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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween friends! I hope you have a deliciously ghoulish day and enjoy a sugar rush at some point! We did some trick or treating over the weekend with friends and on Friday, Joel and I hosted a little Halloween Potluck. Here are some pictures from the tasty event... and recipes will be featured all this week!

Joel was pretty excited about having his friends come over and dressing up as my little [lopsided] giraffe...

Fellow moms helped fill up the table with quite a feast! Here we are digging in on all the wonderful potluck offerings...

Jess brought in this amazing Pumpkin & Ricotta Stuffed Shells that were so, so good. (I sneaked in a bite of the filling!)...

I made this Vegetarian Chili chockful of 3 kinds of beans and chopped fresh vegetables, which was perfect to serve the kids...

My friend Kelly brought this wonderful basket of freshly baked breads to serve along side the chili...

My friend Rachel bought this great Peanut & Cucumber Sauté which was served with steamed rice. It was a delicious blend of flavors and I can't wait to make it myself soon!...

My friend Sara brought this yummy Curried Cauliflower, compliments of her husband. I've never enjoyed cauliflower so much until this dish!...

For desserts, my friend Regina brought this adorable Pumpkin Cakes. Such a festive treat and delicious too from all the compliments!... (sadly I couldn't give this a taste)...

A new friend, Loren, brought in this awesome {Gluten Free} Blueberry Cheesecake Cups. I had more than I really care to admit because they were so, so good!...

And some kiddie cuteness to share... The little guys enjoyed some tummy time at the party...

Here's little Andrew growing up so fast and anxious to get behind the wheel...

Here's Andrew showing off his super cool skeleton outfit with mom, Rachel...

The lovely little ladies, Brynn and Clara, are having a blast in the cop car...

And here's Brynn taking a ride on the horsey while Clara grabs a bite...

Speaking of horses, here's Cowboy Jack anxious to get his treats and smiling at something funny...

Mason's going to have a hard time being scary since he's the cutest monster ever!

And here's Amira as the most precious flower you'd ever want to pick!...

The kids had a great time as usual and it's always so much fun to watch them play...

And after the party, I knew it was a success since my little giraffe was pooped and ready for a nap!...

DSM5 Combining Autisms into One Autism Disorder: Why?

It is common place today to refer to autism(s), plural, rather than autism, singular.  So why is the DSM5 combing the autisms into one Autism Spectrum Disorder? It is common in both professional and parent based discussions of autism to encounter comments like "if you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism".  So why pretend that these persons with widely varying challenges and deficits represent one diagnostic grouping?

My son is severely autistic and profoundly "developmentally delayed".  He has nothing in common with the persons with high functioning autism and Aspergers who write books, conduct research, make representations to the Supreme Court of Canada to oppose the only recognized evidence based treatment for autistic children, run successful businesses, get married, have children and drive automobiles.  

These very successful high functioning "free ranging Aspergians" and autistic persons  have very little in common with the "vast majority" of persons with Autistic Disorder and intellectual disability.  How does combining such different and diverse conditions under one umbrella help any of those involved, particularly those who are most severely affected by autism disorders. 

Very little media or research attention is now paid to those severely affected by the current Autistic Disorder.  Under the DSM5's New Autism Spectrum Disorder those most severely affected will likely disappear from the public and professional  radar screens altogether.

Why combine such different conditions under one  diagnostic label?  How does this help any of those who will carry the new label?

Ακομα και την παραιτησή σας Κυριε Πρόεδρε!


«Οχι στο Ναι των υποταγμένων Ναι στο Οχι των γενναίων»

Την παρέμβαση του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας, για «να σταματήσει η ουσιαστικά πραξικοπηματική δράση της παρούσης κυβέρνησης», ή ακόμη και την παραίτησή του ζητεί ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης.
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης Μίκης Θεοδωράκης Με δήλωσή του στην «Ε», με αφορμή την επέτειο του ΟΧΙ, αναφέρει τα σημαντικά ΟΧΙ «στην προσβολή του ελληνικού λαού». Ολόκληρη η δήλωση έχει ως εξής:
Το Οχι του 1940 είναι μία από τις ιερότερες παρακαταθήκες του ελληνικού έθνους. Ενα ιδεώδες που θα πρέπει να το σεβόμαστε, όχι μόνο με γιορτές και παράτες, αλλά με την καθημερινή μας στάση και συμπεριφορά και που κυρίως θα πρέπει να το σέβεται και να το τιμά με τη στάση της και κάθε της πράξη η εξουσία. Το Οχι είναι κανόνας ζωής για τους κοινούς θνητούς και μέτρο αξίας και εντιμότητας για τους αξιωματούχους. Κυρίως όταν πρόκειται για θέματα και περιπτώσεις που αφορούν την τιμή και τα συμφέροντα του λαού.
Οχι στην εξαπάτηση του λαού.
Οχι στο ψέμα και στη διαφθορά.
Οχι στην ατιμωρησία υπουργών και άλλων ισχυρών.
Οχι στην παραβίαση του Συντάγματος.
Οχι στην εθελοντική παράδοση μέρους της εθνικής μας ακεραιότητας σε ξένους.
Οχι στην εξόντωση των εργαζομένων.
Οχι στην ερήμωση της χώρας.
Οχι στο πρόσφατο «Ναι σε όλα», που καθιστά τη χώρα υποτελή, αναγκασμένη να ξεπουλήσει τον εθνικό μας πλούτο.
Και τέλος,
Οχι στην προσβολή ενός ολόκληρου λαού. Γιατί προσβολή είναι το να τολμούν να του λένε «σε πήραμε από το 120% του ΑΕΠ και αφού σου αλλάξαμε τα φώτα, σε ρεζιλέψαμε στους ξένους, σε φτωχύναμε, σε διαλύσαμε και σε εξοντώσαμε ολοκληρωτικά, μετά είπαμε το Ναι στη Μέρκελ, γιατί υποτίθεται ότι θα μας βοηθήσει να σε οδηγήσουμε στο σημείο απ' όπου σε παραλάβαμε, δηλ. στο 120% του ΑΕΠ».
Δηλαδή σε βασανίζουμε δώδεκα ολόκληρα χρόνια (κι αν τελικά θα είναι δώδεκα), χωρίς κανένα λόγο. Εκτός φυσικά κι αν μέσα σ' αυτό το διάστημα καταφέρουν να μας ξεπουλήσουν και πάλι ολοκληρωτικά και να μας μεταβάλουν στο υπ' αριθμόν 1 προτεκτοράτο του Δ' Ράιχ. Μας τύλιξαν μέσα σε ένα «Μηδενικό», για ποιο λόγο; Ασφαλώς αυτοί και τα αφεντικά τους θα γνωρίζουν το λόγο, όμως δεν μας τον λένε, με την ελπίδα ότι έως τότε θα μας έχουν μεταβάλει σε φυτά...
Οχι, κύριε Πρόεδρε, να ανέχεστε να μας κυβερνά και να δεσμεύει το μέλλον της χώρας μια ομολογουμένως κυβερνητική μειοψηφία. Και εάν ακόμα το Σύνταγμα, μετά την αναθεώρησή του από τον Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου δεν σας δίνει το δικαίωμα να διαλύσετε τη Βουλή και να προκηρύξετε εκλογές, εν τούτοις έχετε το ηθικό - προσωπικό σας ανάστημα και λόγω του ανωτάτου αξιώματος που κατέχετε και λόγω της προσωπικής σας ιστορίας, να παρέμβετε για να σταματήσει η ουσιαστικά πραξικοπηματική δράση της παρούσας κυβέρνησης. Και στο κάτω κάτω, ως έσχατη λύση, υπάρχει πάντα ο έντιμος δρόμος της παραίτησης, που θα ήταν ένα ηχηρότατο ράπισμα στο πρόσωπο όλων αυτών που καταστρατηγούν το Σύνταγμα οδηγώντας τη χώρα στην καταστροφή της.

Πώς είναι δυνατόν να ζητούν οι σημερινοί κυβερνώντες να τους σεβαστεί ένας λαός που περιμένει το παράδειγμά τους, όταν όλοι ανεξαιρέτως οι υπεύθυνοι για την εύρυθμη λειτουργία του πολιτεύματος και του κράτους αρνούνται να εφαρμόσουν και να επιβάλουν το ζωτικό Οχι σε θέματα που έχουν να κάνουν με τη ζωή και την τιμή του λαού και του έθνους; Οταν τον εμπαίζουν έχοντας καταντήσει αυτό το μεγάλο Οχι μια τυπική φιέστα, όταν η καθημερινή τους συμπεριφορά βρίσκεται σε μια συνεχή διάσταση μαζί του;
Σέβομαι τους θεσμούς, όταν και εκείνοι σέβονται τα ιερά και τα όσια του λαού αναγνωρίζοντάς τον -με πράξεις και όχι μόνο με λόγια- ως υπέρτατη αξία ανώτερη κι από τον ανώτατο αξιωματούχο. Και ο λαός θέλει ειδικά οι κυβερνήτες του να είναι πιστοί θεματοφύλακες της εθνικής τιμής και ακεραιότητας και όχι φορείς τού Ναι και της υποταγής που μας επιβάλλεται εδώ και δύο χρόνια. Οσοι δεν κατάλαβαν ακόμα ότι αυτοί είναι οι λόγοι που μας κατεβάζουν στους δρόμους, θα είναι άξιοι της τύχης τους.
Η οργή του λαού οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι η στάση τους απέναντι στα συμφέροντα του λαού και του έθνους βρίσκεται σε ριζική αντίθεση με το νόημα τού Οχι.
Εκείνοι τότε είπαν Οχι αψηφώντας τις θυσίες και το θάνατο. Αυτοί σήμερα υποτάσσονται με δειλία και ανικανότητα στο Ναι. Επομένως δεν έχουν σχέση με το Οχι του λαού των γενναίων αλλά εκφράζουν το Ναι των δειλών και των συμβιβασμένων.
Εκείνοι αρνήθηκαν να δώσουν έστω και ένα τετραγωνικό εκατοστό ελληνικής γης. Αυτοί τους προσφέρουν το σύνολο της εθνικής επικράτειας.
Ανήκουν στο Ναι και όχι στο Οχι.
Το Οχι ανήκει στους ελεύθερους και ανεξάρτητους Ελληνες.
Αθήνα, 29.10.2011

Autism Disorders On the Sidelines of the DSM5 Revolt

Several divisions of the American Psychological Association appear to be revolting against the American Psychiatric Association's DSM5.  A petition has been published on line.  In DSM5 in Distress Allen Frances, M.D., former chair of the DSM-IV Task Force and currently professor emeritus at Duke, summarizes the conflict between the warring APAs over the DSM5:

"Several divisions of the American Psychological Association have just written an open letter highly critical of DSM 5. They are inviting mental health professionals and mental health organizations to sign a petition addressed to the DSM5 Task Force of the American Psychiatric Association. You can read the letter and sign up at It is an extremely detailed, thoughtful and well written statement that deserves your attention and support.

The letter summarizes the grave dangers of DSM 5 that for some time have seemed patently apparent to everyone except those who are actually working on it. The short list of the most compelling problems includes: reckless expansion of the diagnostic system (through the inclusion of untested new diagnoses and reduced thresholds for old ones); the lack of scientific rigor and independent review; and dimensional proposals that are too impossibly complex ever to be used by clinicians.

The American Psychiatric Association has no special mandate or ownership rights giving it any sovereignty over psychiatric diagnosis. APA took on the task of preparing DSM's sixty years ago because it then seemed so thankless that no other group was prepared or willing to do it. The DSM franchise has stayed with APA only because its products were credible enough to gain widespread acceptance. People used the manual only because it was useful.

DSM 5 has strained that credibility to the breaking point and (unless radically changed) will be much more harmful than useful. We have reached a turning point that will soon become a point of no return. A near final version of DSM 5 must be ready by next spring and all final wording will be set in stone within a year. Time is running out if DSM 5 is to be saved from itself."

Dr. Francis has been the most vocal and persistent critic of the DSM5.  His criticisms have a particular significance because of his former role as chair of the DSM-IV revision team. His observations about the DSM5 revolt picking up steam are noted by forensic psychologist Karen Franklin, Ph.D. in her blog commentary Psychologists' DSM5 Petition Catching like Wildfire, also published on Psychology Today:

An online petition by psychologists concerned about the lack of science underlying proposed changes in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is taking off like wildfire, with more than 1,100 signatures as of this morning.

The blaze of interest is especially remarkable because the petition was launched without any publicity at all, and has gained traction solely through word of mouth.
The coalition of psychologists is publicly urging the American Psychiatric Association to reconsider the mental illness expansions and biomedical emphasis proposed for the fifth edition of the DSM, due out in 2013. The DSM-5 will reify disorders with little empirical support, lower the threshold for mental disorder, and foreground a purely biological approach to mental illness.

The coalition's online petitition comes on the heels of a similar public statement by the British Psychological Society, which I blogged about back in June.

The petition coalition expresses grave concern about the overemphasis on biomedical explanations for mental health problems, and the resulting overprescribing of dangerous psychiatric drugs"

The online petition expresses many concerns but makes no mention of the fundamental change to the autism disorders, grouping them together as one Autism Spectrum Disorder. Nor does it mention the exclusion of intellectually disabled persons from post DSM5 Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses.  The debates about autism causation are currently confused by many factors including the DSM-IV changes published in 1994.  Now, with fundamental changes in the definition of autism disorders, with the many becoming one, and with exclusion of intellectually disabled persons, epidemiological studies will once again be rendered limited if not worthless in helping us understand causes of autism.  The DSM5 rebels though make no mention of autism in their Petition.  

The DSM5 will have a huge impact on the Autism world,  if it is ultimately published AND accepted by psychologists. Autism is not a concern of the rebel forces though and Autism is left on the sidelines of the revolt.  The fate of many persons with autism disorders, and our understanding of autism disorders, will be significantly affected though by the outcome of the revolution.  

Sunday Fun Day Giveaway: Starbucks Fall Flavors

Happy Sunday! It's a fun one planned for us as we're enjoying the Halloween festivities later today. My son Joel is looking forward to dressing up in his fuzzy giraffe costume and trick or treating. We've tried to get him to say 'trick or treat,' but he'd rather say "yummy yummy!" instead. We'll see how things go today and hopefully he'll keep his costume on. We had a trial run on Friday at a kiddie Halloween party we hosted and he did fine with the costume for most of the day. Do you have any Halloween plans this weekend? Last week, my friends at Ulysses Press sponsored the giveaway with a generous offering of one of their tasty cookbooks, Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day. A lucky reader will receive a copy of this delicious cookbook, filled with pizza and flatbread recipes that can be made in minutes! A special thanks to St. Martin’s Press for sponsoring. Here's a big Congratulations to the winner of this past week's giveaway! Please shoot me an email at to claim your prize...
I'm definitely a coffee person. I love starting my day with a hot cup during breakfast. I also enjoy it as a mid-afternoon pick me up. And to wind down after a long day, a cup of decaf coffee soothes me before bed. Despite drinking coffee throughout the day, it's always better when I pair my cup o' joe with something to eat. Sometimes it's sweet, other times it's savory. It really depends on my mood and time of day. Now that it's fall, I've been enjoying my coffee with both sweet and savory dishes including...

Regardless of what I enjoy my coffee with, for me it's especially important that it's good coffee. A favorite coffee at our house is Starbucks. I think it's great they have their coffees available to make at home and they're also readily accessible at major grocery stores.
They are currently highlighting some of their popular coffees for the season and it's a delicious way to usher in the fall...

French Roast: Intensity, passion – what else could this coffee be, but French? Our deepest, darkest roast, with a smoky, extra bold flavor. Tasting Notes: Intense & Smoky

Italian Roast: Imagine a ride on your scooter and lose yourself in the winding, romantic streets of Rome. A sturdy dark roast with caramel notes perfect for any fall day – at home or abroad. Tasting Notes: Roasty & Sweet

House Blend: Enjoy the distinct flavor of our signature roast wherever your fall day takes you. Well balanced and always lively, like a breath of fresh autumn air. Tasting Notes: Lively & Balanced

Breakfast Blend: Clean, light-bodied and sparkling, Breakfast Blend might just make a morning person out of you. If you’re already a morning person you’ll love waking up to this special roast. Tasting Notes: Crisp & Tangy
Thanks to my friends at Starbucks, they will be sponsoring this week's Sunday Fun Day Giveaway. A lucky reader will receive a wonderful Starbucks coffee package that includes 1 pound of coffee in each of the above blends, along with 2 packages of Starbucks VIA instant coffee flavors. Will you be that lucky reader that will be ushering in the fall with Starbucks coffee?! Read on for more details...

Some guidelines:
- Giveaway is only for those who live in the United States - my apologies to my non-United States readers!
- You must check back in a week when a winner is announced and email me to claim your prize if you win.
To enter the giveaway, leave a comment answering: 
What do you enjoy eating with your coffee? Something sweet? Savory?

Deadline: Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 12 midnight CST.

One winner will be randomly chosen by Random.Org's Interger Generator based on the number of your comment and will be announced on Sunday, November 6, 2011, within next week's Sunday Fun Day Giveaway. Good luck!

Kitchen Playdate: Doughnut Party!

I absolutely love being in the kitchen... but even more than that, I love being in the kitchen with my son. He's now at an age where he refers to the kitchen as the 'yummy' place, often pointing to the kitchen and saying 'yummy yummy, Mommy!' He's not quite helping me out much in the kitchen, but thankfully Joel has a crew of friends that can give him a hand every now and then. In fact, Joel and I recently hosted a Doughnut Party with his friends one morning and it was a blast. If there's any way to start the day, it's with doughnuts and smiling kids...

Joel loves having his friends over for a playdate and I love having the moms over just the same. For this morning playdate, I had a doughnut station set up for us to have fun with. With various doughnuts and a slew of glazes and toppings to decorate, it was a delicious time. Here's what I had for us to play with...

Chocolate Doughnuts

Various colored sugars, sprinkles,
french vanilla cream filling and chocolate glaze

Coffee, tea, milk & yogurt

For the sake of making it easier on everyone, the moms had the fun of filling, glazing and decorating the doughnuts...

While the kiddies had fun eating the doughnuts up...

But the little ones who couldn't enjoy the doughnuts weren't left out! They certainly had fun playing...

And when we were all had our fill of doughnuts, the kids used that sugar boost to play some more...

Then as all things that go up, they all come down... and when the sugar started to wear off on the kids, it was the perfect opportunity to do our book exchange. I love reading to and with my son and we're always looking for new books to read together. Having a children's book exchange with fellow moms was a great way to share books we had and to pick up new ones to read. Moms brought some childrens books to swap, which they loved! And to get the moms in on the fun, we also brought cookbooks for the moms to swap as well...

We all took the time to check out the books and get some reading in!...


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