The story of Christopher Marino and his dad, Walter Marino, surviving for long hours after being swept away from
New Smyrna Beach. Florida in an outgoing tide is one that should lift anyone's spirits. While Chris and his dad were in proximity Walter Marino kept his composure, and his son's, by playing a game with him. He would say "To Infinity" and Chris would answer "And Beyond". Separated by the tide, Chris was not found for two hours after his dad was rescued but still remained calm treading water until he too was found. We are all lucky there are people in this world like the fisherman who found Walter Marino and the Coast Guard that rescured Chris. And it is great to see that, back home, Chris has jumped right back in the pool.
The story struck some personal notes with our family. We love to swim and are blessed with natural swimming locations and an excellent community swimming pool in close proximity. Conor loves the water and has always, and still, loves Toy Story. When he was younger, and smaller, he would stand on my knee in the water and I would shout "To Infinity" and pause before saying "And Beyond" before tossing Conor in the water. He would come up with a huge grin on his face and ask to repeat the fun over and over again. He has shot up "like a weed" over the last year though and we can no longer play that game so frequently.
I would not be surprised if it is true that many autistic children love the water but I have to question a bit some of the comments, highlighted in bold, of one of the experts quoted in the article on
And drowning is a leading cause of death for autistic children, said Orlando-based psychologist Terri Daly, who has worked with Christopher and his family.
Yet his inability to understand the gravity of the situation -- and the dangers that lurk beneath the ocean's surface -- might have kept Christopher from desperately fighting the current and sapping his strength.
"It . . . speaks to the observation that children with autism are very much at peace -- very relaxed -- in the water," said Michael Alessandri, a Coral Gables-based clinical professor of psychology and autism expert. "The situation was likely not exacerbated because the child did not panic -- did not realize (the) danger he may have been in -- and stayed calm."
Chris Marino was obviously relaxed and stayed calm. But is that just because he is autistic or because of previous exposure to water? Our son, Conor, is very relaxed in the water. He is autistic but he has had been exposed to the water on a regular basis for many years. Is it correct to generalize as Professor Alessandri did that autistic children are "very much at peace .. very relaxed .. in the water"? Would the same hold true for autistic children who have not been been exposed to the water and opportunities to learn to swim during their early years?
The Chris Marino story is one that cheers us all. But parents and caregivers might not want to simply assume that all autistic children are at ease in the water particularly if drowning is a leading cause of death amongst autistic children as stated by Psychologist Terry Daly.
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