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Nice relaxing dinner with a good bottle of wine!

Potatoes with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, and oregano

Anyone who has been following me on blogging adventure know that I LOVE fresh farmer's market food. This meal was all about that.

I had bought some potatoes on Wednesday when I was there and was really curious to find out how different an organic potatoes taste was compared to a regular potato. Our favorite way to eat potatoes is to oven roast them with garlic, onions, olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano (or any of your favorite herbs). They turned out so great tasting we were all very impressed.

I had also purchased some Romanesco which is described as a cauliflower. I don't know that it really did taste like that. We ate it raw sort as an appetizer. I had my oldest daughter help break it from the stem. In that way it was like broccoli or cauliflower but the taste was very different. It has a nutty, fresh taste to it. We ate it with blue cheese to dip.
Oldest daughter helping in the kitchen (no the knife was not hers)

For the meat we bought some steaks from Publix Greenwise. This was a treat for the girls because we hadn't had steak in a while! It was a treat for T. and I as well becasue we had a nice bottle of wine to go along with it!
All in all a real nice relaxing dinner...I find even the children seem better once I get a glass or 2 of wine in me (is that really the case or do I just not care quite so much???!!!), but regardless it was a perfect meal!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!

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