο προσωπικό, οφείλει να τηρήσει τις διαδικασίες περί δημοσίων προμηθειών για την εξαγορά των πομπών και βεβαίως στη συνέχεια να βρει χρόνο να τους τοποθετήσει. Έτσι, το πλέον πιθανό σενάριο, το οποίο θα παρουσιαστεί ως... λύση ανάγκης, είναι να εκχωρηθεί στο δικαίωμα της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης στην Digea, η οποία θα αναλάβει και τη μεταφορά του σήματός της. Στην Digea θα καταβληθεί έτσι και το σχετικό αντίτιμο για την υπηρεσία της, αλλά και θα εκχωρηθούν οι υψηλών προδιαγραφών εγκαταστάσεις της στα 156 σημεία εκπομπής ανά την Ελλάδα, όπως τουλάχιστον έχει δηλώσει ο Μ. Χρυσοχοΐδης
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Posted on 9:05 م
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"Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurological condition estimated to affect as many as one in 88 children. It is now the most common neurological disorder affecting children and one of the most common developmental disabilities. Many individuals living with ASD will need some level of support over their entire lives. In cases where adolescents and adults with severe autism are placed into long-term care or other supported housing arrangements the annual cost of housing, which includes caregiver time, can be $400 per day, amounting to approximately $150,000 a year. Few Canadian families generate sufficient income to cover such high costs of support. Even where families with ASD dependents have income to pay for some of the required care needed, they face challenges finding available and qualified caregivers. Unfortunately, as families of ASD dependents age or become financially unable to care, it is not obvious how their adult with ASD will be supported other than with the burden falling on the state."
New Brunswick Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé has acknowledged receipt of the University of Calgary School of Public Policy report. The immediate reaction to this information may be "So What?" The fact is we, as parents, as caregivers, as advocates for our children and others with autism and related disorders, must ensure that all relevant information is placed before government decision makers. It is part of what we did here in New Brunswick in advocating for evidence based early intervention and school services for children with autism and for the continuation of the tertiary care program at the Stan Cassidy Centre Autism Rehabilitation Services team. It may not seem as exciting as some of the high profile campaigns that hit the New Brunswick media but it is, in my humble opinion, of fundamental importance in advocating for evidence based, humane autism support services across the lifespan of children, youth and adults with autism and related disorders.
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Posted on 7:30 ص
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With a theme of "Promoting youth awareness towards digital and mobile universe". MyPhone Youth Tech Congress is a 3-day event that will cater technological seminars and workshops to students and young professionals.
The event started last February 27 until March 1 at Function Rooms 2 & 3 at SMX Convention Center, SM Mall of ASIA.
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Posted on 4:10 ص
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Bouillabaisse is only good because cooked by the French, who, if they cared to try, could produce an excellent and nutritious substitute out of cigar stumps and empty matchboxes.
- Norman Douglas, British novelist (1868-1952)
I have always considered my mother-in-law a typical French ménagère, housewife, mother, woman of the house. She worked fulltime alongside her husband in their corner mom-and-pop shop, she raised four children, seeing to their needs daily, and had a hot meal on the table every day at noon and a light repast on the table at the end of each very long working day. I have always considered my mother-in-law's cooking typical and illustrative of French cooking, her dishes emblematic of French cuisine. And my husband picked up where she left off, her traditions continued and sustained in our own kitchen.
Before arriving in France, my ideas of French cuisine were based on a classic French high school textbook and a slew of elegant, sophisticated and expensive French restaurants in cities like Philadelphia and New York. French cuisine was luxurious, refined and too pricey for the likes of me. It was white tablecloths, hours in the kitchen and impossibly costly ingredients. Even the simplest of foods: a chocolate fondue, a roasted chicken, steak frites or an omelet was raised up to some dizzying height of sumptuousness as the magical veil of "French" was thrown over it. By the time I stepped off of the plane and onto rue Mouffetard in Paris, the mystique of French cuisine was gospel.
Until I married into a French family. A humble, working class French family. I finally began to see the truth about French culture and cuisine, finally understanding that, in fact, this was a truly frugal, humble cuisine in which time was as sacred and as valued as the cost of the ingredients, requiring dishes be simple and quick to execute, even if left on the stove to simmer long hours while one returned to work. So many meals that I as an American saw as fussy, complicated and expensive were actually thrown together quickly and simply from cheap cuts of meat and the hardiest, most common of vegetables and legumes, available all year round: potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions, lentils and beans.
Over the years, moving from city to city, I also understood that French cuisine was incredibly local; each city and region had their signature dishes, breads and baked goods, traditional to the core. And these local dishes rarely, if ever, traveled. These dishes, like the ingredients, the weather and local history, were varied and diverse yet extremely personal, some heavier and more rustic, others lighter and more elegant, very unlike those more universal, standard classic dishes on which the reputation and repertoire of French cuisine are based.
Our own preconceived notions, those myths perpetuated and listened to, refer to more than the cuisine, they reflect on the culture, the history, the people behind the cuisine. Once I understood French cuisine, a door was flung wide open on the culture itself.
I recently participated in a live Google+ hangout So You Think You Know Food?Jenni Field and I hosted a fascinating discussion on the myths versus the realities of three cuisines: I presented French cuisine, Domenica Marchetti presented Italian cuisine and David Leite Portuguese cuisine in which we, time oblige, presented and busted a few myths about these three wonderful cuisines. If you did not have the chance to watch it, here is the video. (Thanks to Chef Dennis Littely for the tech support and input)
Feel free to add to the discussion, share your thoughts or ask questions on the Google+ Event Page.
My own French husband is constantly busting those myths in our very own kitchen. "How about a boeuf bourguignon for lunch?" he'll ask as we peruse the offerings at the market mid-morning. "Wow, but how can you make that in time for lunch?" naïve me will ask, mouth hanging open in astonishment. "It is such an easy dish to throw together," will be his reply. And as I watch him, I realize that it is.
This week, he announced, "I am going to make you a real leek and potato soup!" And as he placed a soup plate in front of me a short time later, I realized that once again something so beautiful, something so flavorful, something seen from the outside as the height of elegant and sophisticated dining, emblematic of French cuisine, was inexpensive, nay, frugal and utterly simple and quick to make. Vive la France!
Serve 2 for a meal, 4 for a small starter. Increase ingredients for more guests as needed.
3 leeks, whites only + 1 extra small leek for topping 2 medium potatoes (about 300 g) 1 small red onion 2 cloves garlic 50 g smoked lardons or bacon in small cubes 1 small cube vegetable bouillon (or 1/2 large cube) or enough homemade to cover vegetables (soup for 2 bowls) Olive oil or equal parts olive oil & margarine Salt and pepper
Prepare the vegetables by chopping the white parts of 3 leeks, the onion and 1 clove garlic. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Simply crush the second clove of garlic, leaving in one piece.
Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil or half oil, half margarine into a soup pot. Heat and add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring, for a minute or two; add the chopped leeks and bacon and a couple grindings of pepper, stir and cook “until it smells good” as the cook told me… just a couple of minutes until the onion is transparent. Add the potatoes and just cover with water, adding the bouillon cube, or bouillon.
Bring to the boil, lower the heat and allow to simmer gently for 15 – 20 minutes just until the potatoes are tender. Taste, add salt and pepper to taste. Remove the soup from the heat, cover and allow to sit until dinner time (he made this about half an hour or so before dinner).
When ready to serve, heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a clean skillet or pot; add a tablespoon or two each of cubes of bacon or lardons and very thinly sliced white leek; cook, stirring, until crisp. Reheat the soup and serve topped with the crisp bacons and leek strips.
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 4:00 ص
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My son has just started getting into donuts when I was working on my recent donut classes. He prefers the small donut holes or bites over any ring version. They're perfect for his little hands and they make for great portion control too [well, if you can keep count of how many you eat lol.] These Chocolate Sour Cream Donut Bites are a favorite of Joel's because they're soft, chocolatey and just the right size for a little sweet treat...
A few years ago, the trend of cake pops were all the rage. Soon, I noticed cake pop pans being sold at stores and cute cookbooks on the bookstore shelves. I'll be honest, I don't have enough time to make those cutesy cake pops with my schedule and daily responsibilities. But if I would attempt making them if I had the time. So one day while I was shopping for some food styling props at a local thrift store, I came across a cakepop pan. For $3 and change, I figured it would be a fun purchase that I might get some use out of. Well, I did... but not for cake pops. I actually prefer my cake pops make with crumbled cake and frosting mixed together then formed into a ball rather than a solid ball of cake that's coated and decorated. So instead, I use my cake pop pan for donut holes or bites. You can use similar cake pans or gadgets like this cake pop maker for the same purpose! Otherwise, feel free to use a mini muffin pan or donut pan for this recipe...
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:00 م
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Ancora una ricetta realizzata con il mio stavolta con una farina d'eccezione, la farina Antiqua macinata a pietra di tipo 2, insieme ai salutari fiocchi di avena!
La prima cosa che ho fatto è stato realizzare il preimpasto, partendo da 10g di rinfrescato per tre volte a distanza di 12 ore da ogni rinfresco:
Ingredienti preimpasto Licoli g Acqua g Farina g Totale g % idratazione 1° rinfresco 10 10 10 30 100 2° rinfresco 30 30 30 90 100 3° rinfresco 40 40 40 120 100
Una volta ottenuto il preimpasto, sono partita con gli ingredienti dell'ìmpasto vero e proprio, utilizzando 450g di farina Antiqua macinata a pietra di tipo 2, 300g di acqua (di cui 80 da utilizzare per sciogliere il, 100g del Li.coli. rinfrescato come sopra, 15g sale, 1 cucchiaino di malto d'orzo, 3 cucchiai di fiocchi di avena, 100g di mix di semi di girasole, zucca, chia e lino.
Ho preso il preimpasto, ormai si spera bello arzillo, e l'ho sciolto nell'acqua appositamente riservata (80g) insieme al malto; separatamente ho mescolato la farina con i fiocchi di avena ed il resto dell'acqua (220g) utilizzando la foglia dell'impastatrice. Dopo dieci minuti ho mescolato i due composti, aggiunto il sale e lavorato ancora per alcuni minuti.
Ho poi cambiato la foglia dell'impastatrice, sostituendola con il gancio ed ho lavorato per qualche minuto, aggiungendo 2 cucchiai di fiocchi di avena e 80g del mix di semi. Ho lasciato riposare l'impasto nella ciotola per una decina di minuti e poi ho eseguito le pieghe, come insegnato da Adriano, avendo cura di infarinare abbondantemente la spianatoia, sulla quale l'ho poi lasciato riposare, coperto con una ciotola rovesciata per un'ora e, di nuovo, ho fatto un giro di pieghe.
Ho ripreso l'impasto e l'ho lasciato, sempre coperto, a temperatura ambiente, per far continuare la lievitazione, fino al raddoppio.
A questo punto ho dato al pane la forma finale, l'ho spennellato con un po' d'acqua prima di cospargerlo con un po' di fiocchi di avena e semi, poi l'ho lasciato riposare altri trenta minuti. Nel frattempo ho acceso il forno, portandolo a 240°C di temperatura; ho fatto i tagli al pane e l'ho messo su una teglia coperta con carta forno, a cuocere per 25'. Ho quindi abbassato la temperatura a 200°C per altri 20' ed ho quindi tolto la carta forno e fatto terminare di cuocere il pane sulla griglia per gli ultimi 10': in totale il pane ha cotto per 55 minuti.
Mi raccomando, fate raffreddare bene il pane prima di tagliarlo!!