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Go Away Fay!!!

Okay I need for everyone to take a deep breath and blow this one away from us.

All kidding aside. When I went to bed last night I felt pretty secure. During the day day yesterday all of the models had moved the landfall point of Fay up North from us. They were pointing to the Tampa Bay area and I felt a wee bit better (not for you guys up there). This morning I woke up early to get things organized for the first day of school for the girls and to check on this storm.

This is what I saw...

I swear the H is right over top of my house again!!!

It looks like now we would at least have an escape route. The other coast looks like they are in the clear for now so Miami might be a safe bet but seeing as it is a Category 1 we will be staying put. It looks like the worst of the weather will be midday Tues with conditions worsening starting this evening. I will try and keep you updated as we get more information.

Our local internet news station is nbc-2.com. You can follow the progress on this.

The kids need some breakfast to start their first day right so off to the real world I am!

Don't forget...blow real hard and send prayers and wishes for us down here!!!

As Always...

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