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Autism Reality NB Blocked At lbrb

One of the frequent visitors to this site is someone whose autism views I do not share.

Kevin Leitch of lbrb, a leading Neurodiversity site has published a few, distorted caricatures of the views I express on this site. I often visit LB/RB, now lbrb, to see what nonsense the ND crowd is up to and to get the ND spin that gets flushed into the internet at least once a day. I note that several of my Facing Autism blog comments have been featured in caricatures offered up at lbrb.

Notwithstanding the frequent visits to my site Kev, and his partners ,don't like to acknowledge visits here for some curious reason. I, however, have no problem acknowledging that I visit lbrb to try and introduce some reason into the largely ND ranting that goes on there. So I joined the Google friend connects feature now located at lbrb and which I also have in the sidebar here. I saw my Google icon of my scruffy bearded face after I did. Today I visited lbrb again and the scruffy old beard icon was gone. I thought I must have made a mistake in registering so I attempted to re-register and I got the following message:

I am disappointed that Kev, Sullivan and the ND gang at lbrb wish to exclude me from their circle of friends. Since I know they visit here often I will promise that if they let me join I will behave myself and never make any more reality based comments about autism disorders. Well, I promise to try anyway. Of course maybe that is not possible, having a 13 year old diagnosed with autism 11 years ago, a son with autistic disorder and profound developmental delays, I find it hard to imbibe the ND Kool-Aid found at lbrb. But hey, I tried to be "friends" anyway.

I don't hold grudges though Kev. You and Sully and Mike Stanton and the ND gang are all welcome here, as Google connect friends, on my site. In fact, truth be told, I do kind of view it as an honor to be blocked from your site since you do nothing to help autistic children by promotion of an anti-treatment, anti-cure, pretend the severely autistic do not exist ideology.

I assume my contrary, reality based, perspective is making you uneasy.

That must be a good thing.

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