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Garden Veggie Pizza Squares

I was about 14 years old when I attended a small get together with the folks from my church choir. It was there when I first had a taste of the ever popular Garden Veggie Pizza Squares. Since then, I've been to quite a few parties and gatherings where these appetizer squares were being served. And every single time I have one, I smile and think about my beloved church choir I grew up with. I'm sure everyone is familiar with this appetizer. Aside from the nostalgia is gives me, it's hard to pass up a buttery crust topped with ranch flavored cream cheese,fresh vegetables and cheese. One reason why I liked this so much was because it was the very few way

How to Stock Your Holiday Baking Pantry

It's the holidays and prime time to do some baking... are you stocked and ready? If you're like me, you've been gearing up for this time of year to make some baked treats to serve up at holiday gatherings or even package up as edible gifts to family and friends. But before you preheat that oven and pull out those mixing bowls, let's check what our baking pantry looks like. Here's some helpful information on How to Stock Your Holiday Baking Pantry with key ingredients you'll want to have on hand for all your holiday baking needs...The following information comes from my culinary school textbook, Cook's Illustrated and personal experience. I hope it's h

An Enhanced Autism Group Home System and Center is Needed to Fill the Gaping Gap in New Brunswick's Autism Service Model

In ASAT Responds to Canadian CBC's "N.B. Can Be a Leader in Autism Services" New Brunswick, Canada  was recently described by David Celiberti Ph.D., BCBA-D, President Association for Science in Autism Treatment as being a leader in the provision of autism services.Responding to the referenced  title of a CBC article on the state of autism service delivery in NB Dr. Celiberti expressed the view, with which this humble father and autism advocate agrees, that  NB is a leader in providing evidence based effective preschool intervention and  education of autistic children.  Dr. Celiberti goes on, however, to point out correct

Cheesy Broccoli and Rice Casserole

Fried rice. Blah. It's always fried rice. Whenever there's leftover rice in our house, the first thing that we make is fried rice. Well, it's time for a change and a change it was! I was in the mood for something comforting, easy to whip up and quick for dinner and as I flipped through a new recipe magazine, I came across this recipe for Cheesy Broccoli and Rice Casserole. This was a great dish for a couple of reasons... It was definitely comforting, a breeze to put together and it made it to the table in less than 30 minutes. But even beyond that, it was so good I made another baking dish of this recipe to freeze and enjoy later...This dish combines

10 Crockpot Recipes for Stress Free Meals

Thanksgiving is over and after all the effort put into the dishes made, I'm sure many of us can use some easy, stress free meals. In fact, if you have a slow cooker (aka Crockpot) that you want to get more use out of, I have some recipes to share! Unlike many crockpot recipes, I'm not a fan of cream soups so you won't find recipes calling for them below. Here are 10 Crockpot Recipes for Stress Free Meals to give you more time to relax and prepare for the upcoming holidays...Korean Style Short RibsThis is one of my all time favorite short rib recipes...and its so flavorful and falls right off the bone tender. Pork BarbacoaAn interesting dish involving.

Cheesy Meaty Mac & Cheese

If there's a comfort food that everyone can appreciate, it's macaroni and cheese. There are countless recipes out there but I still find myself looking for the *perfect* one. I love my mac and cheese on the creamy and very cheesy side. When I stumbled upon this mac & cheese recipe made on the stove top that had numerous rave reviews, I couldn't pass it up. As a result, I got exactly what I was hoping for and created this Cheesy, Meaty Mac & Cheese. I don't think I'll be searching for another mac and cheese recipe anytime soon because this was... perfect!I've made my share of mac and cheese recipes, all of them very good. But this recipe is by

Thanksgiving 2010 Recap

It's now a few days after Thanksgiving - did you have a great holiday celebrating? What did you feast on? This year for Thanksgiving we didn't host as we usually do, so it was a great chance to relax and spend more time with family and friends. We had a full day of celebrating with a luncheon and dinner, which highlighted both traditional and non-traditional Thanksgiving eats. Read on to get a glimpse of what we celebrated with...For Thanksgiving lunch, we spent it with our friends, Angela and Dan. They hosted a wonderful spread of traditional Thanksgiving eats which we were excited about. Joining us was their friend Megan, visiting from Belgium. It w

Autism and Intellectual Disability: More Denial, More Stigma, This Time In Alabama

In Children with Asperger's could lose diagnostic identity we see still more evidence, this time in Alabama,  of the stigma attached to the fact that the vast majority of persons with Autistic Disorder, unlike those with Aspergers Disorder diagnoses,  also have intellectual disabilities or cognitive impairments. Once again the story tells of concerns held by some that those with Aspergers will be stigmatized by being lumped in with those with Autistic Disorder in the DSM-5  New Autism Spectrum Disorder. In expressing these concerns the subjects interviewed contribute to the stigmatization of those with Intellectual Disability generally

Που πήγαν τα λεφτά;

Αυτά που δεν μας είπαν ποτέ: ΠΟΥ ΠΗΓΑΝ ΤΑ ΛΕΦΤΑ – Γιατί υποδουλώθηκε η χώρα.Εντοπίζει τις ακριβείς αιτίες του προβλήματος για πρώτη φορά στη μεταπολίτευση. Όχι κλισέ τύπου “ο αυξημένος δημόσιος τομέας” ή “αυτοί που έφαγαν τα λεφτά”.ΠροςΑξιότιμο Κύριο Πρόεδρο της ΔημοκρατίαςΑρχηγούς κομμάτωνΒουλευτές του Ελληνικού κοινοβουλίουΚύριε Πρόεδρε,Όλοι οι Έλληνες σήμερα και εσείς προσωπικά έχουμε ένα ερώτημα.Πώς φτάσαμε ως εδώ;Μια ομάδα αναλυτών με στοιχεία της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος και του λογιστηρίου του κράτους αποφασίσαμε να δώσουμε μια απάντηση σ’ αυτό το ερώτημα. Αποδεχόμαστε πλήρως την κριτική που θα ακουστεί ως προς την προσέγγιση και την ακρίβεια των α


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