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A Fredericton Autism Follow Up To Alberta MP Brian Storseth

Brian Storseth MP
Westlock-St. Paul
4401 50th Street
St. Paul, Alberta
Telephone: (780) 614-6440
Fax: (780) 645-6817

Dear Mr. Storseth

On August 27, 2008 I emailed you in response to a Member of Parliament mail out I received from you concerning the Conservative Party. That mail out was an obvious attempt to exploit fear of crime for political purposes. Since you had taken the trouble to use your parliamentary mail privileges to contact me I replied by email. Since you had adopted me as a constituent I expressed my concerns about your government's failure to address the autism crisis in Canada and asked that:

" you encourage your party leader Stephen Harper to adopt a real National Autism Strategy. Send federal dollars to the provinces to ensure that every autistic child receives evidence based treatment regardless of their parents' postal address. You have reached across the country once; you can do it again - for autistic children."

Now that the federal election campaign is in full swing I ask, as one of your adopted constituents, whether you have acted on my request. Have you encouraged Mr. Harper to provide federal funding for autism treatment across Canada and what is the current position of the Conservative Party?

Your response, prior to election day, would be appreciated.


Harold L Doherty
Fredericton NB

cc. Facing Autism in New Brunswick

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