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Visual Feast VI


A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one. 

The week has been a busy one. Hectic, to say the least, but energizing as only hectic weeks can be. Husband in his corner, typing, typing, making phones calls, his muffled voice shifting through the closed office door, his intense concentration and tenacity broken only by the occasional wandering into my workspace for a bit of tension-relieving buffoonery. And I have spent my days editing, revising, adjusting and adding paragraphs … or cutting paragraphs on two articles soon to be published, finally hitting the send button with a satisfied tick. Simon rushes into the apartment and then out again loaded down with bags and sacks of school supplies and what to make dinner for three or four hard-working students, swallowed up into the night.

The weather has finally cooled down a bit, and as autumn sets in, wrapping the city in a golden glow, we put aside our work, slip into sweaters and coats and rediscover our lovely city. Camera in hand, I notice what I never took note of, what I simply never saw before.

Along the Loire River

The famous penis balconies... former brothels?

Saint Nicolas

Place Bretagne

L'apératif on Place du Bouffay

I look up, I look down, I search out street art and unusual architecture, I spot greenery and ironwork, sculptures and oddities that had hitherto been secreted from me in my blindness. I now see art in the everyday, magic in the mundane.

Saint Nicolas peeking over into Place Royale

Les Nefs de l'Ïle de Nantes

La Maison des Vins de Loire on Place du Commerce for a little Gros Plant

Nantes' famous Mascarons keeping the evil spirits out.

Take a short break with me and allow me to show you around.

A stroll along the Erdre.

When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, 
aspirations and pride of everyone who built it. 
- Hugh Newell Jacobsen

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