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Holiday Candies Adventure!

I'm spending a day making candy for holiday gifts and would love for you to join me! As a result, I'm hosting a Holiday Candies Adventure.

BLOGGERS: Join in the fun and share a candy recipe for this blogging adventure!

1) Make a candy recipe and create a blog post about it from now (the date of this post) until the midnight, December 6th. Any previous blog posts you have where you've created an candy recipe are happily accepted.

2) Add a link back to my blog within your blog post, Joelen's Culinary Adventures (www.joelens.blogspot.com)

3) Send an email with the following information to itsjoelen@gmail.com:
- Title of the blogging adventure in subject line
- Your first name
- Your state and/or country location if outside the U.S.
- Your food blog name & link to your event entry that includes pictures

You can participate even if you don't have a blog. Non-bloggers can email the above information (sans blog details) and I'll include it in the round up.

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