Delizioso l'abbinamento tra il dolce della sogliola e l'amarostico del radicchio, ancora una ricetta splendidamente riuscita della chef Daniela Susel!
Per realizzarlo vi occorreranno 800g di filetti di sogliola, 4 albumi, 200g di panna, 100g di vino bianco, 1 cipolla, 3 cucchiai d'olio extravergine d'oliva, 1kg di radicchio spadone o tardivo, timo, sale, pepe, pane grattugiato.
Far appassire la cipolla tritata in 3 cucchiai d'olio, aggiungervi il radicchio ridotto in listarelle; dopo rosolato, bagnate con il vino e portate a cottura regolando di sale e pepe.
Tritare i filetti di sogliola, amalgamarvi la panna, sale, pepe, timo tritato e gli albumi precedentemente montati a neve. Ungere una pirofila, stendervi il radicchio, cospargere di pane grattugiato, unite il composto di sogliola, di nuovo il pane grattugiato le erbe ed infornate dapprima a 160°C per 10', poi aumentate a 220°C per altri 15' circa.
Translated: Gabriella Caruso Reviewed: Amitai Kissinger
A delightful pairing between the sweetness of the sole and the bitterness of the radicchio, this is another splendidly and successfully executed recipe by chef Daniela Susel!
Sole and Radicchio Pie
Nella mia cucina:
Tortiera Villa d'Este Home
Coltelli Fissler
Translated: Gabriella Caruso Reviewed: Amitai Kissinger
A delightful pairing between the sweetness of the sole and the bitterness of the radicchio, this is another splendidly and successfully executed recipe by chef Daniela Susel!
Sole and Radicchio Pie
800 gr. (1 lb. 12 oz.) filets of sole, 4 egg whites, 200 gr. (3/4 cup) heavy cream, 100 gr. (1/2 cup) white wine, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil, 1 kg. (2 lbs. 3 oz.) spadone or late radicchio (the long, thin variety), thyme, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs
Sauté the chopped onion in 3 tbsp. of oil, add the radicchio cut into thin strips.
Sauté well, then pour the wine into the saucepan and cook. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Finely chop the filets of sole, combine with the heavy cream, salt, pepper, chopped thyme and the egg whites (beaten to stiff peaks).
Grease an oven dish, place the radicchio in the oven dish, cover with a layer of breadcrumbs, then add a layer of the filet of sole mixture. Top with another layer of breadcrumbs and the herbs.
Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C (320°F) for 10 minutes, then raise the oven temperature to 220°C (425°F) for approximately 15 more minutes.
Nella mia cucina:
Tortiera Villa d'Este Home
Coltelli Fissler
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