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On World Autism Awareness Day 2010 Please Remember the Original Autistics

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day.  On WAAD 2010  I ask that you remember the original autistics.

The original autistics are those low functioning persons  who would have been diagnosed with autism BEFORE the DSM IV expansion of autism to include Aspergers disorders. Between 75-80% of the original autistics are intellectually disabled.

The  alleged autism self advocate organizations seldom include the low functioning original autistics in their portrayals of autism, they do not talk about them in polite company, when they pose for their many media interviews, or when they socialize with Washington DC politicians and bureaucrats. They object to people who describe the realities of severe autism disorders. 

The DSM5 revisions will continue the DSM IV expansion of the "autism spectrum" .... on the high functioning end of the spectrum.  At the low functioning end of the autism spectrum those with intellectual disabilites will be rendered completely invisibile, swept under the autism spectrum carpet into a separate category completely. There will be no mention of intellectual disability in connection with the autism spectrum.

On World Autism Awareness Day  remember the original autistics,  those severely affected enough by their autism  that the condition came to be known as a disorder.  Increasingly, and with the kind assistance of the DSM revisions, autism as a disorder is disappearing and being described as just a different way of thinking. Low functioning autistic persons will be swept completely into an intellectual disability category and removed from the autism spectrum.

 The decision to remove the low functioning original autistics from the autism spectrum has already been made and the public comment section of the DSM5 web site will not change that one iota.In the DSM5 era they will no longer be considered autistic.

Whether for historical reference purposes, or out of solidarity with those who are  severely affected by autism disorder, please remember the original autistics this World Autism Awareness Day.

This request is made by the father of a 14 year old low functioning autistic son. He is one of the original autistics.

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