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Professional and Scholarly Concern About the Science Behind the DSM5

Although Frank Farley makes his comments about the DSM5 and the state of academic psychology in a CBS interview  in an understated, diplomatic manner the comments should give reason to pause for anyone interested in autism and other psychology issues given his former status as American Psychological Association  president:

"Frank Farley, a Temple University psychologist and former president of the American Psychological Association, agreed that a significant number of professionals and scholars were skeptical about the science that went into the DSM-5. Looking to 2013, an international movement has arisen toward re-conceptualizing diagnosis from the ground up, and I look forward to progress on this important topic," Farley said. 

The academic side of psychology must also resolve to shape up in 2013, Farley said. As it stands, the discipline paces a great deal of emphasis on new and sexy findings that get media attention, but are rarely replicated by other researchers, a crucial part of the scientific process. In addition, Farley said, too many studies, particularly those that fail to find statistically significant results, go unpublished, leading to a bias in the literature."

Reason to pause before plunging ahead with the DSM5? Obviously not for American Psychiatric Association which approved the DSM5 on a December 1 Saturday vote.

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