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Mecamylamine Autism Treatment To Be Tested

Mecamylamine is a drug used in the 1950's to treat high blood pressure. It has more recently been used as a treatment for symptoms associated with Tourette's Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder. Now, it is about to be tested by a team at Ohio State University Medical Center as a treatment for autism symptoms:

It turns out the next new treatment might be something that's been around for generations. It's a drug called mecamylamine, and it was the first pill used to treat high blodd pressure in the 1950's.*** By the time Alicia was a child, it was nearly obsolete. Now, it just might help her son, and a million more children with autism.

"If it works, it would be a really important breakthrough," says Eugene Arnold, MD, with Ohio State University Medical Center. Dr. Arnold and his team of researchers will test the drug on children with autism. He says it's not what the drug did in the 50's to help with high blood pressure that's giving them hope, but what it's done recently. Mecamylamine has been effective in helping children control the symptoms of conditions like Tourette Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder. He hopes it may do the same in autism.

"There is some hope that it will make a significant improvement in the core symptoms: the social impairment, the communication, the repetitive behavior, such that it will help them to faster get along the road to rehabilitation," says Dr. Arnold.

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!

My day has laready been full of festivites. I just returned home from co-organizing the girl's schools Halloween Parade. I have never seen so many princesses in one place before in my entire life!!! Itwas very cute and the children had a ton of fun. We were able to donate the remaining candy that we had (about 4 grocery bags full!) to our local Children's Hospital for their trick or treat festivites this afternoon. They do this every Halloween for the children that have to stay in the hospital over the holiday. So on top of everything else we have done our good deed for the day!

The pumpkin bread that I posted yesterday was a real hit with my youngest daughter's class. I have to go back to the school in a little bit for my older daughter's class party. Pretty exciting day for both of them!

As you can tell by the picture we have a pro pumkin carver in ourhome. T. has truly outdone himself this year. Kyra wanted the pumpkin to have squiggly eye brows and as always T. delivered! Amazing.

Well off to the school once again...

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Μην σας λένε τι να φοβάστε, να σας λένε ποιοί φταίνε


Η συντριπτική ήττα που για δεύτερη φορά μέσα σε μια τετραετία υπέστη το Κίνημα και η επακολουθήσασα εσωτερική κρίση μετά την 16η Σεπτεμβρίου που έχει την μορφή ενός καθολικού αγώνα χωρίς αρχές όλων εναντίον όλων, μας αναγκάζει και μας υποχρεώνει ως παλαιά στελέχη του ΠΑΚ και ιδρυτικά μέλη του ΠΑΣΟΚ να θέσουμε ανοικτά σε όλους όσους αγκάλιασαν και πάλεψαν για το ΠΑΣΟΚ τα παρακάτω:
Η κρίση του ΠΑΣΟΚ δεν είναι σημερινή. Αρχίζει από πολύ παλαιότερα, εμφανίστηκε με την μορφή πολλαπλών κρίσεων, για να πάρει σήμερα δομικά χαρακτηριστικά.
To ΠΑΣΟΚ υπέστη Καθολικό ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΙΣΜΟ. Από την διακήρυξη της 3ης Σεπτέμβρη και την πίστη στις Σοσιαλιστικές και τις πατριωτικές αξίες κατέληξε στην αγκαλιά της δεξιάς σοσιαλδημοκρατίας, ακολουθώντας τις επιταγές του Νέο-φιλελευθερισμού.
Αντί να Μετασχηματίσει την ελληνική κοινωνία, ΜΕΤΑΣΧΗΜΑΤΙΣΤΗΚΕ το ίδιο. Μια από τις εκδοχές περί τέλους της Μεταπολίτευσης απορρέει από το τέλος του ΠΑΣΟΚ, βασικού ΠΥΛΩΝΑ –και δη ριζοσπαστικού- της Μεταπολίτευσης του 1974 στην Ελλάδα.
Το ΠΑΣΟΚ σήμερα έχει χάσει την Ηγεμονία που είχε παλαιότερα στην Ελληνική κοινωνία, έχει αντικατασταθεί από την Ν.Δ. στο ζήτημα της Διακυβέρνησης της χώρας αφενός, και την υπόλοιπη αριστερά στα κοινωνικά μέτωπα. Τέλος, όσον αφορά τα λεγόμενα εθνικά ζητήματα η γραμμή της αποεθνικοποίησης του είναι τόσο σαφής ώστε να μην χρήζει καν επιχειρηματολογίας.
Το τέλος της μεταπολίτευσης είναι εδώ, μπροστά στα μάτια μας άσχετα αν δεν μπορούμε να το διακρίνουμε ακόμη με ευκολία. Για το ΠΑΣΟΚ τούτο καθίσταται πιο οδυνηρό, δεδομένου ότι ήταν και είναι δομημένο, χρόνια τώρα, ως κόμμα (διαχείρισης και νομής της) εξουσίας. Με πλήρη εγκατάλειψη όποιων πολιτικών, λεηλατημένο από την εικόνα και μόνο, θα βιώσει συγκλονιστικά ότι έκανε πως δεν καταλαβαίνει. Το τέλος της όποιας πολιτικής του πρότασης, άρα και εμβέλειας, έχει χρονικό ορόσημο τις εκλογές του 2000, όπου το ΠΑΣΟΚ έφτασε στο τέλος του, πετυχαίνοντας την οριακή –και κατά κάποιους έως αμφισβητήσιμη- εκλογική του επικράτηση. Όταν ο σοσιαλ-φιλελεύθερος εκσυγχρονιστής Σημίτης διαπίστωσε ότι οδηγείτο σε εκλογική πανωλεθρία στις εκλογές του 2004, έδωσε το δακτυλίδι της διαδοχής στον Γ. Παπανδρέου. Ο τελευταίος θεώρησε ότι έπρεπε να επισφραγιστεί η διαδοχή με δημοψήφισμα από το «λαό», έξω από οποιεσδήποτε θεσμικές διαδικασίες θα όφειλε να έχει ένα κόμμα- Κίνημα συντεταγμένο. Ο τρόπος ανάδειξης του ως μοναδικού υποψηφίου με ποσοστά αντίστοιχα Σοβιετικών καθεστώτων, καθώς και η σιωπή των κάθε λογής αξιωματούχων, έδειξε πόσο μακριά από τις λαϊκές ανάγκες και οράματα είχε καταλήξει το ΠΑΣΟΚ. Όμως, οι «1.000.000» ψήφοι δεν ήταν αρκετοί και ικανοί για να γλιτώσει το ΠΑΣΟΚ από την εκλογική ήττα. Το τέλος της Μεταπολίτευσης είχε φτάσει, τουλάχιστον για το ΠΑΣΟΚ.
Το τέλος της μεταπολίτευσης δεν ήλθε με μια συγκλονιστική στιγμή, με κάποιο τραγικό γεγονός, εσωτερικό ή εξωτερικό. Απεναντίας, όπως όλα τα πράγματα σε τούτο τον τόπο, ξετυλίγεται αργά και βασανιστικά μπροστά στα μάτια μας. Για το ΠΑΣΟΚ ιδιαίτερα, αυτή η διαδικασία, εκτός από αργή και βασανιστική, θα είναι και επώδυνη. Η πρώτη δόση ήλθε το 2000 (τότε όλοι προσποιήθηκαν ότι δεν κατάλαβαν τίποτα). Ακολούθησε η ήττα του 2004, πάλι τίποτα. Τώρα, η τρίτη δόση εμπεριέχει και άλλα στοιχεία, δομικά – έως και υπαρξιακά. Η σημερινή κρίση είναι στην αρχή της, η 11η Νοεμβρίου θα είναι απλώς ένας προσωρινός σταθμός.
Η σημερινή σύγκρουση για την Προεδρία μέσα στο ΠΑΣΟΚ εξελίσσεται σε λανθάνουσα όσον αφορά την διαμόρφωση των συσχετισμών και τις –όποιες- πολιτικές τους θέσεις. Μπροστά στην αρχική επέλαση των ανασυγκροτημένων «εκσυγχρονιστών» και του λαλίστατου –χωρίς να δεσμεύεται σε τίποτα, ούτε να λέει κάτι που να μας ΑΦΟΡΑ ΩΣ ΣΟΣΙΑΛΙΣΤΕΣ- υποψήφιου αρχηγού τους, οι λοιπές δυνάμεις, προκειμένου να αντιταχθούν, συσπειρώνονται κυρίαρχα γύρω από τον σημερινό πρόεδρο τους. Τι έκανε στα τριάμισι χρόνια ο Γ. Παπανδρέου (διαπρύσιος υπερασπιστής του κατάπτυστου Σχεδίου Ανάν) που αξίζει τον κόπο να τον υπερασπιστούν δυνάμεις που προέρχονται από το αριστερό ΠΑΣΟΚ.; Δυστυχώς και αυτές οι δυνάμεις διακρίνονται από απουσία πολιτικής πρότασης, σχεδιασμού πλεύσης, συγκρότησης μιας αριστερής πρότασης διεξόδου, με αποτέλεσμα να παραπαίουν. Από την άλλη, το υπάρχον πολιτικό προσωπικό δεν μπορεί να κινήσει διαδικασίες παραγωγής μιάς νέας ιδεολογικής πρότασης, πέραν της διαχείρισης.
Το εναπομείναν αριστερό-οργανωμένο ΠΑΣΟΚ οφείλει να ξεπεράσει τον εαυτό του και να πράξει το αυτονόητο: να καταθέσει αριστερή πολιτική πλατφόρμα, με στόχο την συσπείρωση και την καταγραφή του δικού του χώρου. Του χώρου των Σοσιαλιστών, ριζοσπαστών και πατριωτών.
Είναι η τελευταία ιστορική ευκαιρία να καταγραφεί το εναπομείναν σοσιαλιστικό, ριζοσπαστικό, κοινωνικό και πατριωτικό ΠΑΣΟΚ. Είναι ιστορική ευκαιρία για συζήτηση και ξεκαθάρισμα θέσεων που αφορούν την φυσιογνωμία του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Πριν από την όποια ανα-κατάληψη της εξουσίας χρειάζεται ξεκαθάρισμα, Ταυτότητα, συμμετοχή και προοπτική. Στο δρόμο, ίσως βρεθεί και το (απολεσθέν) όραμα. Ως τότε, ας αφεθεί στην άκρη η (Κίρκη) εξουσία.
Οφείλουμε να συνεχίσουμε, από κει που ξεκινήσαμε, εμπνεόμενοι από τους αγώνες του ΠΑΚ, από την –διαχρονικής αξίας- Ιδρυτική Διακήρυξη της 3ης Σεπτέμβρη. ΠΑΤΡΙΔΑ (γλώσσα, ιστορία, πολιτισμός, φυσικό και δομημένο περιβάλλον) και ΣΟΣΙΑΛΙΣΜΟΣ (Εργατική χειραφέτηση, Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση, Αυτοδιαχείριση).
Δεν είμαστε μέρος του προβλήματος του κυβερνητικού ΠΑΣΟΚ. Το κίνημα μας αφορά δεδομένου ότι είμαστε ιδρυτικά του μέλη, μέρος των δυνάμεων των δομικών ρήξεων και της Αλλαγής.
Οκτώβρης 2007

Τα Στελέχη του ΠΑΚ και Ιδρυτικά μέλη του ΠΑΣΟΚ:

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΔΗΣ ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ, ΠΑΚ Μονάχου, μέλος Εθνικού Συμβουλίου ΠΑΚ, υπεύθυνος ΚΕ.ΜΕ.ΔΙ.Α. (Αθήνα)
KOYΓΙΟΥΜΤΖΗΣ ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ, Γραφείο ΠΑΚ Ρώμης, (Αλεξανδρούπολη)
ΛΑΜΠΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ, ΠΑΚ Μπολώνιας (Θεσσαλονίκη)
ΠΑΠΑΓΙΑΝΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ, ΠΑΚ Φλωρεντίας, μέλος Γραφείου Εθνικού Συμβουλίου ΠΑΚ το 1974. (Αθήνα)
ΣΤΡΟΜΠΟΛΑΚΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ, ΠΑΚ Μονάχου, εκδότης της εφημερίδας του ΠΑΚ «Αγώνας». (Αθήνα)
ΦΑΚΙΤΣΑΣ ΛΑΜΠΡΟΣ, ΠΑΚ Μπολώνιας (Αμφιλοχία)
ΨΑΛΛΑΣ ΑΛΕΚΟΣ, ΠΑΚ Στουτγάρδης (Τρίκαλα)

Από τον Παντελή Οικονόμου, εκπρόσωπο του ρεύματος των ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ ΣΟΣΙΑΛΙΣΤΩΝ ( αριστερή πτέρυγα του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ. ) και μέλος του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου του Κινήματος, έγινε η ακόλουθη δήλωση για τις εσωκομματικές εξελίξεις : Καταθέτοντας ανοιχτά τις θέσεις του ρεύματός μας, στο ανώτατο όργανο του Κινήματος, πριν λίγες μόνον ημέρες, επισημάναμε - ανάμεσα σε πολλά άλλα - τα εξής (το πλήρες κείμενο υπάρχει στην ιστοσελίδα μου) :
1. Το στοίχημα για το ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ. είναι η ενεργοποίηση της βάσης του, όχι ως εκλογικού, αλλά ως πολιτικού σώματος. Ο Πρόεδρος του Κινήματος πρέπει να αναδεικνύεται από πολίτες και όχι από τηλεθεατές.
2. Ο πολίτης αξιώνει να ακούσει εναλλακτικές προτάσεις για την πολιτική και την στρατηγική μας. Απόψεις για το μέλλον του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ. και του σοσιαλιστικού κινήματος ευρύτερα στην πατρίδα μας. Για να κρίνει, να συγκρίνει και να αποφανθεί. Αλλοιώς θα προτιμήσει να απέχει.
3. Οι διαδικασίες πρέπει να είναι τυπικά άψογες, αλλά όχι υπονομευμένες στην ουσία τους.
4. Εάν τα πράγματα πάρουν άλλη τροπή, η ψηφοφορία, αντί για λύτρωση, θα εξελιχθεί σε πρόσθετο πρόβλημα. Η προσωπική μας στάση λοιπόν οφείλει να διαπνέεται από ευθύνη, ώστε να αναπνεύσει η λαϊκή μας βάση. Είναι πια φανερό ότι στον χρόνο που πέρασε, δυστυχώς, δεν καταφέραμε να ανταποκριθούμε στα στοιχειώδη αυτά προαπαιτούμενα. Η εκλογή Προέδρου, αντί για δημοκρατική γιορτή, αποδεικνύεται καθημερινά πεδίο ανάδειξης των πιο αρνητικών μας όψεων. Με τους προβολείς της δημοσιότητας εστιασμένους επάνω μας. Την στιγμή που μια απίστευτα δεξιά και, εξ ίσου απίστευτα, αδέξια κυβέρνηση εξακολουθεί να γράφει μελανές σελίδες στην δημόσια ζωή μας. Σήμερα, και όπως ήλθαν τα πράγματα, είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να καλέσουμε τα κορυφαία όργανα του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ., έστω και στο παρά πέντε, να αναλάβουν τις ευθύνες τους. Να διαφυλάξουν το Κίνημα από τον ευτελισμό, ορίζοντας τους κανόνες του παιχνιδιού. Προωθώντας διαδικασίες πολιτικού λόγου και διαλόγου και όχι αντιπαραθέσεις επί προηγηθέντων μονολόγων μέσω των ΜΜΕ. Προσωπικές ευθύνες ασφαλώς έχουν και οι υποψήφιοι Πρόεδροι. Στο βαθμό που τους αφορά όχι μόνον η 11η Νοεμβρίου αλλά και η 12η του ιδίου μηνός. Για να μην αναφερθούμε και στην συνέχεια.
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, η διαδικασία ανάδειξης Προέδρου, όπως διεξάγεται, αποδεικνύεται λανθασμένη. Εκτός των άλλων, ακριβώς γιατί αναπαράγει ένα πρότυπο αρχηγικού κόμματος που μας ξαναγυρίζει πολλά χρόνια πίσω, απεμπολώντας βασικές έννοιες δημοκρατικής λειτουργίας ενός πολιτικού οργανισμού.
Γι ' αυτό ακριβώς, οι ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΣΟΣΙΑΛΙΣΤΕΣ σκοπεύουμε να προτείνουμε, εν όψει του προσεχούς Συνεδρίου, τροποποίηση των σχετικών διατάξεων του Καταστατικού του ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ..

Autism's Gold Standard Intervention - A Note to Dr. Rémi Quirion

Dr. Rémi Quirion
Scientific Director
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA)
Canadian Institutes for Health Research

Dear Dr. Quirion

Re: Autism's Gold Standard Intervention and the National Autism Symposium

I am a parent of an 11 1/2 year old boy with Autism Disorder. He is profoundly autistic. By profoundly I mean that he has limited communication skills and understanding of language and does not appreciate many of the dangers presented by everyday life. He also engages, from time to time, in self injurious behavior. As a distinguished professional in Montreal neuro-research circles you may not place much weight on my assessment of my son's realities even after living with, caring for, and loving him, for 11 1/2 years. To that end let me assure you that my assessment of my son is confirmed by a Pediatric Doctor's (two in fact) and a Psychologist's assessments.

As an outspoken parent advocate on autism issues my name was rejected by your organisation as a New Brunswick community representative at the National Autism Symposium to be held on November 8 and 9. Despite that fact, I ask you to consider, and anyone of the chosen delegates to consider during this symposium, the question of whether there is a Gold Standard for autism interventions at this time. You may not understand that for parents this is a critical question. Parents of autistic children will not be spending a lot of time worrying about the next development in Montreal neuro-research circles over the next few years. We tend to focus on the well being and best interests of our children; on the best ways to enhance their development and life prospects, to make their life better for them. Parents of newly diagnosed autistic children may not understand that there is in fact a Gold Standard intervention for autism, and that time is important in obtaining that intervention for their children.

You may or may not know that several reviewing agencies over the past decade have essentially reached the conclusion that there is, despite the superficial conclusions to the contrary of some otherwise earnest professionals, a gold standard for autism intervention. From Maine to New York to California, to the office of the US Surgeon General to the advisory board of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment to a recent United Kingdom review, all such reviews consistently point to Applied Behavior Analysis as the only effective evidence based autism intervention - to date.

This past week saw two further developments. Most well known are the two reports of the American Academy of Pediatrics. One report recommended early screening for autism. The other report reviewed some interventions. This quote is taken directly from one of those AAP Reports Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

The effectiveness of ABA-based intervention in ASDs has been well documented through 5 decades of research by using single-subject methodology21,25,27,28 and in controlled studies of comprehensive early intensive behavioral intervention programs in university and community settings.29–40 Children who receive early intensive behavioral treatment have been shown to make substantial, sustained gains in IQ, language, academic performance, and adaptive behavior as well as some measures of social behavior, and their outcomes have been significantly better than those of children in control groups.31–4

It will not receive the attention of the AAP Reports but the Province of New Scotia also release a report, Autism Treatment Program Getting Positive Results, this week on its ABA based EIBI program :

The interim results of an independent program evaluation conducted by IWK Health Centre Research Services and Dalhousie University indicates that after one year of Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI)treatment, virtually all 27 children in the first phase of the program had significantly improved communication skills. According to tests and parental feedback, they also had improved problem-solving skills and reduced behavioural problems.


Many of the children were about a year and a half behind in language-development skills when they began EIBI treatment. On average, children gained more than a year's worth of language skills in the first 12 months of treatment.

The National Autism Symposium is designed to be conducted by professional "facilitators" which usually means that open, frank discussion will not take place, that the issues discussed and conclusions reached will be essentially determined in advance of the symposium. On the assumption though that there is still some room for actual candid discussion of research issues of real import to autistic children and their families I ask you to encourage your professional colleagues, and others in attendance, to consider these two recent reports, the numerous other credible reviews of autism intervention research and the hundreds of studies over 5 decades which clearly establish Applied Behavior Analysis as the Gold Standard intervention for autistic children.


Harold L Doherty
Fredericton NB

cc. Dr. Barbara Beckett
Assistant Director, Ottawa

Autism Gold Standard Intervention - Nova Scotia ABA/IEBI Autism Program Produces Positive Reslts

This has not been a good week for those who insist that there is no consensus on a gold standard intervention for autistic children. The AAP description of ABA as an intervention with more than 5 decades of studies providing positive results for autistic children is followed by the results from a Nova Scotia IEBI/ABA study showing positive results. It's enough to give anti-ABA crusaders a real headache.

Autism Treatment Program Getting Positive Results

Department of Health

October 30, 2007 12:00
A program designed to enhance social and communication skills for young children with autism spectrum disorder is providing added benefits to their families.

The interim results of an independent program evaluation conducted by IWK Health Centre Research Services and Dalhousie University indicates that after one year of Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI)treatment, virtually all 27 children in the first phase of the program had significantly improved communication skills. According to tests and parental feedback, they also had improved problem-solving skills and reduced behavioural problems.


Many of the children were about a year and a half behind in language-development skills when they began EIBI treatment. On average, children gained more than a year's worth of language skills in the first 12 months of treatment.

Halloween Tomorrow - Pumpkin Bread

I had to make a choice tat I didn't want to but I just ran out of time! I had said that I was going to make some apple snacks that I had seen but I have been going all day and that one was going to be a little time consuming. We have Karate and Ice Skating tonight so that kind of eliminates the evening hours. As it is I can't even figure out dinner!!! Rotisserie chicken from Costco will have to cover that tonight! I went ahead and made Pumpkin Bread. Still Halloweenish and seasonal but not quite as labor intensive as the apple snacks.

No Fear Entertaining Pumpkin Bread (this will make 2 loaves)


2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 cups sugar (I used organic cane sugar)
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 cups canned pumpkin puree
1 cup milk
4 eggs
2/3 cup butter
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup raisins


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a large mixing bowl combine 1/2 of the flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, baking soda, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, pumpkin, milk eggs and butter.

Mix with an electric mixer on low speed until blended. Turn mixer to high and mix for about 2 minutes. Add the remaining flour and mix well. Stir in pecans and raisins.

batter into 2 greased loaf pans and bake in your preheated 350 degree oven for 60 to 65 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes in a wire rack.

Remove bread from pans and allow to cool completely on the rack.
Cool completely before slicing and for best results wrap and store overnight before slicing.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


AAP's "Other Report" Endorses ABA as Autism Treatment

Most of the autism news and blog coverage dealt with the American Academy of Pediatrics report calling for early autism screening for all children, including two screenings before age 2. Good advice. The AAP also issues a second report. However, the AAP's other report went virtually unmentioned amongst news sources, autism bloggers and neurodiversity bloggers. The second AAP report, Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, reviewed autism interventions and had this to say about ABA treatment for autism (Bold Text Highlighting added for emphasis - HLD) :

Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the process of applying interventions that are based on the principles of learning derived from experimental psychology research to systematically change behavior and to demonstrate that the interventions used are responsible for the observable improvement in behavior. ABA methods are used to increase and maintain desirable adaptive behaviors, reduce interfering maladaptive behaviors or narrow the conditions under which they occur, teach new skills, and generalize behaviors to new environments or situations. ABA focuses on the reliable measurement and objective evaluation of observable behavior within relevant settings including the home, school, and community. The effectiveness of ABA-based intervention in ASDs has been well documented through 5 decades of research by using single-subject methodology21,25,27,28 and in controlled studies of comprehensive early intensive behavioral intervention programs in university and community settings.2940 Children who receive early intensive behavioral treatment have been shown to make substantial, sustained gains in IQ, language, academic performance, and adaptive behavior as well as some measures of social behavior, and their outcomes have been significantly better than those of children in control groups.3140

Highly structured comprehensive early intervention programs for children with ASDs, such as the Young Autism Project developed by Lovaas35,41 at the University of California Los Angeles, rely heavily on discrete trial training (DTT) methodology, but this is only one of many techniques used within the realm of ABA. DTT methods are useful in establishing learning readiness by teaching foundation skills such as attention, compliance, imitation, and discrimination learning, as well as a variety of other skills. However, DTT has been criticized because of problems with generalization of learned behaviors to spontaneous use in natural environments and because the highly structured teaching environment is not representative of natural adult-child interactions. Traditional ABA techniques have been modified to address these issues. Naturalistic behavioral interventions, such as incidental teaching and natural language paradigm/pivotal response training, may enhance generalization of skills.13

Functional behavior analysis, or functional assessment, is an important aspect of behaviorally based treatment of unwanted behaviors. Most problem behaviors serve an adaptive function of some type and are reinforced by their consequences, such as attainment of (1) adult attention, (2) a desired object, activity, or sensation, or (3) escape from an undesired situation or demand. Functional assessment is a rigorous, empirically based method of gathering information that can be used to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of behavioral support interventions.42 It includes formulating a clear description of the problem behavior (including frequency and intensity); identifying the antecedents, consequences, and other environmental factors that maintain the behavior; developing hypotheses that specify the motivating function of the behavior; and collecting direct observational data to test the hypothesis. Functional analysis also is useful in identifying antecedents and consequences that are associated with increased frequency of desirable behaviors so that they can be used to evoke new adaptive behaviors.

We ate our way through the weekend!!!

What a great party we went to on Saturday night. We got to meet a some new people and to hang out with a bunch of old friends. It was nice, casual and comfortable! There was plenty of stuff to keep the children occupied and tons of food and drink to occupy the adults! What more could you ask for???

I took a hollowed out pumpkin filled with a roasted garlic, french onion dip. Very simple recipe...I cheated. I used the Lipton French Onion Soup and Dip Mix, but roasted 2 heads of garlic and added that to is. Made for a nice even blend.
One of my girlfriends made a pumpkin fruit platter which went over really well and was sooo cute! She took a cantaloupe and cleaned out the inside through a hole cut into the top. She then peeled all of the rind off to the orange color and carved a pumpkin face into it. Served with other fruit it was a real hit with everyone! Great job Lynn.

The host of the party contributed the best adult beverage! Patron Tequila. If you have never ventured beyond Jose Cuervo tequila you are missing out! We have been drinking Patron Silver and it is like a totally different drink. Smooth, warm, with just a slight bite. This has made me want to venture deeper into the world of tequila...I'll save that for a later post!

Yesterday (Sunday) we packed up the kids and took a road trip to Bradenton for our yearly pilgrimage to The Hunsader Farms annual Pumpkin Festival. You need to understand where we live. We are in Southwest Florida which is way, way down south. We don't have many pumpkin or apple festivals here. Nothing like that will grow here. It is way too hot. So when we found this pumpkin festival years ago we were so excited. Hay rides, pumpkin patch (pumpkins lined up under a big white tent), pony rides, craft fair, bands, great food, farmers market...what more could you want? Well, temperatures under 90 degrees would be great!!! The one downfall to living here is that it is very warm. I remember growing up in Canada and going trick or treating with winter coats stuffed under our costumes. Here you have to make sure that the child's costume is thin enough so they won't over heat!!! But despite all of that our children have never known any different and think this is all the norm!

The food was really amazing especially for the dreaded "festival or fair food". T. had a huge Smoked Turkey Leg that looked juicy and nice and smoky. I had a hamburger and some roasted corn on the cob. Yummmm. we don't get a lot of that here at our festivals!

This is set to be a crazy busy week. I have to make a bunch of things for the girls class parties on Wednesday. I know it will be Pumpkin Bread and Slobber Gobs but maybe something else as well. We have several appointments and I have a fundraiser in there somewhere as well.

Hope you weekend was great as well!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Early Early Screening Urged for Autism by US Pediatricians

The American Academy of Pediatrics will be recommending that all children be screened twice for autism by age 2 to allow maximum benefit from early intervention. The AAP points out early indicators of autism such as 4-month-olds not smiling at the sound of Mom or Dad's voice, babies who don't babble at 9 months, 1-year-olds who don't point to toys, or the loss of language or social skills at any age.

Conor was diagnosed 9 1/2 years ago at age 2. At that time, in New Brunswick, age 2 was an early diagnosis age for autism and we had no idea what autism was until Conor was diagnosed, initially with PDD-NOS, and as the severity of his autism became more obvious, with Autism Disorder. The early indicators for us were his failure to smile or show any response to peek a boo and other playful interaction. He had persistent fascination with sand, sifting it for lengthy periods of time but we did not find that alarming. His failure to develop any language skills by 12-14 months (other than saying the word "circle" on one occasion) was our most serious concern and we took him to our family doctor.

Our family doctor responded with the "boys develop language later" answer but we were not convinced. Our family doctor was one of those sometimes rare professionals who actually listened to our concerns though and he referred us to a pediatrician with some background in developmental disorders and after a series of tests Conor was diagnosed.

Unfortunately for Conor ABA intervention was not readily available in New Brunswick at that time. Most of the local Autism Society efforts were half day workshops on an eclectic mix of autism related topics. An activist group of parents emerged in response to the void in autism services in New Brunswick and we fought hard to get early intervention funded by the province, too late for our own children. But the benefit of those efforts will be felt by newly diagnosed autistic children in New Brunswick and that is a good thing - a very good thing.

The earlier an autism diagnosis is received, the better. And in New Brunswick today, although things are far from perfect, evidence based intervention is available for those parents who choose it for their child - if they get an early diagnosis.

National Autistic Society Calls for Realistic Autism Awareness

EDITOR's NOTE: Edited as per commentary received from 'Amused'

A badly needed breeze of fresh air and common sense is blowing westward across the Atlantic from the UK's National Autistic Society. In its Think Differently campaign the National Autistic Society UK is pointing out a lack of public knowledge about the realities of autism. Public belief that all autistic persons possess Rain Man or savant skills may be preventing autistic persons from accessing needed services.

"such a widespread belief could be detrimental to the vast majority of people with autism who do not have such special abilities and are struggling with significant communication problems.

It is estimated that one in 100 people in Wales has an autism spectrum disorder.

NAS Cymru, which launches a major campaign today, said that there is a lack of public understanding and awareness about what it really means to live with autism and autism spectrum disorders."

Sadly, even while organizations like the UK National Autistic Society try to offer the public a more realistic understanding of autism, some persons and organizations still try to obscure those often hard realities. While almost all parents find joy in their children, autistic or not, there are actually some parents, professionals, and high functioning autistic persons hard at work, trying to convince the world that we should find joy in autism, a serious neurological disorder. Fortunately, parents, family members and responsible professionals for the most part are not buying into such nonsense and are fighting hard to obtain services and a better life for their autistic loved ones, children, youths and adults.

Autism Society Ladies Night Fundraiser at Roblynn Home Hardware Oromocto

Autism Society New Brunswick Fundraiser

Roblynn Home Hardware Building Centre & Home Furniture Oromocto is having a
"Ladies Night" on Wednesday, November 7th from 7:00-9:00 pm!

The night is exclusively for ladies and it will feature decorating techniques with Home Hardware's creative director Bev Bell, entertaining ideas, demonstrations, food tasting, shopping, door prizes and more!

The store will close at our usual time at 6:00pm. Then, our doors will reopen for ladies only at 7:00pm.

Tickets for this event are $5.00 and can be purchased at our store, from the
Autism Society NB (357-2104 Nancy, 357-5526 Tamara) and participating businesses.

All proceeds will go to support the Autism Society NB

Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door the evening of our event.

With the purchase of a ticket, the ladies will be able to shop tax free on regular priced product store wide and they will be eligible for all door prizes!

Autumn Lingers and Conor Enjoys

1,2 τρισ. δολλ. για εξοπλισμούς παγκόσμια.!


ΜΟΝΟ 50 δισ. δολάρια για βοήθεια στις φτωχές χώρες
1,2 τρις. στα όπλα


Το ύψος των στρατιωτικών δαπανών παγκοσμίως, πέρυσι, έφθασε τα 1,2 τρισ. δολάρια. Είναι το τετραπλάσιο του ετήσιου ΑΕΠ των 50 λιγότερο ανεπτυγμένων χωρών του πλανήτη. Αντίθετα η αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια που δίνεται στις φτωχές χώρες είναι 50-60 δισ. δολάρια.

Τα ώς άνω σημαντικά στατιστικά στοιχεία ανέφερε χθες ο πρόεδρος του Παρατηρητηρίου Διεθνών Οργανισμών και Παγκοσμιοποίησης, Πάνος Τριγάζης, σε συνέντευξη Τύπου στον ΔΣΑ, για την 62η επέτειο ίδρυσης του ΟΗΕ και την εβδομάδα του ΟΗΕ για τον αφοπλισμό (24-31 Οκτωβρίου).Ο κ. Τριγάζης αναφέρθηκε επίσης στην πρόταση των οργανώσεων ειρήνης για μείωση κατά 3% των κονδυλίων για εξοπλισμούς ώστε να δοθούν για τη χρηματοδότηση ενός Ταμείου για την εξάλειψη της φτώχειας. Πρόσθεσε ότι «οι στρατιωτικές δαπάνες στη χώρα μας και την Τουρκία είναι υπέρογκες, υπερδιπλάσιες από τον ευρωπαϊκό μέσο όρο».
Ο Δημ. Φατούρος, υπεύθυνος του γραφείου του ΟΗΕ για την Ελλάδα (στις Βρυξέλλες), θύμισε ότι χθες, στα γενέθλια του ΟΗΕ (ιδρύθηκε 24 Οκτωβρίου 1945), «καταγράφεται μεγαλύτερη στήριξη του Οργανισμού εφόσον απεδείχθη ότι οι μονομερείς λύσεις δεν αποτελούν εφικτή πολιτική». Μετέφερε μάλιστα τη θετική εξέλιξη στο Νταρφούρ: «Υπήρξε συμφωνία με την αφρικανική Ένωση και τα Ηνωμένα Έθνη για την ανάληψη δράσης διεθνούς ειρηνευτικής δύναμης». Υποστήριξε όμως ότι «ένα δισεκατομμύριο άνθρωποι ζουν με λιγότερο από ένα δολάριο την ημέρα και 60 χρόνια μετά την Οικουμενική Διακήρυξη πολλοί πληθυσμοί αντιμετωπίζουν κίνδυνο γενοκτονιών».
Στη συνέντευξη Τύπου παρών ήταν ο Ιτσίρο Γκουτιέρεζ, συντονιστής του Πλοίου της Ειρήνης, του οποίου το ταξίδι γύρω από τη γη διαρκεί 24 χρόνια: «Πληρώσαμε ακριβά τον Β' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, μάθαμε ότι ο πόλεμος δεν αποτελεί λύση των προβλημάτων. Οι Ιάπωνες, τότε, ανέλαβαν τη δέσμευση ότι δεν θα επιτεθούν σε καμία χώρα, είναι το άρθρο 9 του ιαπωνικού Συντάγματος που προβλέπει πλήρη αποστρατιωτικοποίηση της χώρας. Μεταφέραμε αυτό το μήνυμα με το πλοίο σε 100 λιμάνια. Σήμερα, στο 59ο ταξίδι γύρω από τη γη, στο ταξίδι που συμμετέχουν 1.000 άνθρωποι, το πλοίο δένει στον Πειραιά στις 27 Οκτωβρίου. Ζητάμε υπεράσπιση του άρθρου 9 για την απαγόρευση του πολέμου διεθνώς».
Ο Μ. Περιστεράκης (Αδέσμευτη Κίνηση Ειρήνης) πρόσθεσε ότι «τα θύματα των επόμενων πολέμων από τον Β' Παγκόσμιο υπερβαίνουν τους νεκρούς των δύο παγκοσμίων πολέμων. Απαιτούνται μεταρρυθμίσεις στον ΟΗΕ ώστε με πλειοψηφία να μπορεί να διατηρεί τον έλεγχο».

Θερμή παράκληση:

Η γενιά μας, εδώ και πενήντα χρόνια, έδωσε και δίνει πολλές μάχες,
προσπαθώντας να ενημερώσει τον κόσμο όχι μόνο για το κόστος
των πολέμων αλλά, προπάντων, για το τρισμέγιστο κόστος των ετήσιων εξοπλισμών.
Δύο από τα αμέτρητα επιχειρήματα όλων των φιλειρηνικών ομάδων,
σε όλο τον κόσμο, ήσαν και είναι:

1.--Ένα ΜΕΡΟΣ αυτού του ανυπολόγιστου κόστους, σύμφωνα
με τα ΕΠΙΣΗΜΑ στοιχεία του Ο.Η.Ε., θα μπορούσε να λύσει ΟΛΑ
τα προβλήματα, ΟΛΩΝ των λαών της Γης, για τα προσεχή ΠΕΝΗΝΤΑ χρόνια.!!

2.—Οι ΜΟΝΟΙ κερδισμένοι, είναι οι βιομηχανίες των όπλων που
ΕΞΟΠΛΙΖΟΥΝ, προκαλούν, ΟΡΓΑΝΩΝΟΥΝ και κατευθύνουν, μέσω
των περισσοτέρων, ΔΟΤΩΝ , κυβερνήσεων, τους μεγάλους και
τους μικρούς πολέμους. Και οι ΙΔΙΕΣ βιομηχανίες, που με τις
ΘΥΓΑΤΡΙΚΕΣ τους εταιρείες, αναλαμβάνουν ΟΛΗ την ανοικοδόμηση
των κατεστραμμένων χωρών..!!

Τότε μας κατηγορούσαν ότι είμαστε.. «πράκτορες της Μόσχας.!!».
Τώρα τι έχουν να πουν; Ότι είμαστε ..«παιδιά του Μπιν Λάντεν;;»

Γιαυτό, σας παρακαλούμε θερμά:

Ας κάνουμε ό,τι μπορούμε γα να μάθει όλος ο κόσμος αυτές τις απλές, ΜΕΓΑΛΕΣ, ΑΛΗΘΕΙΕΣ..

Εμείς, οργανώνουμε και πολύ σύντομα θα πραγματοποιήσουμε, στο
Θέατρο ΑΛΦΑ, μια τριήμερη, ανοιχτή, ελεύθερη συζήτηση, με θέμα:

Ίσως, ΚΑΙ με αυτό τον τρόπο, συνειδητοποιήσει και ο τελευταίος
πολίτης, την ΟΥΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗ αιτία όλων των δεινών της πατρίδας μας
και όλης της ανθρωπότητας..


Στέφανος Ληναίος 26.10.07

Autistic Children Lost On Waiting Lists In Canada's Autism Wasteland

In Waiting list for help is long the Leader-Post this weekend reports on the autistic children getting lost on the waiting lists in Saskatchewan, Canada's Autism Wasteland. The Leader-Post reports that Saskatchewan is the only province in Canada without a comprehensive treatment program for autistic children. At the Autism Resource Centre in Regina one child has been on a waiting list for services for 2 1/2 years and is still number 66 from the top. Once at the top of the list, a child will receive a program plan and some support services but no treatment program. The extremely valuable early years development time is being lost due to government indifference.

The school years are no different in Canada's Autism Wasteland where the Saskatchewan government nonchalantly relies on the approach that schools are expected to provide all students' needs from special education funding - without the funding and trained personnel to provide autism specific educational assistance to autistic children. The result - autistic students - even non verbal autistic students - are dumped in the mainstream classrooms without proper help.

What is it in the air or the water in Saskatchewan that has caused its political and civil service leadership to be so indifferent to the needs of autistic children? How can they just ignore the needs of vulnerable children?

It is not simply a money issue. New Brunswick is on a similar economic and population footing as Saskatchewan but much more has been done here for our autistic children and much more continues to be done.

It is not like the Saskatchewan leadership can rely on ignorance as an excuse. With internet communications today it is impossible for any conscious, and conscientious, leader to pretend that they do not know that 1 in 150 children in their jurisdiction will be diagnosed with this neurological disorder.

It appears that, apart from calloused indifference, the explanation for Saskatchewan's inaction may lie in proximity to Canada's wealthiest province - Alberta. The much healthier funding for autism services in Alberta has resulted in some Saskatchewan families moving next door to obtain treatment for their autistic children.

Why is Saskatchewan Canada's Autism Wasteland? Is it possible that the Saskatchewan leadership is simply leaving it to their Alberta neighbors to deal with? It certainly looks that way.

No Autism Talk in Saskatchewan Election

Saskatchewan's Leader Post is covering autism this weekend, including profiling some autistic children and their families and notes that in Canada's Autism Wasteland the politicians are remaining silent on autism during the Saskatchewan election with none of the parties featuring an autism plank in their party platforms.

The lack of discussion of autism issues is featured in Autistic children get lost in election shuffle an article which also features SASKFEAT's Lisa Simmermon, herself the mother of an autistic child and a long time autism advocate. The provincial politicians in Saskatchewan are using their own delay and neglect of autistic children as an excuse for not being in a position to provide autism services, using the standard, "we have to consult the stakeholders", lines to explain why they are not in a position to start implementing autism specific programs.

We went through that song and dance years ago in New Brunswick when the Interdepartmental Committee on autism services took 18 months to report that there were few autism specific services in New Brunswick. That report then went unread by the lead minister on the Committee, then Health Minister Elvy Robichaud for almost a year.

In another flashback moment, a Kim Campbell moment, the Leader-Post reports that Lisa Simmermon was told by one provincial politician that "an election is not a time to comment on government services." Yeah, right.

Halloween Party Tonight!

The children are all excited. The food is almost ready and I still have time to post this entry!

Thanks goodness the party is not here at our house this time. As much as I love entertaining at home I also really love it when we are invited to someone elses house for a party! I am taking some food with us though...can't arrive empty handed now can we? I made Apple Cheesecake Squares to take and also a roasted garlic, onion chip dip. I found the cutest little pumpkin that I am going to carve out to serve the dip in. Very cute idea isn't it? I am sneakingmy camera tonight so should have some fun pictures for you next week!
As Always...
Happy Entertaining!!!

Autism Research Conference in Wales November 9

An autism research conference, open to the public, including parents? A list of scheduled speakers and topics published in advance of the conference? Yes, the Inaugural Autism Research Conference Wales will be taking place at Cardiff on November 9 co-hosted by Autism Cymru, Wales’ national charity for autism and Autism Speaks. Speakers, including Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor Anthony Bailey, Professor Anthony Monaco, Professor Martin Raff, Dr Dawn Wimpory, Professor Mark Johnson, Professor Declan Murphy, Lois Grayson, Professor Martin Knapp and Dame Stephanie Shirley will be discussing the latest in autism research developments.

Meanwhile, back in Canada, the CIHR will also be holding an Autism Research Symposium in Toronto on November 8 and 9. This event is by invitation only, with no list of speakers and no list of topics to be discussed. Only in Canada you say? Pity!

Disturbing Death of Tiffany Pinckney

Tiffany Pinckney was a 23 year old autistic woman who was severely mentally challenged and could not care for herself. Tiffany Pinckney was a truly low functioning autistic person who depended on the care of her adoptive sister for support, a sister who now stands trial in Toronto for criminal negligence causing death and failure to provide the necessaries of life. She literally starved to death while in the "care" of her adoptive sister.

The Toronto Star in, Autistic woman dead 5 hours before 911 called, continues its coverage of this gut wrenching story that may be too difficult for some readers to stomach. I believe it is important that we all read this story though and understand that there are other equally challenged autistic people out there who need care as Tiffany needed care. We must all be vigilant to ensure that they receive that care.

No bread today...but we have pie!

I think after my post yesterday about my bread making fiasco, I am going to circle the wagons and try and figure out how to make a better bread loaf! I guess the only real way to do it is to do it by hand...There is always next week.

Today I have to make a cheesecake and some chip dip for the Halloween Party tomorrow night but I want to tell you all about the amazing dinner we made the other night. I say we because it was both T. and I bumping around in the kitchen trying to get the girls fed by 8:00! We had an appt. in the aftenoon that ran us much later then we would have liked (but was it ever worth it!!!) so we scrambled home and decided to stay on track and make dinner. We are trying to make sure that the girls (and us) stay away from processed foods so cruising through a drive through on our way home was just not an option! I did take a huge shortcut when making this but only because I was very strapped for time!

Tortiere(This recipe is from one of my favorite Blogs - Janet is Hungry

Double 9" Pie Crust:

2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup vegetable shortening
5-6 tbsp cold water

****I did not have time to make my own pie crust so I used one from the refridgerated section of the supermarket.

Meat Filling:

1 1/2 lbs ground pork
1 onion, chopped fine
1/4 cup celery, chopped fine
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground summer savory
1/3 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp allspice
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup water
1 small potato, boiled and mashed
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp milk

1. Prepare pastry: Cut cold shortening into cubes (TIP: In my pastry I always use a mixture of butter - for flavour, and shortening - for flakiness). Place butter/shortening in food processor with flour and salt. Pulse a few times.

2. Dump flour mixture out into a bowl and start adding water a tbsp at a time until mixture forms a dough that will hold together. Wrap with plastic wrap and refridgerate for about 30 minutes.

3. Make filling: In a non-stick skillet with a cover, cook pork, breaking up the larger chunks.

4. Add onion, celery, garlic and cook until the onions are tender.

5. Add salt, savory, pepper, allspice, bay leaf and water. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove lid and simmer 5 more minutes until most of the water is gone (it should still be quite moist).

6. Add mashed potato and remove bay leaf.

7. Roll out pastry (TIP: I roll my pastry out between two sheets of plastic wrap, when it is the right size, peel one sheet away and use the other to pick up the pastry and flip it over into the pie plate). Fill with meat mixture, cover with second half of pastry and seal edges. Cut a few vents in the top.

8. Brush top with a mixture of egg yolk and milk.

9. Bake at 425F for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

This was truly delicious and great for a hectic week night! We served it with some frozen mixed veggies on the side and it was a well rounded full meal. As T. say's "What could be bad about pork and pie?"

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


CIHR Autism "Partnerships" and "Community Building" LOL

In invitations to its hand picked delegates to the "National" Autism Symposium scheduled for November 8 and 9 in Toronto the CIHR bragged that the symposium was "above all ... an exercise in community building". On the CIHR web site the claim is made that:


From its beginning, CIHR has developed a very broad, inclusive approach to partnership. The multidisciplinary research environment we encourage helps to bring together a wide variety of organizations. Partner organizations include other federal government departments and agencies, provincial funding agencies and relevant provincial and territorial departments, health charities, non-governmental organizations, industry, as well as international organizations.

The CIHR then goes on to elaborate on its philosophy of partnering:

About Partnerships

While working in partnership has many benefits, there also are responsibilities to bear in mind. Partnerships must be: Based on the ethical principles that guide all CIHR activities, Free of conflicts of interest and Operated with managerial transparency and public accountability. Successful partnerships are based on people working well together, which require flexibility, trust and understanding.

How does the CIHR demonstrate its commitments to community building, to a broad, inclusive approach to partnerships, to transparency and public accountability, and to trust and understanding?

By deciding on behalf of the autism communities in Canada who will represent them at the National Autism Symposium. By bypassing the provincial autism societies and FEAT organizations, and in some cases rejecting names that these organizations put forth, by concealing from the public and the media any information whatsoever about who would be attending the conference or the list of scheduled speakers or topics.

The distinguished persons who are organizing the CIHR National Autism Symposium may be good scientists, or may have been before they became bureaucrats and lobbyists for specific perspectives about autism and autism research, but they are lousy "community builders" and they are not even trying to be transparent and accountable. The CIHR bureaucrat/scientists may be working together with some people but it is not the parent driven autism societies in Canada. And trust is clearly not a part of the CIHR diet.

The CIHR organizers are hiding in their offices and are hiding their agendas. The proposed National Autism Symposium is, by any measure, a failure before it begins. It is a waste of government funds. And it absolutely will not reflect the interests of the community which it has ignored and insulted .

Score: Bread Machine - 1, Me - 0

I posted earlier in the month that I have been trying to make some bread. I used to make it all the time when my oldest was an infant but sadly have gotten away from it. Now that we are trying to keep the family free of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which unfortunately, is in almost everything including whole grain breads, I need to get back to it. I used to make it with my Kitchen Aid mixer See all KitchenAid Countertop Appliance Special Rebate Offers available at! and then finished it by hand but then I got a bread machine. I hate it!!! I have the hardest time because I can't "read" the dough. When you work it by hand you can. I think after yesterdays attempt I am giving my bread machine to Goodwill. I need to get back to doing it by hand.

So yesterday I made bread:

I thought I did everything right. I even added more water during the second kneading cycle. Peeked at it through the little window on top and thought it was all good. Then I heard the beeper go off which tells me that it is going to start cooking the bread. So I ran over and looked through the little once again, fully expected to see a perfectly formed dough ball that will look like the perfect loaf of bread that I have envisioned. But, alas, it was not meant to be. I allowed the cooking cycle to complete but this is what I ended up with...


It got a lot of laughs and some more food for the compost pile at the girl's school but definitely not bread for their sandwiches for lunch!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Biological Evidence That Low Functioning Autism Is A Different Disorder Than High Functioning Autism and Aspergers

One of the current autism debates on the internet is over the distinction between low functioning and high functioning autism. Mere mention of the differences between lower functioning and higher functioning autism are enough to attract condemnation from some quarters. The indisputable fact that some autistic persons have little or no communication ability, or ability to understand abstract concepts, is denied vigorously by some. Neurodiversity icons like Laurent Mottron and Michelle Dawson, who actively lobby against government provision of ABA services for autistic children in Canada, the Quirks and Quarks duo, also devise studies to "prove" that even low functioning autistic persons actually have hidden, unappreciated, intelligence. Apart from the communication deficits and lack of real world skills of low functioning autistic persons there is now also biological evidence of the very real differences between these autism disorders.

Researchers Christine Wu Nordahl, Donna Dierker, Iman Mostafavi, Cynthia M. Schumann, Susan M. Rivera, David G. Amaral, and David C. Van Essen tested for cortical shape abnormalities using surface-based morphometry across a range of autism spectrum disorders. The results reported in Cortical Folding Abnormalities in Autism Revealed by Surface-Based Morphometry, The Journal of Neuroscience, October 24, 2007, 27(43):11725-11735; ; doi: oi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0777-07.2007 are summarized in the online abstract.

Using structural MRI imaging maps were created which showed that a low functioning autism group had a prominent shape abnormality centered on the pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus that was associated with a sulcal depth difference in the anterior insula and frontal operculum. The high-functioning autism group had bilateral shape abnormalities similar to the low-functioning group, but smaller in size and centered more posteriorly, in and near the parietal operculum and ventral postcentral gyrus. Individuals with Asperger's syndrome had bilateral abnormalities in the intraparietal sulcus that correlated with age, intelligence quotient, and Autism Diagnostic.

Evidence of biological differences between low functioning and high functioning autism could have many implications and raise many questions. One important question such differences, and the drastic differences in communication and intellectual levels raise is whether very high functioning autistic persons, persons capable of making submissions to legal and political bodies, attending conferences and chatting with CNN interviewers have any legitimate basis on which to speak on behalf of lower functioning autistic persons who can not speak for themselves.

These high functioning autistic persons do not share the same life realities and ... they do not share the same disorder as low functioning autistic persons. Unless they are a parent, a caregiver or legal representative of autistic persons it is not clear that they have any inherent right to speak on behalf of lower functioning autistic persons. And certainly not to lobby against provision of services for those less fortunate individuals.

More Conor Trail Fun

One of my favorite activities is trail walking with Conor. It is a beautiful, fresh, safe and stress free time. The exercise benefits aren't really a major consideration. The chance to enjoy the fresh air and the beauty of nature without traffic or the stress, for Conor, of too much noise add up to a lot of fun - together with my buddy.


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