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A Fredericton Autism Reply To Alberta Conservative MP Brian Storseth

Brian Storseth MP
Westlock-St. Paul
4401 50th Street
St. Paul, Alberta
Telephone: (780) 614-6440
Fax: (780) 645-6817

Dear Mr Storseth:

Re: Your Flyer

I was surprised to receive from you, an Alberta MP, a House of Commons mail out. As a resident of Fredericton, New Brunswick, I am used to receiving such flyers from our MP Andy Scott. "Andy" as he is known by Frederictonians has been an outstanding representative for our riding and for a cause which is very close to my heart - the cause of autistic children and adults. Your pamphlet did not address autism or any other major health issue confronting Canadians.

Instead you used your Parliamentary mailing privileges to reach across Canada in an attempt to stoke fear of crime in Canada; sending a pamphlet featuring a picture of a young man, unshaven, wearing a sleeveless undershirt slouched on a couch with a beer. I am not impressed.

Since you did reach across this great country to communicate with me Mr. Storseth I will let you know what does concern me as the father of a 12 year old boy with Autistic Disorder. I ask that you encourage Mr. Harper to stop ignoring the plight of autistic children in need of treatment across Canada. Stop pretending that the federal government can not use its tremendous financial resources to ensure that autistic children, wherever their parents reside in Canada, receive the evidence based treatment they need to live as full a life as possible. The Canada Health Act exists despite jurisdictional concerns.

Mr. Storseth since you have adopted me as a constituent I ask that you encourage your party leader Stephen Harper to adopt a real National Autism Strategy. Send federal dollars to the provinces to ensure that every autistic child receives evidence based treatment regardless of their parents' postal address. You have reached across the country once; you can do it again - for autistic children.

Thank you.


Harold L Doherty
63 Alder Avenue
Fredericton NB E3A 1T1

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