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Autism and Paternal Age

Paternal age is emerging as a potential cause or causal factor giving rise to autism. On this site, (as a father whose autistic son was conceived when I was 41), I have received several posts from a blogger/poster who has focussed on this issue . In Australia, reports that researchers at the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research have found:

"adult mice born to older fathers have differently shaped brains and are generally more anxious and less adventurous than those fathered by younger animals. ... brain scans of the mice showed those born to older fathers had thicker cerebral cortexes."

The research team's senior investigator, John McGrath explains that "What we've found in the mice is reminiscent of autism because there's some reasonable evidence about early brain overgrowth in autism". McGrath also stated that the results need to be replicated before they are given scientific validity.

The article by reporter Janelle Niles states that previous population studies have found a six-times increased likelihood of autism than those born to dads in their 20's. Unlike my friends at Autism Street I am no statistician but on a common sense level, if the article information is correct, a six-times increased likelihood of autism in offspring for Dad's in their 40's compared to Dads in their 20's would seem to be .... statistically significant ... one which should be the focus of further research.

No way could I get a picture!

Yes I've been at it again! I found the best Farmer's Market ever. All the food is certified Organic (Worden Farms) and the market is held every Wednesday! It doesn't get much better than this...well yes I guess it does. The guy on the shrimp boat right around the corner who was selling last nights catch right from his boat even beat that! I brought my bounty home. Cooked up the beets for dinner and left the shrimp for T. to cook and behead! Now just to let you know, my family loves fresh shrimp. That shrimp was sauteed in fresh garlic and butter until just cooked. Put on the plates and eaten up so quick that I didn't stand a chance at getting a picture! But it sure looked good!

I cooked up the beets using the oven roasted beet recipe that I used the other day and they were delicious again! I saved the greens to cook up tonight with one super large fresh salad! This is the best time of year to be eating locally that's for sure!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


FMR4 - New Gene Link to Fragile X and Autism

The Autism Knowledge Revolution is continuing at such an explosive pace that it barely makes the news when an important new research development provides new insights into the biological structures and process of autism disorder. More of the genes associated with autism and related conditions, Fragile X, in the report that follows, are becoming known. At times it seems on a daily basis.

PLoS ONE has published a report - A Novel RNA Transcript with Antiapoptotic Function Is Silenced in Fragile X Syndrome of a study by researchers Ahmad M. Khalil, Mohammad Ali Faghihi, Farzaneh Modarresi, Shaun P. Brothers, Claes Wahlestedt of the Molecular and Integrative Neurosciences Department (MIND), The Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, Florida which identifies a new gene FMR4 involved with Fragile X syndrome and potentially many cases of autism.

In New Gene Linked To Fragile X Syndrome -- Suggests Potential Targets For Autism And Other Neurological Disorders Science Daily translates from science into layperson the article published in PLoS ONE :

ScienceDaily (Jan. 30, 2008) — Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have discovered a new gene involved in fragile X syndrome, a condition that often shares many symptoms of autism. The discovery may lead to new tests or treatments for several neurological disorders.


Fragile X syndrome affects thousands of patients worldwide with severe learning disabilities, often accompanied by anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are currently no therapeutic treatments available for fragile X syndrome. Approximately one-third of all children diagnosed with fragile X syndrome also have some degree of autism, according to The National Fragile X Foundation, including such behaviors as social anxiety, poor eye contact, and hand biting.

More than 16 years ago, scientists linked fragile X syndrome to inactivation of FMR1 gene expression, leading to the lack of a protein known as the fragile X mental retardation protein, now considered to be critical for neuronal function. Until the current study, no other functional gene other than FMR1 had been shown to be inactivated in the disorder.

However, Wahlestedt knew the FMR1 gene locus-a specific point on a chromosome-was not well mapped. Wahlestedt and his colleagues hypothesized that unknown regulatory genes might be transcribed from the region.

The new study shows at least one other functional gene-FMR4-from this genetic region is linked to fragile X syndrome, although the gene's exact role in the intact brain remains uncharacterized.......

For anyone wondering, as I was, what the term anti-apoptic means, it relates to apoptosis for which I found some definitions on-line:


A form of cell death in which a programmed sequence of events leads to the elimination of cells without releasing harmful substances into the surrounding area. Apoptosis plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining health by eliminating old cells, unnecessary cells, and unhealthy cells. The human body replaces perhaps a million cells a second. Too little or too much apoptosis plays a role in a great many diseases. When programmed cell death does not work right, cells that should be eliminated may hang around and become immortal. For example, in cancer and leukemia. When apoptosis works overly well, it kills too many cells and inflicts grave tissue damage. This is the case in strokes and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer, Huntington and Parkinson diseases. Apoptosis is also called programmed cell death or cell suicide. Strictly speaking, the term apoptosis refers only to the structural changes cells go through, and programmed cell death refers to the complete underlying process, but the terms are often used interchangeably.

Merriam-Webster OnLine


Main Entry:
ap·o·pto·sis Listen to the pronunciation of apoptosis
\ˌa-pəp-ˈtō-səs, -pə-ˈtō-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural ap·o·pto·ses Listen to the pronunciation of apoptoses \-ˌsēz\
New Latin, from Greek apoptōsis a falling off, from apopiptein to fall off, from apo- + piptein to fall — more at feather
: a genetically directed process of cell self-destruction that is marked by the fragmentation of nuclear DNA, is activated either by the presence of a stimulus or removal of a suppressing agent or stimulus, and is a normal physiological process eliminating DNA-damaged, superfluous, or unwanted cells —called also programmed cell death
ap·o·pto·tic Listen to the pronunciation of apoptotic \-ˈtä-tik\ adjective

Sausage and Fresh Greens

I found this recipe a couple of days ago on a fellow Floridian's blog (Jenn from The Left-Over Queen). Due to all of the wonderful fresh produce we have access to here in the winter both of us are cooking similar things. I have loved several of her recipes before this one (remember the oven roasted beets last week?). This one was incredible though. Maybe the thing that I liked best about was that I cooked it in the afternoon. Placed the pot and all in the fridge and when T. got home from work he was able to just turn the stove on and heat up dinner for us. Pretty cool for me on a busy Tuesday night!

Sausage and Fresh Greens


6 organic chicken sausage links (I use all natural pork sausage)
3 TBS olive oil
3 cloves garlic, smashed
1 small onion, diced
1can CiCi (garbanzo) beans
2 TBS tomato paste
8 oz. Can plum tomatoes w/ juice
2 cups assorted greens (chard, beet, spinach)(I only had swiss chard at the time)
salt & pepper to taste
splash of white truffle oil (I used truffle "Carpaccio"-Just what I had on hand)


In a skillet place sausage in one inch of water. Boil water and turn sausage frequently. When water is gone, add olive oil to pan and shake pan to coat the sausages. Brown sausages on one side. Add the onions and garlic. Turn sausages and brown on other side. Add beans, tomato paste and tomatoes. Bring to a simmer. Add greens. Salt & pepper to taste. Simmer for 15 minutes. Finish with a splash of white truffle oil. Can serve over pasta, potatoes, with rice or just by itself.
We did top it with some goat cheese. What a wonderfully, flavorful dish!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Some of the best meals are made when cleaning out the fridge!

I am looking for chickens...actually not really chickens I want their eggs! We have been trying to eat seasonally and locally but boy is it hard sometimes. I have been looking for farm fresh chicken eggs. shouldn't be too hard right? Wrong. I drove 3 hours today on the hunt for chickens eggs and still came up empty. The only place that I can find around here won't return my calls or emails so I have to keep hunting. Hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to show you some great things I have made with my farm fresh eggs!

Anyway the other night after we had been to our local U-Pick I wanted to just clear out the fridge and make sure that we used up everything that we could before we put the new stuff in. We ended up with a wonderful meal utilizing left over items and some really great fresh, local produce!

We had some eggplant left over form my Royal Foodie Joust entry so we used that and made it into 2 individual stack like eggplant sandwiches with fresh mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and tomato slices in between. T. topped his with some left over Manchego cheese and Parmesan! Then we baked them to get everything nice and warm and the cheese melted and browned.
Then onto the spinach. We had some baby spinach leaves and wanted to cook them up. We used some Panchetta that I had left over from the Royal Foodie Joust so I cooked that up nice and crispy and cooked up some mushrooms that were on their last days as well. All went great with the spinach as you can see!
To cook the spinach I first browned up the panchetta (regular bacon would work as well but you might need to drain it before you add the other stuff) add a bit of olive oil (1 Tbsp) some sliced mushrooms and some chopped up garlic (we use a lot of garlic). Cook until all of this is soft. Add the fresh spinach. It will be completely fill you pan but just stir it around and it wilts right down. Cook until just wilted and stir in 1 Tbsp of butter. Remove from heat and serve! This can be done without the bacon or panchetta as well.

Next we move onto the zucchini fritters. I have posted that recipe before but here it is again. This is such a nice easy side dish to make when zucchini are plentiful. Zucchini Fritter Recipe. T. decide that he wanted some aioli sauce (garlic/mayonnaise sauce) with his so he made some up and put it in these fresh roasted jalapeños that we had as well!
This turned out to be one of the best meals that I have had in a long time! The kids liked it and ate bits and pieces here and there. Sure beats eating left overs again!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Φιλανθρωπίας Εγκώμιον


Kάποιος κατέβαινε από την Πόλη των Αδάκρυτων Ανθρώπων στην Πόλη των Αγέλαστων ανθρώπων . Έπεσε όμως σε χέρια ληστών, οι οποίοι, αφού τον ξεγύμνωσαν και τον καταπλήγωσαν, τον άφησαν μισοπεθαμένο κι έφυγαν.

Για κακή του τύχη εκείνη την μέρα απεργούσαν τα ασθενοφόρα και τα τρία πέριξ νοσοκομεία παρ όλο που είχαν
εγκαινιασθεί επτά φορές το καθένα, προ τριετίας, δεν είχαν ολοκληρώσει ακόμα τις διαδικασίες προσλήψεως ιατρικού και νοσηλευτικού προσωπικού .

Kατά σύμπτωση ομως, από το δρόμο εκείνο περνούσε με το τζιπ του ένας δραστήριος επιχειρηματίας, ο οποίος, μόλις είδε τον τραυματία, τηλεφώνησε χωρίς την παραμικρή καθυστέρηση με το κινητό του στον επενδυτικό του σύμβουλο και αφού βεβαιώθηκε οτι τα διατιθέμενα δια φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς εισοδήματα εκπίπτουν απο το φορολογητέο εισόδημα, οργάνωσε στο πλησιέστερο πανδοχείο μια συνέντευξη τύπου και εξήγγειλε οτι η εταιρεία του προσφέρει στο θύμα της ληστείας τα έξοδα νοσηλείας και εαν υποκύψει στα τραύματα του , τα έξοδα κηδείας με μόνο όρο , οτι στην πρώτη περίπτωση οι επίδεσμοι και στην δεύτερη περίπτωση τα φλιτζανάκια του καφέ παρηγοριάς, θα φέρουν σε εμφανές μέρος το λογότυπο της εταιρείας.

Μετά απο τον δραστήριο επιχειρηματία, πέρασε απο το δρόμο εκείνο μια φιλεύσπλαχνη κυρία που μόλις
είδε τον τραυματία έφριξε και σοκαρισμένη οργάνωσε κατεπειγόντως ενα γκαλά υπερ των θυμάτων ληστειών στο οποίο προσήλθε όλος ο καλός κόσμος. Oι τουαλέτες των κυρίων οι οποίες παρευρέθησαν σχολιάστηκαν εγκωμιαστικά απο τις εγκυρότερες κοσμικές και με τα έσοδα από τα εισιτήρια αγοράσθηκαν τρεις τόνοι επίδεσμοι οι οποίοι απεστάλησαν στο ετοιμοθάνατο θύμα της ληστείας. Ο ταχυμεταφορέας ομως έκανε λάθος στην διεύθυνση και παρέδωσε τους επιδέσμους σε ενα γειτονικό ορνιθοτροφείο.

Μετα απο τον
δραστήριο επιχειρηματία και την φιλεύσπλαχνη κυρία πέρασε απο τον δρόμο εκείνο ένας υπερηλιξ αμαρτωλός ο οποιος σκέφτηκε oτι του παρουσιαζόταν μια πρώτης τάξεως ευκαιρία για να σωθεί η αμαρτωλή ψυχή του . Έτρεξε λοιπόν πήρε απο το σπίτι του Οσα ληγμένα τρόφιμα και όσα μεταχειρισμένα ιμάτια μπόρεσε να βρει καθώς και ενα μπρελόκ σε σχήμα μασέλας που του είχε χαρίσει μια εξ αγχιστείας θεια του και του έδινε στα νεύρα κάθε φορά που το έβλεπε, και σταυροκοπουμενος με το ενα χέρι τα εναπόθεσε προσεκτικά με το άλλο χέρι, δίπλα στο μισοπεθαμένο θύμα των ληστών

Μετα τον δραστήριο επιχειρηματία, την φιλεύσπλαχνη κυρία και τον υπερήλικα αμαρτωλό, πέρασε απο το δρόμο ένας περισπούδαστος διανοούμενος , ο οποίος αγανάκτησε τόσο πολύ απο το θέαμα του αιμόφυρτου ημιθανούς θύματος, ώστε για να ευαισθητοποιήσει την κοινή γνώμη έγραψε μια περισπούδαστη διατριβή κατά της ληστείας με τίτλο ‘Οι διαχρονικές επιπτώσεις της αρπακτικής οντολογίας στην χαμπερμασιανή ορθολογικότητα της σαμαρειτικής θυματολογίας’

Μετα τον δραστηριο επιχειρηματία, την φιλεύσπλαχνη κυρία, τον υπερήλικα αμαρτωλό και τον περισπούδαστο διανοούμενο πέρασε απο εκείνο τον δρόμο ένας περιφανής πολίτης με οργανωτικές ικανότητες και θεληματικό πηγούνι ο οποιος συγκλονισμένος απο την επιθανάτια αγωνία του συνανθρώπου του, αποφάσισε οτι έπρεπε να ληφθούν ριζικά μέτρα για την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος.

Για να εκπληρώσει τον σκοπό του προσέλαβε τρεις τηλεφωνήτριες, επτά ορκωτούς λογιστές εννέα σύμβουλους δημόσιων σχέσεων και δώδεκα εκπρόσωπους τύπου και ίδρυσε μια μη κερδοσκοπική φιλανθρωπική εταιρεία η οποία μετά από μια εντατική καμπάνια συγκέντρωσε ενα σεβαστό ποσό υπερ του θύματος αλλά η μια δεκάρα που απόμεινε οταν κατεβλήθησαν οι μισθοί του προσωπικού και τα λειτουργικά έξοδα, έπεσε κάτω και όσο ευσυνείδητα και συντονισμένα και αν μπουσουλούσαν και οι εφτά λογιστές στο πάτωμα, δεν καταφέρανε να την εντοπίσουν.

Μόλις το υπουργικό συμβούλιο ενημερώθηκε για την αξιοσημείωτη αυτή έξαρση
φιλανθρωπίας στην χώρα, αποφάσισε να μειώσει δραστικά τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό για τις πάσης φύσεως κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες

Οταν τα έμαθαν αυτά οι δυο ληστές αισθάνθηκαν μεγάλη ντροπή για την κατάντια του τόπου και έκριναν αναγκαίο να αναθεωρήσουν τις μεθόδους τους.

Αποφάσισαν λοιπόν απο τούδε και στο εξής προτού εγκαταλείψουν τον τόπο του εγκλήματος, να δίνουν τη χαριστική βολή στα θύματα τους .
Η πρώτη φωτογραφία είναι από wikipedia η δεύτερη και η τρίτη από την η τέταρτη από την Λωρίδα της Γάζας και η πέμπτη γύρω σας.

Autism and Censorship

I do not subscribe to the vaccine/thimerosal causes autism theory. It is necessary to state that at the outset because of the often heated, sometimes irrational nature of internet discussions of autism issues.

There exists a group of people, often called "neurodiversity" comprised of some high functioning autistic persons, some parents and professionals who share their view, who tend to promote a view of autism as a non-medical disability, a socially created disability which, from their perspective is simply different wiring of the brain. In the neurodiversity belief system autism is just a different way of thinking which, by their self identification with historical geniuses, can even be seen as superior to neurotypical thought. Positive views of autism are promoted. Negative realities of autism are suppressed. And now, in the American Academy of Pediatrics, the neurodiversity movement has a powerful new ally as it seeks to censor a work of fiction - the Eli Stone television series episode which apparently suggests a link between vaccines and autism.

The neurodiversity group is so rigid in its perspective that its adherents react with intense hostility to any negative portrayal of autism disorders such as that shown in the Autism Every Day video or the Ransom Notes campaign. The AED video presented the realities of autism from the perspective of caring parents. The Ransom Notes campaign was an attempt to create public awareness of some of the harsher realities of disabilities includig autism. While they have not been able to silence Autism Speaks, or the parents who created the Autism Every Day video, it is not for want of trying. And the "autism is beautiful" movement was a prime player in the successful effort to censor the Ransom Notes campaign, a campaign which was designed to focus attention on the harsher realities of various disabilities including autism disorders. Even Ph.D's, academics, presumably committed to the free exchange of ideas, bragged on the internet that they were doing "happy dances" over their success in shutting down the Ransom Notes campaign.

The Eli Stone episode is, on the surface, objectionable to the neurodiversity autism censors because it portrays a link between vaccines and autism. The episode features a family attorney who wins a court decision in which he successfully argues that a mercury-containing flu vaccine caused autism in a child. This alleged causal link enjoys little support in the medical and scientific communities and the AAP is presumably acting with good intentions when it seeks to censor the episode in question. But the same can not be said of the neurodiversity censors.

To be sure their criticisms of the vaccine autism link are consistent with accepted medical and scientific opinion but they want the episode and such discussion censored for another reason. They are offended by a medical model of autism disability. To them autism is a disability only because society imposes conditions on autistic persons which make it a disability. Even discussion of potential environmental bases for autism, anything other than a purely genetic model, is met with intense hostility by neurodiversity bloggers.

I have never been a fan of David Kirby, or his promotion of the vaccine causes autism theories. But I would not want to silence his voice, his opinion on this or any other subject. And I believe he has a point when he expresses alarm about the attempt to censor a television series episode in Scarier Than Fiction: Pediatricians Try To Censor ABC.

Autism Disorder is a medical disorder. Censorship is a severe social disorder which poses a threat to the health of a democratic society.

Just a quickie...

I found out today that I have been published again this time by BBQ Report to see the story click here . Reuter's picked me up again last week as well. I guess a little validity is good here and there!

Daring Baker's Challenge for January!

When my wonderful sister was here over Christmas we were reminiscing over the amazing Lemon Meringue Pies that Mom used to make. Turns out my memory was really fuzzy because those pies came out of a box! I can't remember the name of the company and maybe it was just a Canadian thing but regardless I was really craving one now! So to my great surprise and excitement I found out that January's Daring Baker Challenge was...did you guess it? Lemon Meringue Pie!!!!

This month's challenge was
hosted by Jen, Canadian Baker, and I truly can't thank her enough! This pie was amazing in every single way. The crust was firm and strong enough to hold up to a very moist pie (kind of reminded me of shortbread!) but not tough...the lemon curd was sour and sweet both at the same time and the texture was incredible and then the meringue...what can you really say about meringue (do you know anyone who doesn't like meringue?). The only thing I struggled with was the weather this time. It was in the 80's and incredibly humid. I could not for the life of me get my meringue into "stiff" peaks but I could get it thick enough to work with. I truly loved this recipe and T. and the kids loved it as well. I can think of about 10 people who have Lemon Meringue Pie as their favorite that I will be forwarding this incredible recipe to!

I also found that I am not very good at making the pretty fluted edges on the pie but I am sure that will come with practice!

Will I make it again...Oh yes and I can't wait to. Maybe I will make it for myself for my birthday!!! I will be looking for excuses to make this one!

Lemon Meringue Pie

Makes one 10-inch (25 cm) pie

For the Crust:

¾ cup (180 mL) cold butter; cut into ½-inch (1.2 cm) pieces

2 cups (475 mL) all-purpose flour

¼ cup (60 mL) granulated sugar

¼ tsp (1.2 mL) salt

cup (80 mL) ice water

For the Filling:

2 cups (475 mL) water

1 cup (240 mL) granulated sugar

½ cup (120 mL) cornstarch

5 egg yolks, beaten

¼ cup (60 mL) butter

¾ cup (180 mL) fresh lemon juice

1 tbsp (15 mL) lemon zest

1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla extract

For the Meringue:

5 egg whites, room temperature

½ tsp (2.5 mL) cream of tartar

¼ tsp (1.2 mL) salt

½ tsp (2.5 mL) vanilla extract

¾ cup (180 mL) granulated sugar

For the Crust: Make sure all ingredients are as cold as possible. Using a food processor or pastry cutter and a large bowl, combine the butter, flour, sugar and salt. Process or cut in until the mixture resembles coarse meal and begins to clump together. Sprinkle with water, let rest 30 seconds and then either process very briefly or cut in with about 15 strokes of the pastry cutter, just until the dough begins to stick together and come away from the sides of the bowl. Turn onto a lightly floured work surface and press together to form a disk. Wrap in plastic and chill for at least 20 minutes.

Allow the dough to warm slightly to room temperature if it is too hard to roll. On a lightly floured board (or countertop) roll the disk to a thickness of ⅛ inch (.3 cm). Cut a circle about 2 inches (5 cm) larger than the pie plate and transfer the pastry into the plate by folding it in half or by rolling it onto the rolling pin. Turn the pastry under, leaving an edge that hangs over the plate about ½ inch (1.2 cm). Flute decoratively. Chill for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC). Line the crust with foil and fill with metal pie weights or dried beans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Carefully remove the foil and continue baking for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden. Cool completely before filling.

For the Filling: Bring the water to a boil in a large, heavy saucepan. Remove from the heat and let rest 5 minutes. Whisk the sugar and cornstarch together. Add the mixture gradually to the hot water, whisking until completely incorporated.

Return to the heat and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until the mixture comes to a boil. The mixture will be very thick. Add about 1 cup (240 mL) of the hot mixture to the beaten egg yolks, whisking until smooth. Whisking vigorously, add the warmed yolks to the pot and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil. Remove from the heat and stir in butter until incorporated. Add the lemon juice, zest and vanilla, stirring until combined. Pour into the prepared crust. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming on the surface, and cool to room temperature.

For the Meringue: Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC). Using an electric mixer beat the egg whites with the cream of tartar, salt and vanilla extract until soft peaks form. Add the sugar gradually, beating until it forms stiff, glossy peaks. Pile onto the cooled pie, bringing the meringue all the way over to the edge of the crust to seal it completely. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden. Cool on a rack. Serve within 6 hours to avoid a soggy crust.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Autism Waiting Lists In Alberta

The disparity in funding for autism treatment in Canada has, in the past, led some families with autistic children to move to oil rich Alberta, which has substantial government funding available for autistic children. But the availability of better funding has not translated into better services in all cases as children are stuck on lengthy waiting lists awaiting assessment. In Situation critical for autistic children Nicki Thomas of Sun Media reports on the critical shortage of staff and funding threatening the futures of autistic children in Edmonton. Terri Duncan of Children's Autism Services of Edmonton indicates that there are staffing shortages everywhere in Alberta and children are waiting up to a year for assessment. That year is a critically important year lost for autistic children in need of treatment:

Duncan said if autism isn't detected and treated early on, disruptive behaviour - like hitting, kicking and biting - develop from an inability to communicate effectively.

"Those behaviours can make lives really difficult and hard to deal with," she said.

"We would be able to take a lot more children off the waiting list if we had more qualified, trained staff," Duncan said.

Many credible studies and reviews of professional literature have confirmed that early ABA intervention is critically important for achieving the best possible outcome for autistic children. Lengthy waiting lists for assessment deprive autistic children of a better future.

In New Brunswick many, including me, have thought that a medical doctor is the only professional who can diagnose autism disorders. I was informed though that Psychologists can also make the initial autism diagnosis.

New Brunswick, Alberta, or anywhere else in Canada, it would seem that an important step in addressing the autism crisis, a crisis which is very real for families of children with autism, is to take steps to educate GP's in diagnosing autism. The tools being made available now by the American Academy of Pediatrics and similar organizations should be used by all doctors and psychologists to ensure autistic children receive early ABA treatment during the important early years without time being squandered.

Tragic Autism Reality In North Carolina - Autistic Child Dies After Going Missing

A casual reader of "autism" blogs on the internet might think that the most pressing autism problems were largely literary in nature, the right metaphor or nuance to use, whether it is proper to refer to "a person with autism" or "an autistic person". Attempts by concerned parents to discuss the hard realities of autism are often met with condemnation - until tragedy strikes as it has in Cabarrus County North Carolina where an autistic child died hours after going missing from a care center, only to be found near a pond and rushed to Intensive Care. I feel for the family members, and for the care givers at the center who were apparently very close to the boy.

I lived through a "gone missing" situation with Conor which thankfully ended well, in large part because of the efforts of a Good Samaritan who took him into a nearby store, and away from the busy street he had wandered onto, but the intense fear and guilt I felt will always be with me. I can only imagine the grief of those who loved the unfortunate child in Cabarrus County for whom things ended so badly.

The world needs autism treatments and cures, so that all children with autism have the opportunity to grow into adults and live as full a life as possible.

We're Going Stir (Fry) Crazy!

The January winter is making me stir crazy! Today I hosted a stir fry wok cooking event for What's Cookin Chicago. Everyone made their own stir fry creation with their choice fresh vegetables & stir fry sauces, served with either fried rice or lo mein noodles. As a thank you gift, each person also went home with a julienne vegetable peeler to continue making stir fries at home! Here are pics of the event:

Prep Work of Some Vegetables:
Vegetable Buffet which included:
baby organic spinach, sliced button mushrooms,
bean sprouts, edamame, pea pods, tamago (Japanese egg),
carrots, cucumber, water chestnuts, scallions,
bok choy, firm tofu, baby corn,
bamboo shoots,
tri-colored bell peppers and fried garlicStir Fry Sauces:
Teriyaki, Sweet & Sour, Stir Fry Sauce, Hoisin Sauce
ShrimpChicken BreastPorkSalmon & Unagi (eel)Orange slices & drinks:
Matcha Green Tea Latte & Sencha Green Tea
Fried Rice Lo Mein NoodlesGetting Stir Crazy!

Psychoanalysis Allegedly Helps Kids With Autism, No Evidence To Back Up Claim

In Psychoanalysis Helps Kids With Autism CBS quotes Susan P. Sherkow, MD, a New York City psychoanalyst who works with autistic children and their families and describes how, in her opinion, psychoanalysis helps autistic children:

"The therapist focuses on the behavior, mood, or emotion of the child and then translates it to the child and waits for a sign that the child feels understood, such as a furtive glance. And from there, the therapist enters the child's world," she explains. Sometimes this translation is putting the child's actions into words, such as saying "you are picking up a cup." "Psychoanalysis should be part of the package because unless you have a really gifted specialist, you are not going to get at the meaning of what these children are trying to convey," she says.

The article cites only Dr. Sherkow's opinion in support of its headline proposition that psychoanalysis helps kids with autism. No credible studies, no studies of any kind, are offered in support of the proposition. Fortunately Denise Mann, the author of the article, also spoke with Andy Shih, PhD, vice president of scientific affairs at Autism Speaks, who stated:

"Very little is known about effective treatments for autism. The only approach that has evidence behind it is ABA. In many cases, this approach has been helpful in allowing children to lead a healthy and more normal life."

Sweet As Honey...

Tonight's dinner was an easy one - honey mustard pork with roasted potatoes & garlic spinach. I marinated the pork for a few hours, chopped up & seasoned my potatoes then baked both in the oven. As that baked, I sauteed some spinach on the stovetop with some minced garlic & olive oil. Voila! Dinner is ready....Here is my recipe for the honey mustard marinade:

1 part honey
1 part yellow prepared mustard
1 part praline mustard glaze

Combine equal parts of the above ingredients and whisk together well. If you cannot find praline mustard glaze, you can substitute it with pure maple syrup. I added it in for an extra depth of sweetness. This is great on pork and chicken!

It all started with a chicken...

Roasted Chicken

One day last week I thought it would be a great idea to roast a chicken. The weather was nice and cool and the kids always eat a roasted chicken real well. I was at the grocery store and bought a chicken. It was a 3 pounder but, get this, it cost me around $8???!!! Yes, it was organic, free range, no antibiotics or hormones, but still that is a lot for a small chicken. I figured though that I would be sure to make 2 meals out of it so could therefore justify the expense!

So have you ever made something and it turned out so delicious but you knew that because of all of the crazy components involved in the meal you would NEVER be able to recreate it? That's what happened here. First of all for dinner on Wednesday night I roasted the chicken. I roasted it my standard way...lost of garlic, butter to brown the skin, salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and half a lemon inside the cavity. I always roast this chicken in a large, heavy casserole dish because I love how moist the bird is when it is done. Anyway that with a salad was dinner on Wednesday. Chicken Stock Cooking

I saved all of the bones, drippings and the leftover meat and let them sit in the fridge over night. In the morning I took the bones out and threw them into a pot with the drippings, celery, onion, onion tops, parsley, and white pepper. I let this just barely simmer all day. Around dinner time I strained the stock and put the cleaned stock back on the stove and added the left over meat (cut into small pieces) and, now here is where it gets loopy, I had made stuffed eggplant during the week and had a bunch of leftover lentil stuffing so I tossed that into the pot as well. The smell of this soup cooking was out of this world. You had the lemony smell from the roasted chicken, cinnamon from the lentil mixture, and the wonderful savory smells from the stock that I made. To top it all off I made some dumplings to go in the pot. This soup was amazing but I will probably never be able or want to make it again. Next time it will be a bunch of different leftovers used in the pot!
Pot Full of Chicken Soup with Dumplings!

Dumpling Recipe

2 cups of all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
4 tsp baking powder
1 egg beaten
2 Tbsp melted butter
2/3 cups milk

Directions: Sift the dry ingredients together and the beaten egg, melted butter and milk. Stir gently until dry ingredients are just moist. Drop by teaspoon into the boiling soup pot and caver and cook for about 18 minutes. They should be nice, light and fluffy!
What a Great Bowl of Soup!

At least I can justify the $8 chicken now!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Επικοινωνιακή Κλίμακα


Δ--Το δέκα είναι του Θεού ,το μηδέν του Βελζεβούλη!
Γ---Τι μας λές ρε φίλε εγώ ξέρω το 10 το καλό των ακροδεξιών και 0 το σίγουρο των ακροαριστερών με αστεράτο το 5 των κεντρώων που όλοι τους θέλουν και όλοι τους ξεχνάνε όταν τους πάρουν την ψήφο.
Δ---Τα φαινόμενα απατούν κύριε ταιριάζει η σημειολογία αλλά για αυτούς που έχουν ανάγκη τη βαθμολόγηση, κάθε μαθητή της ζωής, κάθε επιμελητή των λαθών του θα σου ξεδιαλύνω επι τόπου το πως μετράμε τους ανθρώπους.
Γ--- Κοίτα μη πηδήξεις από κανένα παράθυρο.
Δ---Μα οι βαθμολογίες είναι στιγμιαίες ,ας πούμε τριμήνου και πρόσεξε με: Το δέκα των Θεών ,το εννιά των
ποιητών το οκτώ των Κυνικών άντε και των Στωικών...
Γ---Πήρες φόρα έτσι;;
Δ---Φόρα κατηφόρα το επτά των
Σοφιστών το έξη των Προφητών ,των μανιωδών διδασκάλων, το πέντε των Επικούρειων.. των fast food ανθρώπων και των αμούστακων αδιαμόρφωτων παιδιών.
Γ----Μεχρι εδώ γήινα και ουράνια πλάσματα στα υπόγεια;;
Δ---Στα υπόγεια από τέσσερα έως άσσο βάλε όλες τις διαβαθμίσεις της απατεωνιάς, όλα τα εκπεπτωκότα τάγματα αγγέλων με κορυφαίο προς τα κάτω τον ίδιο τον Διάολο τον Πρίγκηπα του σκότους εκεί που στέλνουμε για «εύκολες λύσεις»
Γ--- Γιατί τα τσαμπουνάς όλα αυτά που το πάς;;
Τσούγκρισαν τα ποτήρια ήπιαν από λίγο κρασί η τσίκνα μύριζε από το χώρο καπνιστών του μικρού ταβερνείου.
Δ--- Εσύ που θα βαθμολογούσες τον πατέρα που σκοτώνει το παιδί του, τη φύτρα του την φυσική του συνέχεια;;
Γ----Επ τι μου λές τώρα ποιός που πότε, το θέμα των ημερών είναι οι αυτοκτονίες πολιτικών προσώπων, εσύ πως το γυρίζεις στην αρχαία τραγωδία.
Δ---Είναι ένα και το αυτό καταστρέφεις τον εαυτό σου ή το σπλάχνο σου όταν έχεις μεγάλη ηθική κατάπτωση, αλλά νόμιζες άλλα η ζωή σου έβγαλε άκου μια μικρή Ικαντζίδικη ιστορία.
« Στο διάδρομο του ΙΚΑ η συνήθης βαβούρα, στη στάση του τραμ πιό συγκαταβατικά περιμένουμε τη σειρά μας. Βγαίνει ο προηγούμενος χειρουργικός ασθενής, πλακώνονται πέντε να μπούνε μαζί στη πόρτα του ιατρείου με πρώτη διαγκωνιζομένη μια σουρτούκα 65άρα με βαμμένο μαλλί και τεράστια λεκάνη. Πετάγομαι από την θέση μου, με βάσει τι βαστούν στα χέρια τους επιβάλλω την τάξη. Τα τέσσερα είναι ταχείς διεκπεραιώσεις ελεγκτικού έργου , τη βάζω στη θέση της:
«Εσείς κυρία μου τελευταία για να σας δώ καλύτερα». Όντως εντός τρίλεπτου απομονώνομαι μαζί της και ακούω το πρόβλημα. Σε λίγο ήταν λυμένο.
Ψυχοκινητικά απότοκα της κηδείας του αδελφού της σε μεγάλη πόλη της Κρήτης, μόλις επέστρεψε από κάτου και οι εκκρεμότητες υγείας μετά από μια κηδεία αποκτούν ξεχωριστή προτεραιότητα.
Πως χάθηκε ο αδελφός;; Διαβητικός που αυτοκτόνησε με φρικτό προγραμματισμένο τρόπο δέθηκε και έκανε μεγάλη δόση από την ένεση που ως τότε ήταν για αυτόν δώρο ζωής, ώς τότε. Καρφώθηκα στην καρέκλα μου άφωνος, κίνησε να φύγει. Τι τόθελα και ρώτησα. Η αίσθηση του επαπειλούμενου θανάτου το σβήσιμο της λυχνίας εγκεφάλου που γίνεται στην υπογλυκαιμία είναι απεχθέστατη αίσθηση.
Βρήκα λίγο σάλιο ,την πρόκανα.
Δ---Πως τέτοιο κακό;;
Γύρισε αυθόρμητα και χωρίς να της πω στρογγυλοκάθεται. Έψαχνε και αυτή μιαν αφορμή: «Είχε χάσει παιδί 28 χρονών λεβέντη»
«Μηχανάκια» αναρωτήθηκα φωναχτά και κούνησε το κεφάλι ένα απλό κάταγμα κνήμης-περόνης.
«Δεν πήγε καλά το χειρουργείο, καμιά επιπλοκή τόλμησα να αρθρώσω;;» Τα μάτια της ήταν βυθισμένα στο ασυνείδητο. Δυσκολευότανε ή αυτή ήθελε να μου τα πει με τα δικά της λόγια ή τώρα τα σκεφτόταν;
Καλά που δεν την αποπήρα την πριν λίγο σαματαντζού, είχε ήδη κάτσει κάτω από το πετραχήλι που ο κλάδος κέκτηται, βαρειά βασανιστική εξουσία εμπιστοσύνης.
«Δεν έγινε χειρουργείο γιατρέ, αρνήθηκε ο πατέρας, του ζήτησαν 3 φιάλες αίμα και ήταν
Μάρτυρες του Ιαχωβά»
Τόπε και ξεθύμανε ένας κόμπος ξεγαντζώθηκε από μέσα της. Ηταν η σειρά μου να σιωπήσω.
«Τον έβλεπε 8 μήνες στο κρεβάτι ένα θηρίο κορμί να μαραίνεται, έκανε όλες τις επιπλοκές. Πως τούρθε τέτοια επιλογή, δεν σκέφτηκε, στο τέλος δεν άντεξε μετά τα σαράντα του παιδιού, τελειώνοντας με τα τυπικά προσευχές μνημόσυνα και τα ρέστα τόκανε και στον εαυτό του, σκληρός και αψύς ο αδελφός μου στις αποφάσεις του»
Μούχε φύγει κάθε όρεξη για κουβέντα, τι να πω., ήδη η ουρά στη πόρτα είχε γεμίσει άκουγα το βουητό της.»
Δ---Συγνώμη σε κούρασα με την μακροσκελή κουβέντα για τη σαματαντζού θεία. Στο περιέγραψα όσο πιό συνοπτικά σήκωνε η τραγωδία, θες κάτι να ρωτήσεις;;
Γ- Μάνα δεν είχε αυτό το παληκάρι, να το βλέπει να μαραίνεται να επαναστατήσει, συνήθως οι γυναίκες έχουν το ένστικτο της επιβίωσης......
Δ—Ήρθε όλη η οικογένεια κόντρα με την ιδεολογία της,
τις τράπεζες ιδεών ,τα φετίχ, τις μπούργκες του συγκεκριμένου θρησκεύματος, Αμερικάνικα κατασκευάσματα φόβου.
Γ--- Έχουμε γεμίσει ιδεολογίες που μας οδηγούν κατευθείαν στο θάνατο, τι με ρώτησες λοιπόν; .
Δ—Που τον κατατάσσεις λοιπόν τον αυτόχειρα στην επικοινωνιακή κλίμακα;;
Γ—Ε, είναι ξεκάθαρο δυνατός του άσσου, χρήσιμος σαν αρνητικό παράδειγμα, μη επαναρθώσιμος , παρενέβη και αφαίρεσε μια ζωή, του γιου του με την απόφασή του και την επιρροή του στην πατριαρχική οικογένεια, επέλεξε λάθος παιγνίδι για να παίξει σ΄αυτή τη ζωή. Στο τέλος έδωσε την τελική έξοδο μόνος του μην αντέχοντας το κρίμα. 28 χρονών παληκάρι ,ένα απλό κάταγμα και η άρνηση της μετάγγισης, μεγάλη δοξασία του 19ου αιώνα στέρησε δύο ζωές εν έτει 2007.
Δ--- Βλέπω σταμάτησες να τσιμπάς , σου κόπηκε η όρεξη με την ανθρώπινη ματαιοδοξία, άντε και σε είχα για οχτάρι κυνικό και ψύχραιμο.
Γ---Καλά κρασά να μετρήσουμε άλλη μια φορά το γένος των ανθρώπων στραβά.!

ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΣ 24-1-2008


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