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10 Healthy Meal Makeovers for the New Year

It's soon to be a new year... any resolutions or goals set for 2011? We've all heard the popular resolutions of managing our weight better or making healthier food choices. In fact, I've made those goals far too often over the years. So if you're looking to make some baby steps {again}, here are 10 Healthy Meal Makeovers for the New Year...

Most frittata recipes are full of heavy cream, butter and/or cheese. You can still enjoy a lot of flavor without all those extra calories. This one allows colorful vegetables to take center stage with fresh flavor too!

Salmon is a great fish for a healthy diet. However, some glazed salmon recipes are loaded with sugar and salt. This recipe uses a little honey and minimal salt but still has a nice subtly sweet glaze.

Skip the urge to go through a drive through for a breakfast sandwich. Give this colorful and healthy alternative a try and save some money by making it at home.

Cornbread is often made with a ton of butter but this recipe has no butter involved and is very low in fat and calories!

Chicken pot pie is a comforting dish with cream and butter involved. With this recipe, you won't even notice that neither of those ingredients are even used!

Traditional eggplant parmesan recipes involve breading and frying slices of eggplant. Not this one! You still get all the flavor without having to fry even a single eggplant slice...

Pizza is easy to load up with indulgent ingredients. By making a few healthier adaptations, you can still enjoy pizza without all the extra fat...
Quesadillas often involve lots of melted cheese in between 2 tortillas. In this recipe, you get a nice blend of healthier ingredients full of flavor that's more interesting that plain cheese.
Mac & cheese is transformed into a healthier dish by sneaking in some vegetables. Your family won't even notice they're eating something healthier!
Achieve that smooth and creamy texture of tomato soup without the addition of cream! You just might be surprised to find out what makes this soup so creamy...

Adult Autism Residential Care and Treatment in New Brunswick 2000-2010 and Beyond; In 2011 Will Autistic Adults Remain Forgotten?

December 31 2010

The Honourable David Alward
Premier of New Brunswick and Minister
Responsible for the Premier's Council
on the Status of Disabled Persons

The Honourable Madeleine Dubé
Minister of Health

The Honourable Sue Stultz
Minister of Social Development

The Honourable Jody Carr
Minister Education and Early Childhood Development

Dear Honourable Premier and Honourable Ministers

Re: Adult Autism Residential Care and Treatment in New Brunswick 2000-2010 and Beyond; In 2011 Will Autistic Adults Remain Forgotten?

As this year draws to an end and a new year approaches I congratulate you on your victory in the recent election; on winning the trust of the people of New Brunswick. In facing up to the well known financial and economic challenges confronting New Brunswickers I hope, and trust, that this government will not neglect the eduction, health and social needs of New Brunswickers, of all New Brunswickers, including NB adults with autism disorders. In particular I hope, and ask in this open letter, that this government begin serious efforts in 2011 to address the residential care and treatment needs of New Brunswick adults with autism disorders.

I am the father of a 14 year old boy with Autistic Disorder, assessed with profound developmental delays. In plain language he is severely autistic. I have, because of his condition, been an active autism advocate in New Brunswick over the past 12 years. New Brunswick has enjoyed much success in addressing preschool and education needs of autistic children and youth in recent years taking an evidence based approach and we have done it in both of our official languages. These advances began under the government of Premier Bernard Lord and grew during Premier Shawn Graham's term in office. The success that has been enjoyed with autistic preschoolers and students stands in stark contrast, however, to the lack of progress in helping NB's autistic youth and adults who are severely disabled by their disorders and who have need of residential care and treatment which have not been provided in any meaningful sense in New Brunswick.

In 2005 the national media reported that an autistic New Brunswick youth was being held on the grounds of the Miramichi youth correctional facility. At that time NB autism advocates had already been advocating for several years for a modernized residential care and treatment system for NB youth and adults. No significant progress has been made over the past 10 years. During the recent election campaign Professor Emeritus (Psychology) and Clinical Psychologist Paul McDonnell was interviewed by CBC and described a comprehensive modernized approach to autism residential care and treatment:

"Our greatest need at present is to develop services for adolescents and adults.

What is needed is a range of residential and non-residential services and these services need to be staffed with behaviorally trained supervisors and therapists.

Some jurisdictions in the United States have outstanding facilities that are in part funded by the state and provide a range of opportunities for supervised and independent living for individuals with various disabilities."

We need an enhanced group home system throughout the province in which homes would be linked directly to a major centre that could provide ongoing training, leadership and supervision.

That major centre could also provide services for those who are mildly affected as well as permanent residential care and treatment for the most severely affected.

Such a secure centre would not be based on a traditional "hospital" model but should, itself, be integrated into the community in a dynamic manner, possibly as part of a private residential development.

The focus must be on education, positive living experiences, and individualized curricula. The key to success is properly trained professionals and staff."

The model described by Paul McDonnell has been described and advocated for in meetings with senior civil servants over the past decade but no action has resulted. Today we still have autistic adults living in facilities outside New Brunswick and in a variety of ad hoc accommodations. The most seriously challenged persons live in the psychiatric hospital in Restigouche. The current group homes have untrained staff . We need a modernized, centrally located facility that could provide treatment and permanent residential care for those most severely disabled by autism disorders and community based residential facilities around the province with properly trained staff. In 10 years there has been no progress in addressing the residential care and treatment needs of autistic youth and adults. I respectfully ask that your government begin planning, in 2011, to provide an evidence based system, as described by Dr. McDonnell, that will address these needs and provide a decent quality of life for our autistic youth and adult population.


Harold L Doherty

What's Cookin, Chicago's Highlights of 2010

Here we are at the end of another year. It's pretty crazy how quickly time flies but having delicious dishes to enjoy each day certainly makes it more fun. With over 425 recipes shared this past year alone on my blog, it's just so hard to choose favorites. Besides, I've enjoyed sharing daily recipe 'collections' the past month that it's just like sharing my favorite recipes within a specific theme or category. So instead of highlighting recipes of the past year, here are some special culinary adventures I've had each month in 2010 that truly stand out...

January 2010
Thanks to many wonderful friends, I had a great time at my first 'surprise' baby shower.
Everyone contributed to a great spread and enjoyed the fun baby games we played.
A dear friend and fellow food blogger, Courtney of Coco Cooks, hosted this benefit for Chicago bloggers and foodies. Other bloggers in Los Angeles, NYC and Atlanta also hosted similar events in their cities. To help Courtney out, my friends of What's Cookin, Chicago volunteered and made dishes for the potluck benefit, raising a substantial amount for Haiti relief.
 My parents gave us a special baby shower as well in the suburbs.We got to see many long time family and friends which made the event even more special.It was a fun jungle animal theme that was complete with a cake I insisted on making (which probably was a faux pas, but well received nonetheless.)
At the end of the month, my brother hosted a baby shower for our friends of What's Cookin, Chicago. Since we were moving from downtown Chicago to the far north suburbs, we got a chance to spend some time with our city dwelling friends before our big move.

April 2010
A Blessed Baby Shower with the Tans
Not really posted on my food blog but I thought I'd share anyway since our other baby showers were posted. My mother in law and husband's side of the family gave us a wonderful surprise baby shower. It was very special in that our challenging journey of conceiving was shared, allowing us to reflect on how much this pregnancy truly meant. Our little one is definitely a miracle to us...
I had no idea how important it would be for our freezer to be stocked with meals before our baby was born. I started this project about a month or so before I was due so that I could take advantage of the meals during the last month when I knew I'd have little energy to cook. It also was great to have meals on hand for the first couple of weeks after the baby was home as we adjusted to life with a newborn. I probably worked on meals for a solid 3 days straight to fill it up as you see here. These freezer meals & make ahead meals have served as a great resource to many friends, family and readers so I'm glad that it's helped others. You can find my whole collection of these meals HERE.
Our beautiful son, Joel Raymond was anxious to come out and play... exactly a month before he was due! He arrived as the most perfect Mother's Day present anyone could ever wish for. This year, Mother's Day was on Sunday, May 9th and Joel was born on Saturday, May 8th. After a total of 10 1/2 hours from the time my water broke to the time I heard his first cries, life has never been the same. Joel was a preemie born at 35 weeks and 4 days, weighing in at 4lbs & 15 oz. It was hard leaving him at the hospital in the NICU for observation, but he was finally able to join us at home after a week.

June 2010
This year my husband and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary at home with a dinner inspired by one of our favorite restaurants. The best part was enjoying this great meal in the comforts of home...
After settling in the suburbs with a newborn, we threw a party for family and friends to celebrate. It was great time with plenty of good food and drinks!

August 2010
As of March, I left the corporate world after 10+ years in the human resource industry. It was bittersweet but was the perfect time since my pregnancy was pretty challenging. I used the time to care for myself, enjoy the remaining months of my pregnancy as best as I could and when Joel arrived, I loved the joy in motherhood. Now that Joel reached 3 months old, I decided to move forward and do what I've wanted to do for so long. Having my son was just what I needed to give me that extra push. So I enrolled in culinary school and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

September 2010
After a little maternity hiatus from hosting culinary events for What's Cookin, Chicago for several months before, during and after my son was born, I was ready to jump back in and pick up where I left off. This year I participated in Chicago's Filipino Adobofest and friends of What's Cookin, Chicago came to support and help me at the event. Although we didn't place or win anything, it was fun to be back enjoying culinary activities with foodie friends.
Being a mom has introduced me to other moms... and childrens' birthday parties! Ayden, the son of close family friends, turned 2 years old this past October and I made his special birthday cake and cupcake tower. He had a Halloween Costume Birthday party which was a lot of fun for kids and adults!

When I was pregnant last year, I had to skip out on drinking the fun stuff during the holidays. But this year, I certainly made up for it! One special night I enjoyed several Sauza Tequila cocktails prepared by Food Network's Chef Marcela Valladolid. Chef Marcela was so personable and a lot of fun to hang out with in person. It was definitely a great night in with girlfriends!

December 2010
With the year drawing to a close, I have so much to be thankful for. The 2010 year presented our share of ups and downs as well as blessings and challenges. It was a great year overall for us and we look forward to the new things that 2011 brings.

Here's wishing you a very prosperous & blessed new year in 2011!

Εγκλημα στο Υπουργείο Εργασίας.

Δήλωση του βουλευτή του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, Μιχ. Κριτσωτάκη και του μέλους της Επιτροπής Εργατικής Πολιτικής του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, Δημ. Στρατούλη σχετικά με την ανακοίνωση του υπουργείου Εργασίας για το θανατηφόρο εργατικό ατύχημα σε κτίριό του
Στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα σκοτώνονται άνθρωποι σε ώρα παράνομης εργασίας (εργασία εκτός ωραρίου και την Κυριακή αργία), ανασφάλιστοι χωρίς μέτρα υγιεινής και ασφαλείας και μάλιστα σε κτίριο του υπουργείου Εργασίας που είναι κατεξοχήν αρμόδιο για την τήρηση της εργατικής νομοθεσίας από τους εργοδότες σε όλη τη χώρα. Οι πολιτικές της κυβέρνησης και της τρόικας οδηγούν σε κατάφωρη παραβίαση της εργατικής νομοθεσίας και των διεθνών συμβάσεων εργασίας και μετατρέπουν τη δουλειά των εργαζομένων σε σύγχρονη δουλεία.

Το πρόσφατο εργατικό ατύχημα της Κυριακής,19/12, το οποίο προσπάθησαν να αποκρύψουν από το υπουργείο Εργασίας, είναι τραγική απόδειξη όλων των παραπάνω. Δυστυχώς, έπρεπε να κατατεθεί από τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στη βουλή ερώτηση στην υπουργό Εργασίας για να αποκαλυφθεί το θανατηφόρο ατύχημα που στην ουσία είναι δολοφονία με ηθικό αυτουργό την κυβέρνηση. Έχουμε καταγγείλει κατά καιρούς στη βουλή γεγονότα ωμής παραβίασης της εργατικής νομοθεσίας και εργοδοτικής αυθαιρεσίας και η κυβέρνηση Γ.Παπανδρέου ή σφυρίζει αδιάφορα ή νομοθετεί αντεργατικά μέτρα για να τα καλύψει και να τα νομιμοποιήσει στο όνομα πάντα της αύξησης των καπιταλιστικών κερδών.

Η πολιτική ηγεσία του υπουργείου Εργασίας οφείλει να αναλάβει επιτέλους τις ευθύνες της για το θάνατο του μετανάστη εργάτη, για τις εργασιακές συνθήκες γαλέρας στο ίδιο το υπουργείο και την μη ανακοίνωση-απόκρυψη του θανατηφόρου αυτού ατυχήματος. Σε άλλη πολιτισμένη χώρα μετά από ένα τέτοιο γεγονός ο/η επικεφαλής του υπουργείου Εργασίας θα είχε τουλάχιστον παραιτηθεί.

Ο αντιλαϊκός αντεργατικός κατήφορος της κυβέρνησης μπορεί και πρέπει να σταματήσει από τις δυνάμεις της αριστεράς, εφόσον βρουν ένα κοινό βηματισμό, αλλά και από ένα ταξικά ανασυγκροτημένο εργατικό κίνημα.

To Γραφείο Τύπου

ΥΓ Οι φωτό είναι υποδειγματικές σκαλωσιες σε οικοδομή της Γερμανίας, Βερολίνο.

Ο άτυχος εργάτης καθαριστής τζαμιών λεγόταν Ασιζ Εμάντ και η ερώτηση του βουλευτή έγινε 23-12. Χτές είδα αντίστοιχο ακροβάτη έλληνα εργάτη να αιωρείται στα 4 μέτρα χωρις μέτρα ασφαλείας καθαρίζοντας τζάμια στο πλάγιο δρόμο της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών.

Ο νέος χρόνος, ο εικονιζόμενος αρχικά έχει όνομα και λέγεται Ζοζεφίνα, μια σας διαβεβαιώ ευτυχισμένη και γεμάτη ζωντάνια μικρή μετανάστρια στο Βερολίνο.

Χρόνια πολλά και υγεία για το νέο έτος. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι για να βρείτε την αλήθεια με το ΠΑΣΟΚ στη κυβέρνηση θέλετε να περιστοιχίζεστε από δύο body quard ψεύδους.

10 Hangover Helper Recipes...

Maybe you plan on imbibing this weekend to ring in the new year or you know someone that will. Either way, it's a good idea to be prepared with some things that will ease those potential hangover blues. This post highlights some of the most richest, calorie laden and indulgent dishes that can help with hangovers. And if you're not planning on drinking it up this weekend, you might even find a recipe to make and enjoy before making those healthy lifestyle resolutions! So here's 10 Hangover Helper Recipes to consider before drinking the night away....

Loaded with cheese, ham and vegetables,
this is a full and hearty way to cure that hangover.

Fried chicken is a comfort food that will surely comfort you.
Garnished with all the fixin's, you can't go wrong with Mexican fare...

Here's when Chinese Fake Out can come in pretty handy...

When you're hungover, french fries may be all you can stomach...

Forget the blue box... this one is just as easy and far better tasting!

Skip Taco Bell and load up on these nachos at home...

If you're going to do it, do it right... with more cheese and bacon!

A fave sandwich on top of a pizza? Yes, please...

Topped with caramelized peppers, onions, and a blanket of cheese,
this burger has your name on it...

Κάτι ψήνεται στη Κύπρο....

Γράφει η Κουκίδα

Ποιος το πίστευε. Και ξαφνικά η Κύπρος έγινε μεγάλος παίχτης. Εν μια νυκτί. Η γερμανική πρεσβεία στη Λευκωσία, ενημέρωσε το προεδρικό ότι η Άγγελα Μέρκελ θέλει να επισκεφθεί το νησί.
Αυτό λίγες μόνο μέρες μετά την επίσκεψη του Ρώσου προέδρου Ντιμίτρι Μεντβέντεφ. Με το που κυκλοφόρησε το νέο, ο Σύριος πρόεδρος ειδοποίησε την δική του πρεσβεία να μεταφέρει στον πρόεδρο της Κύπρου, Δημήτρη Χριστόφια «ότι επιθυμεί να τον δει πριν την κυρία Μέρκελ».

Προχθές ολοκληρώθηκε και η «έκτακτη» επίσκεψη του Λιβάνιου πρωθυπουργού. Η πλειονότητα των Κυπρίων πολιτών διερωτούνται «τι έγινε και ξαφνικά όλοι αυτοί μας θυμήθηκαν;». Οι πιο υποψιασμένοι ήξεραν.

Το βράδυ της Παρασκευής έσκασε και η βόμβα: Ο κ. Χριστόφιας ειδοποίησε τον Γενικό Γραμματέα του ΟΗΕ, Μπαν Κι Μουν «ότι δεν έχει χρόνο να μεταβεί στην Νέα Υόρκη γιατί πρέπει να παρευρεθεί στην σύνοδο κορυφής της ΕΕ και αμέσως μετά, θα υποδεχθεί τον Σύριο ομόλογο του, Μπασιάρ Αλ Ασσαντ». Προηγήθηκε επείγουσα πρόσκληση του Κι Μουν προς την κυπριακή κυβέρνηση και την τουρκοκυπριακή ηγεσία για τριμερή συνάντηση, με στόχο την επίλυση του Κυπριακού.

Τριάντα έξι χρόνια τώρα οι Κύπριοι χιλιοπαρακαλούσαν για μια τέτοια πρόσκληση. Και πανηγύριζαν όταν κάποιος έλληνας αξιωματούχος (ανεπίσημα πάντα για να μην. ενοχληθούν οι Τούρκοι) επισκεπτόταν την Λευκωσία. Σπανίως πήγαιναν στο νησί αξιωματούχοι από άλλες χώρες, για τον ίδιο ακριβώς λόγο. Και τώρα ο κ. Χριστόφιας δήλωσε ότι είναι πολύ busy για να δει τον γ.γ. του ΟΗΕ!! Τι μεσολάβησε;

Οι γεωτρήσεις έδειξαν πετρέλαιο. Πολύ πετρέλαιο. Στα ανοικτά της Κύπρου με την Συρία, τον Λίβανο και την Αίγυπτο. Μόνο που το μεγαλύτερο μέρος πέφτει εντός της κυπριακής υφαλοκρηπίδας. Ρώσοι, Γερμανοί και λοιποί συνωστίζονται για να εξασφαλίσουν συμφωνίες προς όφελος εταιριών της χώρας τους. Τα οικονομικά συμφέροντα ανέκαθεν υπαγόρευαν την εξωτερική πολιτική. Γι' αυτό και η κ. Μέρκελ δεν διστάζει να επισκεφθεί την «μικρή» Κύπρο. Ο Δ. Χριστόφιας κατάλαβε που πάει το πράγμα και άνοιξε το παιχνίδι. Θέλετε κομμάτι από την πίτα; Βάλτε πλάτες να κλείσει το Κυπριακό, είπε. Την πρώτη επίσημη πλάτη έβαλε η Ρωσία. Αμέσως τσίμπησε και το Βερολίνο. Η Ουάσινγκτον, που παρακολουθεί τις εξελίξεις με ιδιαίτερη αμηχανία, χτύπησε την πόρτα της Λευκωσίας μέσω του Μπαν Κι Μουν. Μόνο που η Λευκωσία είπε no thanks guys, δεν βιαζόμαστε και άρχισε να στρώνει το χαλί βάζοντας τους δικούς της όρους.

Τα βλέπει αυτά ο Γιώργος; Έτσι θα μπορούσε να παίζεται το παιχνίδι. Όχι να μοιράζεται το Αιγαίο στα δύο. Ας πάρει κανένα μάθημα από τους «μικρούς».

ΥΓ: Α, και George. Και η Κύπρος είναι υπό επιτήρηση λόγω υψηλού ελλείμματος. Η Κομισιόν έστειλε ραβασάκι ότι «μέσα σε 3 χρόνια πρέπει να μειώσετε το έλλειμμα στο 3%». Η Λευκωσία απάντησε «εμείς είμαστε αριστερή κυβέρνηση και κάνουμε κοινωνική πολιτική. Δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να κόψουμε μισθούς και συντάξεις. Θα μειώσουμε το έλλειμμα, αλλά σε 5 χρόνια». Και αμέσως ανακοίνωσε έκτακτο επίδομα για όλους ύψους 300 ευρώ. Για να τους σπάσει τα νεύρα. Εκνευρίστηκαν οι Βρυξέλλες που πήγαν να απειλήσουν με κυρώσεις. Για να πάρουν την αποθεωτική απάντηση «εάν μας πιέσετε, θα βάζουμε βέτο σε όποια απόφαση πάει να περάσει η ΕΕ μέχρι την δευτέρα παρουσία». Φοβήθηκαν οι Βρυξέλλες ότι η «κομμουνιστική κυβέρνηση της Κύπρου» δεν το' χει και πολύ να αποφασίσει έξοδο από την ευρωζώνη και σιώπησαν. Βρε, τσαμπουκά οι μικροί!!!
Αλήθεια, με τις γεωτρήσεις στο Αιγαίο, τι γίνεται;

Garlicky Chicken Satays

Isn't it more fun to eat food on a stick? Let's see... there's corn dogs, cotton candy, popsicles, lollipops, kabobs, etc. All of these are great stick eats that are perfectly portable too. So if you're planning on having a fun New Years Eve soirée this weekend and why not add these Garlicky Chicken Satays to the menu? Sophisticated, tasty and fun to eat, you might have to make at least a double batch to keep up with the demand!...

Most chicken satay recipes I've come across involve the use of curry powder. Since my client wasn't a fan of curry, I made these Garlicky Chicken Satays instead. Using a mixture of garlic and spices, chicken breast strips are seasoned and then grilled. To finish off these satays, a classic peanut butter sauce is served along side. If you don't care for peanut butter (like my husband), another sauce that pairs nicely would be honey mustard or jalapeno ranch.

Garlicky Chicken Satay
recipe adapted from Food & Wine

4 large garlic cloves
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 tablespoon Asian fish sauce
2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, sliced lengthwise 1 inch thick
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro or scallions

Light a grill. In a mini food processor, combine the garlic, garlic powder, onion powder, coriander,  cumin, and ground pepper. Add 2 tablespoons of the brown sugar and 1 tablespoon of the fish sauce and process to a fine paste. Transfer half of the seasoning paste to a large bowl. Add the chicken and toss to coat.

Thread the chicken strips onto skewers. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of the oil and let stand for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil in a medium saucepan. Add the remaining seasoning paste and cook over moderate heat, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the coconut milk and bring to a boil, stirring.

Whisk in the peanut butter and the remaining 1 tablespoon each of brown sugar and fish sauce and bring to a simmer. Transfer the sauce to a blender, add the lime juice and puree until smooth. Transfer to a bowl.

Grill the chicken skewers over a hot fire until lightly charred and cooked through, about 5 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a platter or bowl and sprinkle with the cilantro. Serve with the peanut sauce.

" To μνημόνιο είναι ευλογία,δωστε τα λεφτά να τα πάμε Ελβετία"

5 Stuffed Mushroom Recipes to Savor Now...

With the new year only a few days away, many folks may be planning their menu to ring in the new year. It seems as appetizers are taking center stage this time of year and one favorite appetizer of ours is stuffed mushrooms. There's so many variations and things to stuff mushrooms so here are 5 Stuffed Mushroom Recipes to Savor Now...or later!

Cheese & Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms
This recipe uses large portobello mushroom caps to load up on cheese & sausage...

Chicken, Cheddar & Apple Stuffed Mushrooms
Instead of the usual pork sausage, this one is a flavorful mix of chicken, cheddar & apple!

Italian Stuffed Mushroom Caps
A flavorful vegetarian option that's colorful too!

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms
You can't go wrong with sausage stuffed in mushrooms...

Stuffed Mushrooms
This recipe skips out on breadcrumbs and uses something more tasty...


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