Autism Speaks Walks the Plank

There was a time when I was an enthusiastic supporter of Autism Speaks. That time has passed. I apologize to anyone who might have been influenced by my earlier support to view Autism Speaks as a legitimate spokespersons for those severely affected by autism or the parents fighting to help their children who are truly and seriously affected by autism disorders.

AS has raised the profile of autism around the world, worked together with the state of Qatar to establish World Autism Awareness Day, and raised funding for autism research. When some of the research money went to notorious anti-cure "autism" researchers like Dr. Laurent Mottron I began to have serious doubts about Autism Speaks. It began to look like a bureaucracry shifting with the winds of political correctness as defined by a few major media organizations which seldom portrayed autism as functional disorder which restricts the lives of many with Autistic Disorder and  some with Aspergers Disorder. The bringing on board of successful businessman John Elder Robison as an "autism" self advocate was a serious alarm.  The final alarm though is the recent affiliation with Alex Plank, an allegedly "Aspergian" young man who is also very successful socially, and in the world of the internet, a young man whose web site, amongst other trashy commentary, praised the fact that Dr. Ivar Lovaas had died recently. 

Autism's Gadfly, Jonathan Mitchell, has written an excellent commentary, Mr. Robison Goes to Washington,  on the ill advised role of John Elder Robison as a science adviser for Autism Speaks, an organization which apparently no longer speaks for parents of children with autism, or for autistic persons like Jonathan Mitchell, who would like to see more research aimed at finding a cure for autism disorders.  In the following video, co-sponsored by Autism Speaks, Alex Plank, John Elder Robison's son and an allegedly "Aspergian" young lady mock various toys sold at an autism conference.   Whether the toys are of any therapeutic value, whether autistic children or any children, enjoy playing with them I don't know. What is offensive is the sight of these very capable young people, including Mr. Plank who makes reference to his Land Rover,  mocking the efforts of parents to help their children whether those efforts are ultimately successful or not. The video is set in front of bookshelves filled with books and obviously these are intelligent young people in the video even if their sense of humor is offensive as I in find it to be.  

The mocking humor displayed by Mr. Plank and young Mr. Robison is  mild stuff by the standards at Mr. Plank's Wrong Planet web site where the death of Dr. Lovaas was cheered and parents seeking cures are routinely mocked and derided by self professed Auties" and "Aspies".  Why these obviously intelligent people,  including John Elder Robison,  huddle together under the banners of what are, by definition, mental disorders defined in the DSM, is beyond me. 

What is clear is that Autism Speaks has abandoned any pretense of seeking to  speak for the families of seriously autistic children  and autistic adults who seek cures for their autism disorders.

Autism Speaks, and its integrity, have walked the Plank.

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